Armed Neo-Nazis are ilegally Patrolling the US-México Border

How can we stop this trigger happy Racists from hurting innocent Migrants?

Other urls found in this thread:

>crossing the border illegally

Stay in Mexico and get beheaded by drug gangs or come across the border and get shot by a Nazi. The choice is yours Pedro.

Cheeseburger team 1 could not fight their way out of a paper sack.

Depressing rendition of neo nazis.

pick one

> tfw our LARPING brothers on the southern border fighting the invasion of illegals are better equipped than most of the world's armies.

Probably more combat experience too.


Where do they get their shitty cammo?
Academy Sports?

How much does NV like that cost?


>How can we stop this trigger happy Racists from hurting innocent Migrants?
By not crossing the border in the first place.

I hope I can find out where on the border they are.
I want to take them some beer and barbecue.

>> americans must follow the law
>> illegal corn torilla smelling spic-niggers dont

are you fucking kidding me nigger? fuck you

that actually looks quite tasty

Where are these guys at? I want to buy them some beer

>& Outdoors

but that low effort photoshop tho

military surplus is easily acquired, i have several full sets of various european camos

pay denbts, stay in mexico, we have mucho cleaning ladies and manuel léborors

the southern border

Anyone else realize those guns are fake? Nice picture Pedro

maybe try following the actual immigration process and not jumping the border

i realize the idea of private security hired by property owners is a difficult one to grasp by your people, but think of it like this: the cabbages belong to someone, right? but if he cannot pick them all himself, what does he do? he gets some help, for money, if they do it right, and don't make him a fool of a cabbage farmer in the eyes of others.

me on the left

they all look like spics

Armed mexicans are illegally crossing the US-mexico border

Stay in your own country, make Mexico great. You don't have a right to enter my country.

I haven't keked so hard in a while.

Thank you user needed it


didn't that guy second from the right kill himself and his family or some shit?

ok that is him

Migrants come here legally and dont hop the border. Guess they don't teach that in mexican schools

not true, the vast majority of illegal aliens currently in the nation are mexican and crossed the land border illegally

obama's shitty accounting tricks are what you're citing

haha totally, I too am not a federal law enforcement agent but would like to know the location of the illegal militia members so that I can bring them refreshments and then let them go about their business

Isn't that a picture of TJ MacReady?

Ill break it down a little more for you. People that legally enter this country do not hop a border in the middle of a desert.

kek'd memeing right now

But all the facts say they do, in fact.

by not entering the United States.

>that bulge. An alpha male

Oh look - MS13/Cartel faggots crying

Show me facts that say people legally cross the border in the middle of the desert. Most do it at border checkpoints or via aircraft. If you do not enter this country by legal means, it means you are an illegal alien and not a migrant.

No such thing as innocent migrant

>1 post by this ID

>innocent Migrants

You mean the brown skinned cockroaches that are responsible for breeding out of control and white genocide in California?

>It's official: Latinos now outnumber whites in California

Fuck off you stupid spic.

would anyone else uniroincally laugh if they came across a cartel with rocket launchers and these LARPers got their shit pushed in?

I haven't seen you in like 3 years
Fucking faggot.
So, what's going on with Art Admirer, Nat View, and Pipebomb?

>most do it at checkpoints
that's not true and anyway the Obama years estimates on illegal border crossings are way too low

he cooked the books like a nigger

> innocent

>Acting like nacho niggers aren't guilty of being abominations of God

Look at them

an average group of mexican migrant manlets, with like one guy with military/cartel training, would fuck them up and steal their guns

I really think we are arguing about two separate things but are on the same side. Obama was a fag and took it in the ass from every other leader in the world.

that's doubtful, most mexicans can't shoot for shit

these guys probably spend their spare time shooting woodchucks from 300 yards away

honestly with all thats hbeen happening lately, mexicans would want to stay in mexico.

Citizenship at birth was a mistake. At least it should be rendered invalid if the parents were here illegally.

>hop the border
>go into labor
>American hospital is ethically obliged to help
>free anchor baby

t. Californian Liberal


My contention is that illegal border crossings are much more numerous than reported, because there are far too many spics here to be accounted for in legal border crossings.

That's all. I have crunched the numbers and I bet there are 35 million illegal Hispanics here and I think most crossed the border illegally.

These people are impossible to account for through official sources, we have to look at statistics and estimate.

Better question:
Where can I donate some money to this fine cause?

And my argument is that these dudes are on the border in the desert where only illegals cross

I've been here the past three years almost every day, I don't know you could've missed me.

How about you don't illegally cross our fucking boarder

>with like one guy with military/cartel training
mexican military does nothing, and is easy for a cartel member to kill people when citizens are banned from owning firearms, with politicians taking payoffs exactly like California; Leland Yee, etc.

>Beaner tier shit thread with no proof
>1 post by this id

I haven't seen a lick of you faggot.
Answer muh question.
Have you seen kiddymolestor and the Iranian tranny lately?