Operation Nosejob

Shlomos with blue checkmarks are currently kvetching over Chuck Woolery's tweets stating facts about (((communism))) and (((multiculturalism)))

The term "counter-semitism" is accurate and should be memed into existence immediately.

Other urls found in this thread:



Nice ring to it that

i like it. there should be a symbol to that too


"counter-semitism", brilliant, i like it. like using the lefts own pathetic and devious linguistic tactics against them

and the terminology inherently implies that there is a threat to "counter" from "the other side"

>Karl Marx and the founders of communism were kikes
>Woolery points out this undeniable fact
>'das raycissss!'
It never fails



Holy shit I love it. Counter-semitism needs to happen.

Add me in the screen cap, this thread is going to have scholmo's write articles titled. WHY COUNTER SEMITISM IS THE ALT-RIGHTS WORK IN HARMING JEWS etc.......


hear hear, counter semitic is now a thing.




this is actually genius persuasion

counter-semitism doesn't have the same bad ring as anti-semitism


very redpill bro

Counter-semitism, i love it.

Fucking counter-semites!

Khazars, or ashkeNazi's, spoke yiddish, they aren't actually semites, at all.

They merely pretend to be, in order to masquerade as "chosen people", demanding other people's "holy land".

What about the six sided star like (pic related)

Sorry my photoshop skills are so pro.

It really is
anti implies it is illogical
counter implies that it is in reaction to something they're doing

I like it. Bump

I think it should be less obvious but I give you an effort shekel

>counter semitism
>this term was literally right under our noses
are we the jews, Sup Forums?

going through his twitter right now and omfg, holy shit, this dude is literally a based god. 100% for real "our guy", no doubt

tweet all the kikery you can find to chuck mondoweiss.net/2012/05/where-the-color-of-your-license-plate-dictates-which-roads-you-can-drive-on/amp/ link related racial segregation in israel #counter-semitism

>tfw using Jew tactics against the Jews
Counter-semitism is a glorious epiphany.

It's perfect!

>woman yells at man
thatll help

So that's why antifa is called "anti"fa.

It's like "race realist" but better.

What about this?

Northern Richness Law Center

bumpin' for a new meme

Counter Semitic is very clever.

Excellent stuff.


>taking of the "edge" of the david star
i like this

Hmmmmmm. Crop the top half and replace it with a hammer and sickle. Circle it and cross it out. I would but I'm mobile.

>Oy vey goy stop this counter semitism immediately

Counter-Semtic: Global Control


and dont forget this

Looks like a black sun desu


>tfw you are present at the birth of a new meme that's going to take the world by storm

They're deranged

Also there is a #CounterSemitism on twitter now


Why is Twitter such a fucking battleground?

It's really bizarre.


Counter-semitism is literally the best modern inculcation of all the defeats and anguish Jews caused among better people.


Well it is mostly owned by saudis these days


haha look at this backwards European who hates the Jews! what a retarded inbred European!

(((Sascha Baron Cohen))) does great work poking fun at the silly European! Why on earth would the Europeans hate the Jews? They were only behind the worst atrocities of all time!

I mean if "I hate that fucking jew" means Lenin and MArx then whats wrong about that?

>and the terminology inherently implies that there is a threat to "counter" from "the other side"
This. Like how "terrorism" has to be countered, hence there is "counter-terrorism". When people hear counter-Semitism, they should think counter-terrorism, instead of anti-Semitism.

Here's the secret: sequence of words. When you start with the prefix "anti-", it starts with a negative and harsh. So anti-Semitism becomes something like "negativity towards Semitism/Jews" and that gets the gullible more sympathetic to the perceived victim. But if you pick a prefix that's either not as negative, such as counter, then the negative shifts from the prefix to the following word. So counter-terrorism becomes something like "opposing terrorism" that makes people think:
- "Why would terrorism needed to be countered?"
- "Is terrorism a threat?" (like you mentioned)

So if you use counter-Semitism instead of anti-Semitism, it shifts the negative to the word Semitism, making people think Semitism is a threat that needed to be countered. Gives them a taste of their own verbal IQ medicine.

triangles are racist nao

to me this thread is the turning point of nu pol and its donald dregs. I see a bright unabashed future for pol. kudos to OP today he was not a faggot

Needs to be Bepsi-fied to look "official", then you're good


forgot pic

Kek there's already a wiki page and an article by sam (((kestenbaum)))


I like this, the sun implies that we are illuminating something, or that we are bringing light to (((their))) tricks

Good one leaferino


>Associating anything bad to (((them))) is anti semetic
It's like pointing out how Muslim countries treat atheists like shit is islamophobia

Good post.


Well memed

Counter Semitic Meme Team standing by.

its not exactly a new term, but if the whole of the alt-right started using it, it would definitely be a good thing.

if jews want to help signal boost it, and maybe even get it added to the Webster dictionary, I say let 'em

You're right, so sophisticated nobody will spot that is the usual anti-Semitism.

Everything is going to be al(t)right

Laughed. If that's you in the twitter cap, I'd buy you a beer.

A-am I witnessing history?


I fucking love this, it takes away all the carefully built up indoctrination around anti-semite.


Somebody else watched that shitty anime? Color me surprised.

kek, Northern Wealth Law Center

Lets do it,
((Counter-semitism: Global Offensive))


this is the fucking bomb, saved,

Imagine if >we get the twitch kids to use it

So we got the lore, good

Yid tested, mother approved

this is also a option

Anyone who has a fake leftist twitter account, start calling people counter semites, it will make it seem more normal to lefties

Great work leaf

Counter-jews, we are all counter-jews.

we're playing their game now, goys

Semantics. You choose to use an identifier other than his name for a reason.

Counter semitism I love it!

You seem upset

This is incredibly poweful for changing the narrative.

If an user has photoshop skills that's a meme that would spread like wild fire

A memed on CS:GO cover replaces with Wermacht or RWDS

Maybe do the same schtick as draft our daughters?

> when the leaf doesn't make an abhorrent post

Exactly this, linguistics and memetics play a HUGE role in disseminating ideas.