Women marry themselves


>They realized that marriage often represents an individual’s maturation into adulthood and identified that women who didn’t get married were stripped of this “marker in life.”

>women aren't just tall children
haha nice try, your problem is your expectation

I want to disagree but all the face-paint and backpacks say otherwise.

legalize marriage for autosexuals now, bigot


this is beyond ridiculous

Now if men did this there would be no end to the mockery

This is the only way they're going to get that ring on their finger, let's be honest

>“Years ago, we would have been seen as desperate women, but it’s not like that anymore,” she says.
>“There is no desperation in this. It’s all about empowerment … I’ll be happy to be Mrs. Bourdeau for the rest of my life.”
>Hahahaha not desperate at all hahaha no way not me hahahahahahahahahhhhhhhh.......

Gonna need a lot of red wine to fill that whole, skank.

Another sign of the rampant patriarchy: Women can't get into a committed relationship because MEN deny it to them.
No wonder women are embracing the nucitizens, who literally DIE to settle down with them.

Are they adopting kids or are they just going to sperm banks hoping to find a donor?

I wish I could live in a nice little fantasy world like theirs. Some days I think having taken the red pill was a mistake.

but their fantasy comes crashing down once the symptoms of menopause set in.
red pill is forever.

True which is why you can never go back before you took the red pill.

Maybe I'm just confusing childhood with crap like this.

so? Anyone sane who sees self marriage would immediately recognize them as lonely old maids

should be shot

>2015 + sqrt(4)
>women being maids at marriage

hehe, squirt

>I wish I could live in a nice little fantasy world like theirs.
where do u think we are?

>Women remove shame for being a slut
>Women remove shame for being a spinster


>that one time Julian Assange was into JoJo cosplay

This, sadly. Women are selfish and petulant. If they get denied Chad for being sub-par wife material, Tyrone is on backup with 3 homies to give her all the dick she wants, with no thoughts to what the consequences will be for being a breathing sex toy.

Also, notice how the woman says she "has everything she wanted in life, and now wants to be a bride". This bitch is either in denial about her loneliness or she's outright admitting marriage meant nothing about her potential partner to begin with.

we're all having a sensible chuckle here, but can you imagine if men were marrying themselves--how much women would be bleeding out of their eyes and their, you know?