Will Trump be impeached soon?

Will Trump be impeached soon?

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No rightwing president will EVER be impeached in America. Never. Not ever. Not unless they hurt their donors' profits too much. They're too friendly with big business and our government is too corrupt.

Nixon was almost impeached and had to resign.

Maybe not impeached, but I am curious to see how he plans to get re-elected.

Different time. Also, he had almost the entire nation come down on his head. What happened to Nixon could happen to trump and worse and nothing would come of it.

I DO think Trump will be removed early though. Probably by resignation. But he won't be impeached.

for what?
4 months in... no evidence of russian hacking - NONE. Any Leftrolls who think otherwise- please provide your very best evidence.

FBI still has not been allowed by DNC to examine their server, CrowdStrike an obvious joke.

etho: no evidence 'collusion' while every normal business deal or communication with Russia is blasted by the (((media))) which NEVER discusses actual Israeli meddling


but THERE IS evidence that the leaker was murdered. As well as (((media))) near silence and an obviously hamstrung investigation.

his name is SETH RICH

Proof that DNC manufactured the Russian controversy in June 2016


More covfefe

That's his strategy.

>Look I posted fake news again while bitching about the MSM!!!!

44D chess

spaz out more. Salty salty tears!

There's no way he actually tweeted this.

He'll stroke out or something first. Digits confirm

If he does get removed or doesn't run again then America will forever be run by the globalist institutions that popped out Bush and Obama.

>Increased CIA and pentagon autonomy
>Increase in defence contractors shekels
>Sucking Israeli and Saudi cocks
>Attacked Syria twice
He's they're boy and not going anywhere.


If you knew anything about Trump you'd know he wouldn't quit.
His name and image are his brand, his sole purpose is to promote and protect them.

The intelligence agencies are colluding with the political class and MSM to have him removed

Do you know how many FBI and CIA officials are coming out to say that Trump should be impeached from office?

Oh I know that. I still predict he'll be removed somehow early. But it won't be through impeachment.

What the fuck are you talking about? The FBI appointed the son of a bitch.


Right after fusion power becomes viable, oil runs out and a black guy actually turns his life around.


Even if he is, then what? You realize that impeachment isn't removal from office, right? It's the legislative branch telling the president "you a bad boy".

Do you have a clue what impeachment even is?

And no president has been removed after an impeachment and probably Never will it's very hard to do.

Nixon had to literally tamper with evidence before an impeachment even started that would probably had been the only guy to be removed and there is no garuntee he would have because he resigned early

Trump isn't getting impeached over this Russia whitchunt memes. All real evidence aka the testimonies in congress have found no wrongdoing.

And even if we was removed or quit you get president pence

Then by what? Somebody would have to kill him or commit a coup

Sure, that'll help !

>Do you have a clue what impeachment even is?
Yes. And it's not going to happen. This is end stage capitalism.

Not sure. But I don't see him finishing a term.


He did retard

Yes, if I were you I'd bet all my savings that he will be impeached in 2017 - free money

So it's a feedback loop. Wonderful. Trump acts retarded, his retarded paid shills pretend he's a secret genius and now he's pretending to be a secret genius. Jesus, now we have to put up with this too.

He's just fucking around because people tried to make a big deal over a Twitter typo

Lighten the fuck up asshole

>every 3 weeks, these msm fucks perpetuate the same shit over and over
>nothing has changed since trump became president
>it never ends
This is really starting to get fucking annoying.

>World is literally being destroyed by neolib sociopaths
>Their messiah finally descends from his golden tower to finish off the world with end stage crapitalism
>"Lighten the fuck up asshole"
I will NOT "lighten the fuck up".


No, but he will likely not win the 2020 election.

Probably not. All happenings we get anymore are about trucks of peace and spontaneously combusting immigrants.

trump might get impeached over trying to cover up the Russia scandal.

Nixon was dumb for sending RNC people to break into Watergate and even dumber for maintaining all the evidence. There's not "smoking gun" when it comes to Trump. No crime has been proven.

>not working on your own life and enjoying the collapse

You can't solve the word user, be good to your family and local community and friends.

Get your own life in order, the world will do what it does and even if Washington defends into civil war tomorrow your life will still have to go on.

Go outside, go for a walk the word isn't ending

How? In the republican controlled congress and senate?

For telling comey he thinks Flynn is "a good guy" and he Russian bullshit is a waste of time.

Why is any of that a high crime or misdemeanor?

You are a retard

No, even Salon admitted it was a nogo. Salon also admitted the dems chances of regaining the senate are also slim to none. When an sjw waste of space site like salon loses faith you know it's over for the dems

It's not the covfefe, it's that we've come to expect this kind of shit from out president that's the problem. Every time you turn around it's a faux pas or a blunder or mishap. Hell, remember when he forgot that Israel is in the middle east?

I have to agree with you here.

Idk what it is, but completely baseless gut instinct tells me that he's gonna get booted from office somehow.

Yes late 2018 to June 2019

Because the GOP can't even defend his actions. They aren't even trying and as trump ran on a Rep platform he makes the whole party look bad.

Because he asked Comey to stop the investigation and afterwards fired him. Because we knew Flynn was dirty and trump ignored it.

Because Manaford was also in trumps administration.

Because trump is a moron that's just digging himself deeper into the hole and it's only a matter of time that he does something criminally stupid.

Because you tried to impeach Obama with no crime and turnabout is fair play.

>Do you know how many FBI and CIA officials are coming out

In america, "coming out" means openly stating.

Produce one. I know how many current FBI and CIA have "come out". 0.

there may be hundreds who want him removed, but there's no need to lie, leaf.

25th amendment. the president is non compos mentis.

Time traveler on /x/ from 2053 said he finished his term but isn't elected again. Next 3 presidents in order are Michelle Obama, Bernie Sanders and Michelle Obama

>Remember when obama said there were 58 states
>remember Bushisms
>remember Clinton bimbo eruptions
>remember John McCain's illegitimate black child
>remember Kennedy bros taking turns on marylin Monroe
>remember bush sr. puking on the prime minster of Japan
>remember lbj wipping his dick out to foreign dignitaries
>remember Jackson beating a senator retarded on the senate floor
>remember Jefferson raping his slaves

Muh decorum! Muh embarrising president! Muh politics used to be noble!

Please you are just an idiot

>a Twitter typo

it was not a typo. change the word to "coverage", which he meant, and it's still an incoherent tweet. He fucking passed out Hillary style, or dozed off Reagan style.

He's the president. Imagine Obama or any other president sending a nationwide message and fucking dozing off in the middle.

He's a fucking joke. But he's our joke, and I love him for that. I just hope they keep his tiny hands away from the covefefe codes.

It. Is. Not. Illegal. To. Talk. To. Russians

Oh Jesus Christ that's some bad larping

>Bernie becomes president in 2024 at the age of 82

Nigger give me a break


Even Current Year Man himself claims that it's entirely unlikely



Wrong sweetie Russians are enemy

What life? Until the vast majority of you vermin are wiped out I can't pursue any of my goals. They all require less of you.

Lighten up, you libs are literally losing your gourds.

Virtue signalling panic at each other. Unhealthy. Many such cases.

yes its the russians and a giant conspiracy against the good progressives. cuck.

>almost impeached
Almost only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades.

Buzzword buzzwords buzzwords buzzwords buzzword!

A million coincidences!!

>This is end stage capitalism.
Sure thing buddy.

>No REPUBLITHUG PresiDON'T will EVER. EVER!!! Be imPEACHed in America! We are TOO CORRUPT!!!
>What about Nixon?
>Th-that doesn't count...
Day of the Rope soon...

Coincidences of what? Talking to Russians ??


It means flattery! It's in the famous soliloquy from Hamlet 'To be, or not to be!'


The "flattery" in the below was originally covfefe.
"Who'd bear the scorns and flattery of the world,
Scorned by the right rich, the rich cursed of the poor?"

So then essentially we have, "Despite the constant negative press, flattery"

In the context of Hamlet, he was talking about the unfairness of life in being king. This may be the most sophisticated trolling of all time...

>This isn't end stage capitalism.
Sure thing buddy.

Yeah sure that's all it's been. Trump just called up a Russian friend like one or two times. I mean what's the big deal?

This is probably the worst troll attempt I've seen this week.



tfw you try and copy right wing memes but just look like an idiot

lol I can't wait for you to kill yourself, shill faggot. Record your suicide and post it here so we can have more laughs

Wow, you're still bitching about this shit? What a banana republic

Trump is not getting impeached, it would compromise the pax americana and make the US look unstable meaning all those shitskin dictators would have a field day

Except he did

>Having this low of an IQ
>Being this mad

You can allege more, sure. But until you have more proof than the talking part, why should I believe you?

Hillary Clinton said that he was impeached. And my liberal friends have assured me that he wasn't wrong, because he would have been if he didn't resign.

trump is not going to be impeached.

You are more of an idiot assuming some sort of malicious behavior than not

This is what they talked about

>good luck with the election
>this is what we hope our relationship can be if you are elected
>here are our concerns
>congratulations; this is what we hope to achieve while you are in office

Aka establishing the working relationship and expressing desires going forward

Only a hysterical liberal idiot would think this kid of talk is inaporopriate

People like you are so sad. You see a man that actually has the initiative to do what needs to be done and you bitch about it every day for months on end.

Maybe if you acted more like a man and worked towards your dreams, you wouldn't have to pathetically shit on other people for achieving theirs.

>Being this much of a blatant liar

Oh yes, Donald Trump has never had malicious intent. He's well-known throughout the world as a selfless saint.


You are literally just throwing out disoersions because you don't like him.

This is why you tards keep losing "trump is bad, therefore he did something illegal I just know it"

You can't, he's an ass, he's a goof but he isn't some Sort of secret Russian Manchurian candidate

Holy shit go outside for once

>argument ad absurdium

I think the guy you're replying to is suggesting that the "malicious" things he's accused of are reactionary. Take immigrants, for example. He's not going to Mexico to fuck with anyone. He's deporting people that already came here. When the MOAB hot dropped on isis, it was dropped on an already hostile group. It's not a terribly difficult viewpoint to wrap your head around, though with the complexity of the world we live in, I wouldn't say it's a flawless view.

>Shilling this hard
It's getting old now.