Universal healthcare is good

I don't see why people see state healthcare as bad. Unless you live under a communist dictatorship, state hospitals aren't bad, and you get care whenever you need it.

It also doesn't make sense how you have to keep spare money in case something happens to you. Something going to happen to you eventually, and you don't have to worry about being broke if it happens when you don't expect it.

Sure, there are folks going "muh waiting times", but honestly that can be fixed by more govbucks.

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>can be fixed by more govbucks

Not really false, is it?

it's immoral and a stepping stone to more communist policy.

universal health care countries have trash tier health care and long lines.

america has the highest quality health care on planet earth, the shortest lines in the west, the most time spent with doctor per patient, and the most doctors per patient.

why is that? because america despite all its encroaching socialism, they still have the FREEST health care.

Because my body, my body's health, the money I earn to buy real insurance, and whatever I do for self-care is not a state function. That's why we have the best health in the world - because we are free to make our choices for a better life.

I actually spent some hard earned money and got EMT training to cut down on my health costs. Took a couple of courses on minor surgery. Can handle the majority of mine and my family's needs. Can you limeys say that?

Commies like you want to own my body and whatsoever work I do with it. Go suck a dirty commie foot and cry - the US is always and forever free.


This is the one thing I see as needing to be universal. We need to recognize that health is an everybody problem. The strength of the populace, the treatment of communicable diseases. More than that, that medical research, knowledge and experience is bolstered for everybody by providing as complete and thorough a population sample as we can to the medical world. We must make special arrangement with the medicine man.

>freest care

"There is no such thing as a "free," of course, but the per-capita cost of healthcare in the UK (paid by the government via tax collections) is generally lower than the US, according to the World Health Organization. Americans spend $8,362 per capita on healthcare annually, the Brits spend $3,480."


So instead of doctors who have trained for years in their respective fields, your family has to rely on a rag-tag autist for surgery?

brits pay that much while having 70% higher taxes to fund the health care of pakis and shit skins?

Main users of healthcare are smelly old people, of which 70% are homeowners in Spain.
Why do I, a young potential worker, with a net worth of a few grand have to pay for people who own a home and therefore have a net worth of over 100 grand?
Pyramid scheme much?
Taking from the have nots to give to the haves is right now?

We're not the ones that should be fussing about our expat population, Mohammed

You don't pay for them, you pay for everyone, as do they.

Old people don't pay taxes since they do not work.
They are net recipients...

Okay, so you basically ran out of "arguments"?

Well what you posed I'm willing to accept as long as I don't die due to healthcare extortion.

>It also doesn't make sense how you have to keep spare money in case something happens to you
Yea! Fuck saving money! Fuck work too!

It all depends on circumstance, though, not on personal responsibility.. How can you guarantee with perfect certainty that you will have money when you get in an accident or develop a serious illness?
Sure, you can flaunt your dick around about being a respectable citizen who goes to W O R K, but ultimately you have no assurance of having money, let alone enough money.

It's called insurance retard.

Calvinist ideology. In the best timeline the Mayflower would have been sunk.

So pay people to not pay you.
Americuck detected

Insurance is stupid, universal healthcare does it better and is more direct.

Canada is retarded with it though, we actively fight any doctors attempts to go off and work privately.

Government needs to fuck off.

I guess if you're a child and you don't understand the difference between money earned and money that magically grows on trees it's not really false given a child's level of understanding.

>govbucks fix everything so people don't have to worry about money

>people are worried about money, because they keep having to pay into govbucks for all the other people that don't want to worry

Die in a fire.

Now that that's out of the way, the problem with socialism and communism is they only work if everyone is actually contributing.

Insurance only works if everyone is actually contributing.

A vague magical govbucks solution only pisses everyone off.

Those of us that are actually paying our taxes and sky high premiums and deductibles especially.

We're doubly pissed off when we're told by the same children about all the illegal diversity we're expected to support that come here and only want to reap the benefits of our culture and system and not put any work into being part of it.

Cultural barriers prevent universal healthcare from being a thing in America because people think a band aid is suitable to treat cancer, not to prevent yourself from getting cancer in the first place.

>Insurance is stupid
Summer, I...

Ok you worthless nigger. Lets pay 1200 a month with a ten grand deductible. Kill yourself faggot

The primal problem of poor people in not lack of medicine but bad lifestyle. Universal healthcare doesn't help them,

>A vague magical govbucks solution only pisses everyone off.
>Those of us that are actually paying our taxes and sky high premiums and deductibles especially.

So, you don't want to pay ridiculous insurance costs? Single payer it is. /thread

>Universal healthcare doesn't help them

It helps more than private for sure.

>So, you don't want to pay ridiculous insurance costs?

How about we just don't regulate the fuck out of the entire industry and artificially limit the number of doctors so we can pay for healthcare without insurance?

>How about we just don't regulate the fuck out of the entire industry and artificially limit the number of doctors

Where have I proposed this?

That is the state of things right now.

And it's pitiful, but a result of over-regulated private care and not nationalised care.

If the government assures me that everyone in the system is contributing via e-verification systems of tax paying and voter id laws I'd be all for it actually.

Currently demand whether legal or illegal is still unlimited and untracked but only legal citizens are tracked in their payments.

The problem with single payer in the US is it assumes everything else Dems want can stay like it is, like uncontrolled borders and illegal immigration forever. Resources aren't infinite.

I agree with the sentiment that open borders and a welfare state are highly incompatible.