How does one go from being a 'reactionary' to a left wing anarchist/feminist?

How does one go from being a 'reactionary' to a left wing anarchist/feminist?

I'm asking because I'm worried about a friend.

this is a complex question.

please post photos of your "friend".

This is us hanging out.


so who exactly is that guy in the OP photo. I'm pretty sure it isn't churchill, or atlee.

is he the dad of one of the Beatles?

Arron Banks

So did he actually go fuck with one of the pictures AFTER HE SHOT THE RUSSIAN?

so no relation to the beatles at all, is that what you are saying?

Oh you mean Jeremy Brett. He played Sherlock Holmes in the late 80s and 90s.

Why are the sargon critique videos always done by commies

Why are you responding to yourself?

PLease do not post out of order sir.


They hate him the most I guess.

I want to know why people are still falling for communism and other faulty left wing ideologies. Any idea?

we can still save this thread. start behaving, for one.

tl;dr how dare you become right-wing you proletarian scum REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

thnak fucking god someone else is here.

OP is a dreadfull bore and has no shitposting skills at all.

Brett's Holmes was the best Holmes.

nobody cares.

Patrick Macnee and Diana Riggs.

Fair enough he wants to promote his channel or whatever, it still just strawman after strawman and everyone's a fash etc. etc.

if leftists weren't so stubborn and would go full subversion again, they'd be far better off, right now they're in a real ideological shithole and can't seem to climb out of their little well of left-wing cliches and dogmas.


Commies know how best to attack liberals, who know how to attack social-democrats, who know how to attack Christian/conservatives, who know how to attack communism, et cetera...

Correct opinion.

Second place is Basil Rathbone.

Cool. I take it you didn't get the Avengers in Slovenia.


what's your endgame?

to be your friend
