Why are we not making our own unpozzed entertainment?

We all know the jews have their fingers in every entertainment pie, so why are we not making our own unpozzed media?

The start up capital required for movies and tv is likely out of reach for most anons, but Unreal Engine 4 is free. Why don't we have any games about WW2 playable from the German perspective? Where are the games with Muslim villains?

I have no game dev experience, but I'm seriously considering learning to dev just to make these kinds of games.

Any suggestions on good game concepts is welcome.

Sup Forums here, I'll make the logo

I think an open source crowd funded game created by 100's of people could be a fun project.

hello hire me i love game and i work on mod for games. i wish i work on this teamm very cool

Dude, this type of entertainment IS pozzed by definition.

This vidya is for children.
It's exact reason GG happened, gamers are weak it was easy to sneak up on them and kill their hobby. Gaming is for children. Now it's moved to all forms of entertainment.

>Now it's moved to all forms of entertainment.
I think you might have that a bit in reverse. GG happened long after other media got pozd

It is possible to have video-games as a hobby (limited, and not taking over your life). But even if you don't enjoy them surely it is a seriously underutilized vector by which normies can be redpilled? Expose them to real history and hate facts.


Vidya wasn't pozzed when I played in the 1980's. Not only had (((they))) not infiltrated it yet, but I also didn't sit on my ass all day and play NES. I was active in sports and social activities most of the time. Back then, it wasn't something you sat on your ass doing all fucking day causing you to lose your wife and job.

The future of gaming is going to transition into VR.
This will open up a market for home brew games.
Options for custom avatars and microtransactions for items can be a way to pay for server costs of hosting multiplayer content.

People loved the game minecraft, and spend hours building shit. Creating a space where users can connect to the same server and build games together can become a useful outlet for production of games.


People who play RPGs are depressed gamers who like to sit alone in their dark rooms and play slow games.

What's your point?

Back then in the 90s when i played vidya it wasn't infiltra-



Youtube and others is your chance to make that movie you always dreamed of naking. Your greenscreen skills can't be that much worse than hollywood. Just look at Wonder Woman. Sure, it won't be a blockbuster. But people will watch it because we are in a time of transition away from the old methods. Your attempts at breaking ground will pave the way for future attempts. And more importantly focus will be placed back in the artist's hands and not the (((money))).

Should someone make a place for people to communicate if this is going to happen?

..hadn't been entirely co-opted by ((()))

Agreed, VR is the future. I have a vive, so I'd be able to dev for it. I am thinking it is what I'd like to do. The problem is the locomotion problem is not resolved in VR yet. (not to my satisfaction). So large-scale FPS games can be awkward in VR.

I suppose we could make a discord? I was more checking in to see why it hasn't been done yet. If there's a legitimate reason. Since there doesn't appear to be one I think we should all proceed with whatever our talents enable us to do.

Shall I make the discord? Also, I know a few people that may be interested to join in through discord that could help with game making.

You should post this un other boards

Greenscreens are harder than anyone usually thinks they are. I've worked with them professionally, and the idea that they's a one-click solution for greenscreens is the root cause of bad greenscreening.

Good greenscreening is this: Rotoscoping aided by using selective pieces of greenscreen for more accurate edges. The same settings and techniques that create a good screen for skin are not the same settings that produce a good screen for hair, which aren't the same settings that produce a good screen for different kinds of clothing(fuzzy wool or smooth silk of differing colors all cause their own problems)

Ultimately, you end up chopping the image up into dozens of smaller pieces by rotoscoping, then applying a myriad of techniques to separate the subject from the background.

Go ahead, I'll join.

Former game developer for Gearbox here. I got fired for being too much of an asshole but before that I worked on Borderlands which uses Unreal. Im down. Bitches can't step to my C++ Kung FU

fMWwN is one time 30 min code

On it.

>100 hours in day of infamy
>only played the German campaign.