Should we restore our monarchies?

Should we restore our monarchies?

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it is already in motion. all you need to do is wait

old monarchies or the dying black nobles?

We never got rid of ours.

We'd probably be a lot less cucked if we stayed closer to Britain though.

Anything is better than this.

No it's not

What exactly do you mean?

as long as i get to be the monarch, sure

ours is constrained without too much ruling power.

I mean monarchies so they can rule of course, not be there with lots of constraints on their power

Haha that's funn-


Oh shit

What did he mean by this?

explain yourself


Dude, you're already an empire...


Fuck no, promotes disgusting values and it is against egalitarian rule and is a hindrance to true democracy, Washington would puke in his grave if we ever got a Monarch


The eastern orthodox should restore the imperium, the monarchies of the west are decadent trash.

>I should rule because I came out of my mommy's pussy

Constitutional monarchy is the best, all we need to do is give the monarch actual usuable veto power and it's perfect. Lichtenstein today has the best form of monarch in the modern
age. Also get rid of any possibility to revert to a republic constitutionally, the monarch needs to be able to do unpopular things without fear of being removed

restore our flubes

We should depose the German pretenders and restore oor rightfu king laddie.

Please come back, Papal States

The Stuart line lives on and must return to claim their sacred birthright.
Out with the foul Saxons.

Raise the banner at Glenfinnan again and we shall take back the throne for the Rightful King!

Our Queen is better than yours.


We just had more proof the wuz not kangs, nigger.

>I should rule because i tricked the required number of people into thinking i'm popular!

The Duke of Bavaria is the rightful claimant to the throne of Great Britain.

>one post by this id
jews, man

irrelevant until we sort out our societies first and establish a fascist society

You kikes are the reason Whites don't have monarchies, at least not serious ones, anymore. Oven yourself.

That will never happen , its propechied in the bible , what we have now is here to stay until the end

Monarchy is shit. All "royals" should be killed.
Except the cute princesses, they should be put in petting zoos and cloned so everyone can enjoy them.

>rightful claimant
False. He has a pretender claim, and a weak one at that.

Fuck off, stupid traitorous whorish cunt...

>NO Foreigner is the rightful air to throne of BRITANNIA...

really? in revelation?

>All "royals" should be killed.
>t. Ivan "tall-poppy" Communistova

Your support of the Hanoverians makes you the traitor.
Hannover must be destroyed and STUART restored.

Yes and bring us with too pls.

Stuarts are the rightful heir to the throne. Hanoverians BTFO

Remove Krauts.

pretty much

with me as king

I guarantee things be better

False. Stuarts were rightfully deposed for betraying their own church. Their legitimacy was then removed by being incapable of reconquering Britain.

By dumping an Anglo and putting in a Bavarian?

what do you mean?

Anything is preferable to a crypto jewish Hannovarian Anglo.
The 'Windsors' forfeit their throne by hiding vast amounts of wealth stolen from the people.
Reclaim Buckingham and mount her head on London tower.

>this guy is supposed to rule over you
>because he was born to
That's a great basis for governance.

False. Stuarts are actual Anglos. Fuck off with your Jewish tricks.

Correction. Because he was born and literally groomed his entire life to do so.

So why not pick any random baby to be the monarch? That way he'd have an actual connection to the citizenry.

>The 'Windsors' forfeit their throne by hiding vast amounts of wealth stolen from the people.
Whut. Don't you have a debate to be losing, Corbyn?

It is. Someone who has be preparing for it their whole life, can't escape or shirk duty, and has to pass it on to their child.
Contrast that to someone doing it because they feel like it, regardless of qualifications. Or more likely, put there by the (((media))).

See: Plus, the House of Hannover was always partially British. Now it's mostly so.

>cant escape, cant shirk duty
Youre kidding, history is replete with wanton monarchs who did exactly that and suffered no consequence because they ruled by divine right.
In a democracy these idiots would be dethroned in 4-5yrs if they failed to deliver


>In a democracy these idiots would be dethroned in 4-5yrs if they failed to deliver
Exactly. No consequences for them, and they get a pension. A monarch who flees loses everything, and should lose their head. I think we're quite past divine right, after all.

Vive le Roy!