Why exactly does anyone care about global warming...

Why exactly does anyone care about global warming, if we all know that technological singularity is bound to happen in 20 years?

Are (((they))) trying to say that hyper AI won't be able to counter a temperature increase of a few degrees?

Reposting from the other thread:
Thing is, if things keep up like they are, we might not even make it to 20 years unscathed enough to develop a super-AI. The point is to delay the truly dangerous effects as much as possible until we come up with a better solution.


>yes goyim, let the super intelligent AI rule everything


This post is gay and youre a big butt humping fagdaddy mccumslurparoo

We won't make it to 2040 because of the global warming? Last time I saw the data, the temperature is (((supposedly))) growing at a rate of 1-4 degrees celcius per 100 years

Will I have a choice?

Ooh kitteh!!

Global warming is allegedly driven by hydrocarbon use. Hydrocarbons are hydrogen and carbon molecules, they work as fuel because hydrogen and oxygen release heat when they bond.

Water is 2 hydrogen and 1 oxygen atom, water is one of the molecules that occur post combustion, and carbon monoxide etc.

This is a stupid way of generating heat/explosion to create a rotating force. By nature internal combustion engines are incredibly wasteful (I'll elaborate if anyone asks)

Basically we only use these fuels because other technologies are suppressed in order to maintain the current status quo.

Imagine if coal and oil were inherently worthless as of tomorrow.... no more banks, wars, pollution etc.

This is why we'll never be allowed new energy types! Also this is why global warming is a scam.

If you keep your guns and don't let the Sybil System take over, maybe.

Wrong. Developing those technologies would be a steep net cost of energy initially.

Also, u do realize that even as of right now the tech for renewable energy is still basic, and still won't be (actually, ever) provide enough energy to substite fuels?

Unless you are trying to argue that (theoretically) we could have invested more in some tech like fusion 30-40 years ago, and would have gotten it by now, your argument doesn't hold


I've been dying to have this conversation! We're about to jump all over the place so let's keep things in categories.

Solution for modern electricity grids;

Lftr (liquid fluoride thorium reactor) by having the thorium mixed in with fluoride salts, the entire 'soup' will remain in a solid state. Matter comes in 3 states; solid, liquid and gas.

Once the thorium is 'activated' by using electromagnetic energy, the salt/thorium mix will suddenly heat up and start producing incredible amounts of heat.

Once the catalyst is removed (the electromagnetic device is turned off) the soup returns to a solid state of salt crystals. This prevents melt downs occurring, ie Fukushima and Chernobyl.

This style of reactor can power our existing national electrickery grids, where as solar etc can't. The reason being; if you put AC electricity into power lines, the electricity will heat the wires if it's not being drained. The whole earth hour thing.

So by nature grids are wasting more electricity than is being used because when you turn your lights off, the electricity that is no longer being required is now turning into heat outside.

I can elaborate further if you care enough, otherwise YouTube is the next stop.

As for cars; 4 stroke/diesel engines do not like changing rpms. It's just how it is, VTEC and efi (electronic fuel injection) help.. but in essence it'd be better to run your car engine at say 3k rpm and have it turn alternators to power electric motors that turn the car wheels. Like the m1a1 tank, but it uses a gas turbine engine to produce electrickery for the motors that turn the tracks.

It's all a scam bros. This is why China/poos threaten to build thorium reactors to get OPEC to heel.

Interestingly we can produce huge amounts of petrol for free by using the electricity from a thorium reactor to produce ethanol etc in a lab. It's straight forward from a technical standpoint.

>Interestingly we can produce huge amounts of petrol for free by using the electricity from a thorium reactor to produce ethanol etc in a lab. It's straight forward from a technical standpoint.

U wot m8?

It's on jewtube I believe, basically get hydrogen from water using electrolysis*

>Get 1 jar of water, add a tiny amount of salt to allow the electricity to conduct through the water. Add a positive and negative probe to the water. Off one probe will come hydrogen gas, the other oxygen.
>Collect the hydrogen, get carbon, and electricity again, ???, Out comes ethanol.

It's on YouTube, the only thing stopping us from doing it is free electrical power supply (thorium)

Ethanol is a superior fuel to petrol too. More stable and not toxic to handle, cheap fuels like 85 octane are unstable so during the compression stroke it's likely to spontaneously combust which causes engine knock. High octane, 98 won't explode easily under pressure so you can run much higher compression ratios in the engine.

Higher compression is more power.

It's all a scam, basically petrol use guarantees demand for USD and if we stop using coal/crude oil it'll implode our (((financial system)))

You create to many wars of aggression to stop thee advancement of AI domination.
There're inevitable patterns of competitive warfare these technical advancements of modernity.

The tech singularity is a shit meme

global warming is in the same wheelhouse as inventing diseases to inflict on Africa to receive donation money.

It's a way to make money out of thin air.

Or fat air like that kitty!!

In other words, the only thing that's gonna stop you is the autonomous bot/droid/AI.

Doesn't need you to teach it, when it knows everything about you from data mining.

Liken to oracles or gods.

"sticks and stones might break my bones but words will never hurt me" -The devil.

Exorcist doesn't work on the most high command.

So it won't happen? Why?

>This style of reactor can power our existing national electrickery grids, where as solar etc can't. The reason being; if you put AC electricity into power lines, the electricity will heat the wires if it's not being drained. The whole earth hour thing.
>So by nature grids are wasting more electricity than is being used because when you turn your lights off, the electricity that is no longer being required is now turning into heat outside.