The Final Real Ultima Redpill Director's Cut

Laziness and apathy are the apex degeneracy and inaction to solve your problems makes you lower on the ladder of societal hierarchy than the fattest blackest gayest druggy in existence. No world leader from Alexander to Hitler to Stalin to Trump would condone you doing nothing.
Jews haven't gained in any power, your inaction simply let the gates open for them to do as they please.

You're merely probationary redpilled until you actually act upon your knowledge. You should be working to get into politics and shape it as you please, you should be having lengthy discussions with your congressman as much as possible on the way things should be done, you should be studying every day on how to improve yourself and through you the world around you.

Sup Forums is a trap for ambitious people who could actually make a change. It encourages your idleness and stagnates your mind. Chaos magic doesn't work with a stagnated mind and you'll lose it if you don't keep the juices flowing.

I'm interning for a mayor now. Doing my part.

Make sure nobody ever finds out you're on Sup Forums.
It won't make news but you'll become nothing really quick.

what if Sup Forums gets 'juices flowing'? (cringe... ) Paradox!

>Laziness and apathy are the apex degeneracy
Apex degeneracy is the irreversible things that affect someone other than the self. A NEET can one day get a job, but a coalburner can never unbirth her daddyless mulatto spawn.

where do i buy one

Czech Republic

>.tfw on keto and that doesn't even resemble food to me anymore.

This would be delicious looking without those syringes.

>Sup Forums is a trap for ambitious people who could actually make a change. It encourages your idleness and stagnates your mind.
This bit I disagree with - active in community, volunteer and network extensively thru work.
Sup Forums is wind down shitstirring. Particularly to those who take it and their own agendas seriously. If I couldn't laugh at hypocritical whiney redneckbeard manchildren I'd be lost by now.

I'm seeking my party's nomination for Stark County Treasurer.


Those syringes prolly have the dank syzurp



ok so how do i fix my laziness/ idea that most things i do will go to shit?

Vanilla or gas chamber bitch, your choice.

Not legally, at-least. She can however make it a minor part of her toll-paying existence.




>uses the word druggy like some fucking old douche

get the fuck out of here normie