What actually keeps America together?

People seem to hate each other and there's virtually no social cohesion nationally. Are we a police state without it being obvious?

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You're a representative government that has wholly outgrown its means. A governmental policy is like any other human invention. It'll stress until it finally breaks, then we take what we have and make something that hopefully works better and last longer. At least that's my idea.



>Are we a police state without it being obvious?

>Inverted totalitarianism is a term coined by political philosopher Sheldon Wolin in 2003 to describe the emerging form of government of the United States. Wolin believed that the United States is increasingly turning into an illiberal democracy, and uses the term "inverted totalitarianism" to illustrate similarities and differences between the United States governmental system and totalitarian regimes such as Nazi Germany and the Stalinist Soviet Union.[1][2][3][4] In Days of Destruction, Days of Revolt by Chris Hedges and Joe Sacco, inverted totalitarianism is described as a system where corporations have corrupted and subverted democracy and where economics trumps politics.[5] In inverted totalitarianism, every natural resource and every living being is commodified and exploited to collapse as the citizenry is lulled and manipulated into surrendering their liberties and their participation in government through excess consumerism and sensationalism.[6][7]


>Are we a police state without it being obvious?


the surveillance state



Why are you asking this question, user? Also clearly you're a police state, it's safe to say that once your police begins using the same weapons as your military as well as hardware such as apcs and shit. Also are you taking polls here to gauge whether or not people in the US think they are living in a police state?


Prussian socialism was forced down America's throats and turned us into collectivist zombies.


Nothing unites a country like a mutual enemy

Is that picture just unrelated bc everything I know about homeschooling leads to a child with no friends or social skills. But I guess you don't need those if you have an education and therefore money in america.

I'm just curious how the hell the country even stays together at this point. I'm not interested in taking polls or anything. It's just fascinating to me that people seem to think we're in the freest country in the world when any digging reveals that's obviously not the case. It's also extremely interesting to me how obviously manipulable people are to have their views changed, just look at how common it was for liberals to say we were living in a police state, having our freedoms curtailed via the Patriot Act, etc. not even all that long ago, and as soon as Trump steps onto the picture the established Neoliberal order is perfectly fine, America is already great, etc. It's like watching a game unfold and trying to see things unravel.
Say what you want about Prussians but at least they weren't fucking pussies, their brainwashing and indoctrination turned them into rugged, ruthless, dominating authoritarians, not the pathetic shit Americans have become.



>bc everything I know
is shit

and public schools never produce that

Divide and conquer tactics used against the plebs keep them from challenging the status quo. Idiocy is very much fabricated and induced into public school kids. Your anti-drug programs were there to introduce you to the idea of being a drugged out, lever pulling, meat puppet. You will find yourself mixed into a global pool of serfs with identical values. None of you will want to own land, or pick who they associate with. Everyone will bicker, fight, and kill over petty titles and social weapons given from above.


I went to public school and roughly 85% of people are not conscious. They are human cattle that would not exist without Darwinian breeding schemes from the elite, to bring about better slaves.

Only a braindead prussian zombie could muster such bullshit. Both America and Germany have become propagandized, Mcdonald's model countries. Prussia was a suicidal culture.


I was going to go full Ted Kaczynski but was unsure if I should homeschool, thanks user

odd watching that video
>my school, the social pricks, kids with rich parents that shit where the STUPID people, but also the people in the area, you would think wehre stupid cause there from the area of where you thik stupiod shit is, where the smart people, and I was smart, and also they also hated me id call them a piece of shit when they ever bothered me

so social they wanted me to be looked at as stupid, but not being stupid, not beign in school when they where trying to make it stupid like it was forced daycare like now, but not then, so it wasnt like people HAD to be there or even cared, so they couldnt make a stupid class to try to make ME look stupid so they put their stupid asses with me in thei rclass
I HATED IT. you never learned nothing cause these morons all went on to do NOTHING. like as in putting out to society and IM sure the other people learned a LOT more. and thats all i could ever do.

This dude's farming info, abandon thread.


Proximity. There's no blood on the streets because all the leftists and their nigger pets live in shitty, cramped little cities, and the right-wingers live in desolate rural/industrial areas. The country has too much space.

If it wasn't for that, we'd have already been in civil war.

That comic is intellectually dishonest, since only one side burns the flag and says America was never great.

BTW that whole Disney video was staged. Your parents were brainwashed by this creepy, motherless fuck. Did you know Disney World was supposed to be a human social structure experimentation park?


tip of the iceberg friend,



>Go to any board
>It's full of people shitposting and calling each other faggots
>See thread about food
>Bullying is frowned upon and everyone is suddenly civilized

I think you could be right.

It's Horsey what else do you expect? He's a bigger cuck than Rick Wilson.

were all fat and entertained. when the money runs out we will start killing each other.


>"I love America"
>modern liberals


The Trojan War was all fake. The troops were sent out in small bands, so as to never really take the city of Troy. It was all a social scheme to keep the plebs' minds busy.


It used to be families. Families stuck together, made communities, communities stuck together and made cities etc.

Family is the foundation our country rests on. And libs hammer and chip at family constantly

The only reason we're able to pull of the facade of being an actual country is that there's so much space we're still able to self-segregate. If we all had to live in close proximity, we'd erupt into ethnic civil war in short order.

BTW until drug war ends, the police state intensifies. Drug war gives police reason and permission to invade your civil liberties

that sounds exactly like something a half baked intellectual pothead would cook up

oh wait
>Sheldon Wolin

Even those of us who hate having shitskins moving into our countries can appreciate a good meal, regardless of where it comes from.

everyone is retarded until they watch this. this is what trump is ACTUALLY doing. Getting growth back on track to 3%, after liberals have intentionally and unessisarially hampered growth for the passed 30 years.


I was home schooled i have friends and im pretty socially adaptable you do realize homeschoolers have groups right ?

this is really it. you can't control that much land. as long as jamal murders other blacks and there's not enough cleetus to take out the government, everything will churn along until some nationwide natural disaster or just balkanization. that could take 200 years.

>Horsey not using "muh rednecks" or "arfeftun" for once
What timeline is this?

>What actually keeps America together?


Agree and our consumerist culture creates a web of meaningless consumerism and market control that most of the world doesn't like.

Horsey has a LOT of balls making this comic.

>no relatives who have been here since at least 1812
sorry spics and gooks, you will never be American.

>What actually keeps America together?

>without it being obvious?

We're seeing the results of what life is like with more than 200 years of no real enemy that requires us to band together to fight against. Humanity always finds a way to fight over something.

Unless we're literally invaded, we'll have a civil war.

GLR and Ayn Rand are both right, just for different reasons.

>illegal immigrant

"E pluribus unum" meant that the many independent colonies would come together to form a confederation of states. It didnt mean that every indoctrinated shmuck off the streets had to be tolerated by people with geoplolitical opinions beyond that of a highschool freshman.

Once the niggers discover the outdoors its all over.But a new problem has arisen the media is trying to niggerize the outdoorsman?!!

Literally the only thing keeping the union together is the fact that it exists. It's like staying in a marriage because you're already married.

>you need a holocaust to make you feel better.

>hate each other
Who hates each other? I can go from KY to Washington, to visit my cousins, and nobody gives a shit where I'm from. They ask me the usual southern redneck questions and that's about as far as they go with the "where I'm from" meme.

No, it's because bullshit laws from NY or CA doesn't apply to better states like TX or KY or most of the other states int he Union..

Becouse you are a fascist state. Everybody has to pledge himself to the flag, or else he is outcasted. This applies to everyone.

The police will not just beat you, but will shoot you, even for smallest crimes.

You are always in war. Since your independence, there has not been a single day that America has not had troops outside America.

Only if you're a nigger.

America is not a fucking nation. Texas is a nation. California is a nation. New York is a nation. Wyoming is a nation.
What keeps America together is that the fucking jews have brainwashed you idiots into believing a UNION of states is a country.
United states of Murica keeps together for the same reason the European Union ''''''''''''''''stays together''''''''''''''. Because each state still has sovereignty to a certain degree.

The United States is no different from the European Union.
All the problems EU is causing in Europe can be seen in Murica too. You have to get rid of the union and regain state sovereignty. The only reason there isn't a massive civil war is because each state still has its own ethnic makeup and culture.

He doesn't seem to be a nigger to me


itz tru

Prussia was a capitalism monarchy. Later as Germany it was a capitalist democracy, then capitalist dictatorship and again capitalist democracy.


>take what we have and make something that hopefully works better and last longer
This is a nice sentiment but tbqh we don't have the caliber of men on either side of the political aisle to pull this off.
elected democrats, who are lawyers, are chanting "healthcare is a right" ffs.
America has lost it's core, unifying philosophy. And unless we bring it back or replace it, we will continue to spiral downward until the whole world is brown and indebted to the jews.

Nigger detected

Our people. And the authority of it that goes back to the Mayflower. Everyone else is just visiting.

>What actually keeps America together
The value of tour currency

United® under McBurger® Ford® RalfLawren® FedReserve® Monsanto® IvyLeagueOverlordz® ® $®

there is only 1 america, but lot of idiots


Giant invisible rubber bands

Comfort and food.
