Brit/pol/ Based Bowden Edition

>Britain Elects election centre

>Corbyn to attend election debate:

>Trump pulling out from Paris agreement:

>Surgeon gets 15 years for performing hundreds of unnecesary mastectomies

>Latest contreversial poll shows conservative losses

>Corbyn follows up car crash with a disaster on mumsnet livechat

>Corbyn suffers childcare car crash interview at hands of Women's Hour

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Are JoCo and DP are on right now.


>TW - heavy racism/sexism

Who else voting tory to put a Labour incumbent on JSA but feeling dirty about it and craving a long hot bath with some dettol afterwards


I'm voting Tory so that the Greens don't get their deposit back.

Yes will probs vote Tory but feeling very dirty about it

Just fucking hate socialism and 18-25 year olds

I'm voting tory because I don't want my cuntish leftist student peers to be smug

>National Socialism requires socialism
lol no it doesn't, every leftist in NSDAP got murdered

Is the youth vote a meme?

Based Benoist

Must be those new Conservative Internet Rul-

If May was actually doing shit why haven't I seen a single person saying "I voted Conservative in the local elections but I'm voting Corbyn in the General"?

Yes it didn't even work in the Scottish referendum for god sake.


The Conservatives lie through their noses and say anything to look good on camera. They lie, beguile, confuse, conflate... they are ruthless in the sense that they do whatever it takes to get elected.

These are the same people claiming to be for the 'just about managing families'. Whilst at the same time targetting the poorest and most vulnerable families by cutting child tax credit, child benefit, education maintenance allowance, student grants, local libraries, school funding, leisure centres, poor student premiums for schools, early years funding, sure start centres, freezing job seekers allowance, cutting housing beneift... the list goes on.

These are the same people claiming to be for 'the disabled' whilst at the same time ruthlessly cutting PIPS (personal independence payments), funding for mobility and other aids/equipment, cutting housing benefit through the Bedroom Tax, cutting social care that people rely on to get dressed, bathed and fed. They are beyond callous and put their ideology for austerity before the human needs and rights of ordinary people at every turn.

These are the same people claiming to be economically literate when they have almost doubled the national debt from 1 trillion to 1.7 trillion during their time in government. They have missed every target they set for themselves in terms of reducing the deficit. They are now projecting that they won't be able to eliminate the deficit until 2025 at the earliest... a full 15 years after the Conservative government got into power in 2010. Yet they will have given over £20bn away in tax cuts to corporations, the wealthiest 5%, inheritance tax and various wealthiest parts of society.



Yes, one of the longest running Labour memes (second only to muh enn eych ess) with a proud 20 year vintage

Every election cycle since Major the cries of THE YOOF VOTE WILL SWING IT rang from the rooftops, and every time they've had a turnout of 40-50%

For the youth that do vote are they voting for Labour Or Lib dems?

Also i heard youth vote is going to surge this election because of brexit and NHS or is this just bullshit

The Beatles were shit tbqh.

Basically I resent Rich people the post.


>implying islam is a race
>implying being white is defined by following a toxic doctrine that encourages you to kill non-whites

Voted tory so that the YAS KWEEN SLAY types aren't happy


They have imposed years of austerity but have nothing to show for it. They are completely oblivious to the damage that their cuts are doing to the economy... if you cut £2bn a year from social care, as they have, it results in a lot of the Care Homes and Social Care Providers going into administration. It also creates bed-blocking in the NHS and results in NHS trusts going into deficit. Another example. If you cut benefits, this takes consumer spending out of the economy whilst increasing poverty immensely, because people in the lowest income brackets tend to spend the highest proportion of their incomes which in turn has a positive ripple effect in the economy.

These are the same people who claim to be able to relate to ordinary working families. But the truth is the Conservative cabinet is full of millionaires and multi-millionares. They reason why it is so easy for them to cut the welfare payment to the poorest, weakest and most vulnerable in society is because they CANNOT RELATE. Most of the cabinet never have and do not even know anyone who has had to rely on housing benefit or JSA after losing their job. They just cannot and do not relate to ordinary working families.


>Can the white community condemn a white guy stabbing two other white guys who were trying to help out a muslim

makes u think

>not resenting the rich

Good bantz from the Lib Dems desu senpai

These are the same people claiming they they are economically literate, when they have a COMPLETELY UN-COSTED manifesto. Either they just could not be bothered to do the sums, or they are incredibly arrogant. I'm not sure which is worse. And they now expect the British public to give them a blank cheque to do anything they want. They can't say what level the Dementia Tax will apply at.. is it a £100k... £500k... £1m? They won't say. At what level of income will the pensioners now lose their Winter Fuel Allowance, Bus Passes and TV License Exemption, the Triple Lock as the Conservatives propose to cut these things too. Will the 3 million EU citizens who work in our hospitals, schools, banks, companies who've made their home in the UK get to stay with the same rights as before? Will they increase National Insurance or any of the other taxes? They have left all of the detail out and are with-holding any information they think might be damaging to them. The British people deserve to know. It is absolutely outragous and anyone who votes for them really needs to have a long, hard think.

But in Barry Gardiner, Emily Thornberry and Kier Starmer, we might have future Labour leaders. They are principled, honest and increcibly hard working. They are also good communicators and definitely make me feel more assured that there is still plenty of talent within the parliamentary Labour party. When the time comes to replace The Corbynator - as I now call him - there will be plenty of decent people to choose from.

Theresa May on the other hand is surrounded by outright liars like Andrea Leadsom, Clowns like Boris Johnson, right wing nut-jobs like Jacob Ress Mogg and treacherous, conniving, manipulative people like the weasel that is Michael Gove.

I know who I would chose. Labour every time. Sorry for the long rant... p.s. feel free to post this text on Facebook!

shut up you massive cunt

peace and love xx

May could strangle a puppy, goose step around Nelson's Column and call Mary Berry a cunt on live television and she'd still win a majority purely because 70% of the population see Corbyn as a dangerous lunatic

There's a reason the only polls putting Labour within 10 are (((online))) ones

Shall I infiltrate them lads

Why does he look like Bono?

>They have imposed years of austerity
Wrong there has never been any austerity, it's a complete myth. This country currently spends 90/100 billion a year more than it raises from it's people.

nobody's reading your shit momentum essay mate

>Barry Gardiner, Emily Thornberry and Kier Starmer, we might have future Labour leaders. They are principled, honest and increcibly hard working

>doing stuff for free

>But in Barry Gardiner, Emily Thornberry and Kier Starmer, we might have future Labour leaders

Thornberry is such an obnoxious cunt that she'd get demolished at a general election.

KEK what kind of name is that

Wera Hobhouse? Sounds like a fucking Game of Thrones character



Tried growing a moustache out properly for the first time, but I keep curling my top lip inwards and biting out bits of hair just because I can.

>this mealy mouthed excuse for the biased audience from last night

>tfw you're a crippled benefits NEET and still voting Tory

Who needs PIP when you have the tears of the left to sustain you

Fuck sake, I'm more worried about Lib dems winning seats than corbyn, somebody reassure that students aren't retarded enough to vote for them en masse

If you're crippled you've got PIP you liar.


>UKIP manifesto seems logical, fair and pretty decent
>But I don't want Corbyn PM

Do I just vote Tory this election, and UKIP in the next. They've said many times they don't change policies that often.

Don't be too optimistic. Beware the bubble that is SSC, Facebook and the online world in general. It just feeds back to you what you 'want' to hear. If you're Conservative, it does the same! How easy to start to believe that everything is alright and any problems are just because of forruners, if that's all you ever hear and read. So, if you are agitating online, don't just do it in here, get in the Telegraph and the Mail. What rural forums are there? Get into enemy territory. Patiently. Constantly. Politely. Persuasively.

Get offline!

Get offline, and agitate, argue, mock, persuade. Tell anyone over 60 that what they are voting for will quite possibly lead to them dying penniless and unattended in a hospital corridor covered in their own excrement having had to sell the house and spend all their savings to pay for care, only it wasn't enough, and the nurses have all left the country anyway!

Tell anyone under 60 who doesn't vote that they are effectively voting Tory by doing so. Tell them this. Tell them that they are voting for unaffordable degrees, a lifetime of debt so they have to work longer, with ever decreasing rights in order to pay extortionate rent to landlords who did vote, in their interests. They won't be asked later what their concerns might be, because if they don't vote, the presumption will be that they either don't care, or are too lazy to do anything about it anyway.

People who vote conservative historically are not all rats. I have voted for them in the past. Things like less state interference and promotion of self-reliance are values that many subscribe to and are, I believe, positive things. Like most things, it's a question of degree. Many people will vote conservative simply out of unthinking tribal loyalty, especially the old. That doesn't make them evil, but bad things can still come from their vote. Persuade them of this. Tell them how it will affect you.

who is the based bowden? do you guys know gordon bowden?

Every time I see a brit/pol/ thread, I just shake my head and laugh.

You severely damaged losers are literally the Bronies of Sup Forums. You know, that sub-group of Sup Forums kids who obsess over the preschool girl show My Little Pony? You probably don't know since all of you pathetic losers are far too busy fapping to British politicians and wishing that Britain was relevant. Why on earth would a group of you no-lives cling heavily to something as sad as this? Is there some sort of mental sickness in you guys? Did you not have a childhood? Do you not have a grasp on reality? How can you allow yourselves to deteriorate to this?

At first, I figured it was one lonely kid making these threads and bumping all day while crying in the basement for being such a useless waste of life... but then, I realized this isn't one kid doing this. There are at least fifteen of you in these threads that are getting hard over British politics. There isn't any doubt that all of you autists are fat, out of shape, and friendless.

Is that the thrill you kids get from these threads? Is it the fact that they can say #notallmuslims and can't even get off of your bed to empty out your piss bottle? Do you not realize that this board doesn't exist for you and your sick fetish? If not, then

I'm speaking for Sup Forums as a whole, and possibly, your families as well. Just stop. This isn't healthy. Stop now and try to live a regular life. How embarrassed must your family feel when they have to explain to your aunt and uncle that you want to spend you life watching an inferior form of politics.

Just stop already. Quit with the silly threads. OP, delete this thread. Kids, clear your browser history and delete all the files you have of shitty British politicians.

>Seb Payne

I strangely like his voice

Look him up on youtube, Jonathan Bowden, based as fuck speeches, a great orator too.

lmao that FUCKING nose the memes are true

I vote negatively every time, so it's a pretty easy vote for the Tories, no Dettol required



The current government have got into a completely insane ideological death spiral. They've been preaching austerity so long, they don't know how to promote anything else. They can't build. THey can't create. They don't know how to start. They can only cut, seek to maintain power, and cut some more. They will self destruct - it is the only destination. There's actually now a chance, if only a small one, to make that happen now, instead of in another 5 years with more damage done.


Yes, vote tory. Tories in charge isn't good, but we'll have bigger problems if it's Labour. Better of two evils

No ones reading what you are typing m8

prefer my political picture desu

Just read it. Obvious covering of tracks.

Portillo must be upset that his daughter's a Lib Dem.


Sortof. I expect a higher than normal % of da yoof to vote this time around, but not enough to deny the Cons a majority

Money money money

>this reddit spacing
You're not fooling anyone.

>voting Tory

nick clegg's wife was pretty gorgeous

>Better of two evils

seems like a good way to sum it up, May seems fairly weak and may not get the best Brexit deal. But she's not Corbyn.

A reminder that UKIP are the clear choice this election. Support the only people speaking out against the madness going on in Europe.

>i heard youth vote is going to surge this election
THA YOOF VOTE is 'going to surge' every election lad, are you new at this or something
THA YOOF VOTE was going to hand Miliband a majority in 2015
THA YOOF VOTE was going to keep us in the EU
THA YOOF VOTE was going to take Scotland out of the UK

Come polling day they'll stay in and watch the How I Met Your Mother marathon on E4 like they always do


Those are called paragraphs you daft cunt

>allowing Labour to win

why did theresa not show up to the debate? sending someone else to argue on her behalf comes off worse than not turning up at all desu

>Animeposters support UKIP
Welp, I know who not to vote for now.

>women's equality party

>world now 0.28% more peaceful, says research

>ywn have a beer with this man



Somebody edit in Trump pushing back against Sturgeon pls

Or at least holding the tower up

Good Cummies

I agree, she should have just not sent anyone like David Cameron did in 2015 for that one debate. But still, I don't think she got away with too much of an injury.

Will the youth vote for lib dem or labour?

>women's equality party destroying UKIP

Town's full of Kids can they not just fuck off back to school

>All these burgers

Fuck off yanky traitor scum

What's going on bongs, did May fuck herself or is this a stunt to sow chaos because you're never leaving the EU.

>Nuttalls Donkeys

top lel

Piss off back to /ptg/, mate. Your """banter""" doesn't cut it here.

because she (isn't) STRONG AND STABLE.

The elephant printed on Sainsbury's bags is more reliable than her.

>t. tory neoliberal cuck

>Come polling day they'll stay in and watch the How I Met Your Mother marathon on E4 like they always do

Funny you mention that, e4 shut down during the eu referendum to get young people to go out and vote

I hope the media and politicians are sitting on some sort of Corbyn scandal in order to kill his chances, but I doubt it since everything has been said. But with populists, it gets to a point where they have so much shit and scandal flung at them that they become immune to it - their supporters will always justify it. Happened with Trump.

Because she's a huge autist and can't put two words together off-script and falls apart in front of an audience

It was the right call though, the whole thing devolved into a complete shitshow and nobody said anything new. As says the tories shouldn't have sent anyone, that way it would've been an 'opposition leaders' debate' and they could pretend they're above it

You'll probably see a split between Tory and Labour - favouring Labour.

The only people who will vote Lib Dem are people starting uni this year, free stuff I guess.
Labour for "muh eu, muh multiracialism, muh virtue signal"
Most young people would vote for Labour, but aren't blind to the parties quality, so they'll vote Tory but go back to labour when they reform.