Why does the left try to use a redpilled book to push their agenda?


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>salon com/2017/05/30/down-the-memory-hole_partner
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Not reading an unarchived link.
And speaking of "memory holes", imagine my shock that Salon deleted all their pro-pedophilia articles after Anthony Wiener/Pizzagate.

inb4 "uhhh orwell was a socialist, sweetie"


Obama signed off on spying on the planet, how is that trump's fault?

1984 is not redpilled.

It fills you with hopelessness and dread after dragging you through graphic sex scenes written to corrupt children.

Orwell is O'Brien.

So that's why the media plasters his fucking face everywhere to make you believe it's 1984.God why can't these parasites fucking DIE ALREADY!

1984 is normie pseudointellectual drivel
Brave New World could have been written by a time traveller

So was Hitler.

>why does the left use 1984 to push their agenda

Because they noticed us using 1984 references regarding their attempts at controlling language so they're trying very unsuccessfully to appropriate 1984 references as a leftist thing so people don't wrongthink about their blatant redefining of 'sexism' and 'racism'


"If you say a lie, and make it big enough, and keep repeating it, it becomes fact" -something along those lines

I was depressed for a while after I finished reading it.

People that realized the MSM is doing this aren't the kind of people that read shit like Salon to begin with. They're using a red pill argument to present the blue pill like its the red pill.

thats also an easy way to convince yourself of your own propaganda

Because they are like really bad bloodhounds. Soon as they get a whiff of anything they think is the scent of their prey they take off in the wrong direction.

he was until he partook in the spanish revolution

To make it seem like "teh evil trump" was the one spying on all citizens illegally for 8 years

lol, ironically trump is more like Goldstein than big brother. Like him or not he's clearly the doubleplus ungood president and you're a very bad goy if you voted for him

Because they are hypocrites

Trump is Emmanuel Goldstein, not Bug Brother.

I've always wondered if it was worth it for Winston. He got to fuck a piece of ass like Julia for months.

They don't want people reading animal farm so they hype 1984 instead.

these people are retarded. Like when they screened 1984 to protest trump, and i was like "wasnt their hero Obama the one repreatedly exposed for illegally spying on his own citizens" I think these fagggots ahould actually read the book maybe


we have anti-democratic democrats
fascist anti fascists

why not Leftists accusing everyone else of Orwellizing the news, history etc

its fitting, really.

IngSoc is not quite authoritarian enough for the RegLeft

No, he was a Marxist until Spanish Civil War, and then became an Anarchist. He was still socialist.

The office of the Presidency has such obnoxious amounts of power that 1984 comparisons come out no matter who sits in the office

any chance rebecca is yet ANOTHER fucking Jew??


>redpilled book
Could someone explain me why exactly this book is considered to be great or "redpilled"? I was honestly impressed by how shit it is when I read it. It is a surprisingly poor written fiction, taking place in a system which could never possibly work.

Classic lib tactic: 'Accuse the victim of what you do'

They are so deluded. The recent NSA wiretapping story proves unequivocally that Barack Obama basically made 1984 a reality. He engaged in political espionage.

Be skeptical of Marxism and government

Ingsoc = English Socialism. They were the bad guys. Did the socialist regressives at Salon even read the book?

>rightists still think orwell was one of them

do they willingly propagate those lies or are they just too stupid to literally read one of their articles?

>trump is exercising complete control over all messaging while all messaging is slanderous negative stories about him
interesting theory you filthy kikes

Hard to tell with the profile, but she is definitely a bitter dried up roastie.

It's time for Brave New World references then. I want to see them try to twist that one


found on the same site:


Why did these Germans build a literal pipeline for their beer?
It's for the biggest music festival in the world.

Organizers for the world’s biggest metal festival expect metal heads to consume so much beer they’re constructing a beer pipeline. The underground pipeline will be seven kilometers long and funnel 400,000 liters of beer to the festival. It will hold enough pressure to pump six beers in six seconds. To anyone who stood in line for a beer at concert, this will sound like a godsend.


But there is a plenty of books taking place in both dystopias and utopias written a long time before 1984.
The ideas of marxism probably influenced Orwell when he wrote that books, however Orwell is not a economist or political philosopher, the marxism itself wasn't discussed (or portrayed) in the book at all. Again, there are a plenty of marxist-bashing literature out there. So why praise 1984?

On second thought, the book's name "American Nuremburg: The Officials Who Should Stand Trial for Post 9/11 Crimes" lets me know she's definitely one of God's (((chosen))). They simply can't abstain from reminding you of the 6 gorrilion.

The system may not make much sense, especially when ruling by fear is no longer a thing, but it's basic mechanics still work.

Every single time

It's so easy to start hating the jews

Animal Farm literally came into existence as a way of explaining how socialism seems attractive yet it will end in massive disappointment, illiterate fuck.

Also, it's just another classic case of leftism projection, OP. Saul Alinsky's "accuse your enemy of what you're doing" type of thing.

No, Animal Farm is a critique of Leninism and Marxism.

Great, now I badly want an Ayinger Jahrhundertbier, and it's barely 9 o clock.

Did these people even read 1984? They are the ones advocating for policed language/thought. They want to ban words. They collectively have their 2 minutes of hate for Trump every day. They want complete control of your life. They would have advocated for spying on American citizens or at least done it behind closed doors.

They are everything they claim to hate about Trump.

these idiots haven't even read the book.

the image shows trump in place of goldstein, who is only an image for the people to hate on their work breaks.

this author literally doesn't understand the source material.


It's amazing how obvious it is and yet how incognito they remain at the same time. I had a pretty blue-pilled friend that I'd exchange articles with and I named the Jew. He didn't believe me until I started showing him the names and bios of the authors. We went through the past works and it was something like 80% were penned by (((them))).

liberals cant read

>taking place in a system which could never possibly work.
>he wrote, as his normiebook account was being surveyed by the NSA, feminazis dictated his sexual behavior making him a criminal for having sexual urges, leftist media rewrote the world history he thought he knew and government agencies dictated the narrative that benefit them

also its called fiction for a reason you dumb cyka, you fucking said it yourself. you just accept or ignore the fantasy elements and analyze the message behind it you dumb fuck

Moving the goalposts.
"Everyone is equal but some are more equal than others" perfectly describes the current status of the left.

Esteban, my only point is that Orwell was a socialist.

it actually works perfectly
in the hour of hate, they are ordered like cattle to shout and hate the image of a person for no real reason at all and that is exactly what the retarded left is doing
thats why normies hate him, they have no fucking reason at all other than CNN told them to do so and thats why subversives of the mass media and the alt right form a cult around him
you really expected a leftist to actually read a book for once in their lives other than pro communist drivel?

To find out who is 1984'ing you, find out who you aren't allowed to criticize. Trump gets laughed at by everyone every single day, how the fuck are these retards saying he's like big brother? libs are fucking beyond saving

True, true.

Its one of those things you have to be careful about, and make sure you dont become blind and a sheep that just thinks its awake.

The global warming scam is comparable to 1984.

If you want to know what leftists are, just look at what they accuse others of being.

Big brother literally did nothing wrong tho

DAE think that the commie Orwell who literally fought for a commie army against a fascist army actually LOVED the right wing and thought leftists were evil?

Orwell got accidentally redpilled when, fighting as a commie, he discovered what evil pieces of shit communist leaders actually are.

also Obama was the one who was letting the Intelligence communities abuse the hell out of the 4th, Obama was Orwellian police state.

also the SocJus libtards are the ones who want thoughtcrime laws and shit while preaching how the tolerant cannot tolerate the intolerant.

this is all because Stalin didn't succeed in his purge of Trotskyite jews, who fled to the USA and began subverting the hell out of our or political parties.

>global warming is real, but denied
>fossil fuel industry continues to make massive profits
>so they fund climate change denial with their existing massive reserves of cash

>global warming is not real but claimed to be
>this is funded by ????? in order to benefit ???? with massive amounts of ?????

where is the motivation? how does it all fit together in your head? use occam's razor. the real scam is right in front of your fucking eyes and you're willfully blind to it.
you really think every country on earth, all 190+, all got together to agree to push this climate change thing, presenting the same facts and evidence, and the US is the one country that's too red-pilled and woke to be in on this?

I honestly don't know.

None of their allusions to 1984 regarding Trump really work, and it's the modern left (and obviously the historical left) that so closely mirror the themes of the book.

I mean, their adherence to language policing and mutilation is actually more pronounced and bizarre than Orwell's fiction.

I thought they'd be more inclined to go with Idiocracy which is much closer to Trump's America.

1984 is more like Merkel or Macron's Europe.

Nigga wut

>could never possibly work

Tell that to leftists.

Orwell was a dedicated socialist. Up until he died.

He just realized that Euro-Commies were every bit as fucking retarded as anyone on the right.

Basically it's like being a Bernie-Bro, going to a rally and finding yourself in the middle of some Anti-fa.

If it was truly the harbinger of the destruction of civilization, I think we'd be seeing more earnest action towards mitigating it. The Paris Accord basically amounts to a giant sin-tax that won't get much of anything accomplished. It's problematic no doubt, but it'll manifest itself in the ways of refugee crises, agricultural disruptions, and population displacements.

Frederick Engels (1880) - Socialism, Utopian and Scientific
>"State interference in social relations becomes, in one domain after another, superfluous, and then dies out of itself; the government of persons is replaced by the administration of things, and by the conduct of processes of production. The State is not "abolished". It dies out...Socialized production upon a predetermined plan becomes henceforth possible. The development of production makes the existence of different classes of society thenceforth an anachronism. In proportion as anarchy in social production vanishes, the political authority of the State dies out. Man, at last the master of his own form of social organization, becomes at the same time the lord over Nature, his own master—free.

A fucking leaf

>where is the motivation
They're proposing a 4 trillion dollar worldwide carbon tax, look up how they plan to spend it. They want more infrastructure in third world countries so they can have more cheap labor. It's always about cheap labor.

"Developing countries" don't have to follow regulation of the Paris Agreement, and are instead paid to have infrastructure and "development" (not even green development) by the developed countries.

The Paris Agreement considers China a developing country.

Yes, that's correct, the Paris Agreement does not make China pollute less, it instead makes Europe, USA, and Japan pay for China to setup outsourcing factories.

you would think that, wouldn't you.
its the tragedy of the commons. no one state can stop the damage on its own, so there isn't much benefit in unilaterally lowering emissions - but there is an immediately apparent economic downside.
nobody wants to shoot themselves in the foot in international competition. its a game of chicken.
meanwhile powerful lobbies within every major polluter are pumping millions of dollars into asking their government to pretty please let us keep polluting, look at all the money we'll provide to your constitutents
that money is immediate, while the money lost to flooding, crop failure, biosphere collapse, drought, refugee flows is impossible to quantify and attribute, and dispersed across the globe.
its painfully difficult to get even a few major powers to agree to anything, and we need pretty much the whole world for this. So here we are. It's easiest to just put your hands over your eyes and pretend it isn't happening.

kys retards

>Did the socialist regressives at Salon even read the book?
What do you think?
There's a reason leftists are constantly quoting Harry Potter you know.

An actually useful solution would be to cripple the Chinese and Indian economies, cut off "aid" to Africa, and let them all starve.

This has been going on forever my dude. Read Enemies (FBI) and Legacy of Ashes (CIA). I fucking wish there was one of these books about NSA but you can piece together a decent chunk if you read both of them. Not saying it isn't wrong though. Nixon did nothing wrong at all when compared to Obama.

Source please!

Right on the money, anyone who supports this bullshit should be put against the wall. If we were all going to die, we would just cap, not cap and trade. If coastal cities were going to be under water they would be talking about building new cities to offset those displaced. Instead the agreements are about more taxes and cheap labor with zero benefit to a developed nation.

Because the left are cucks youtu.be/1m49GSVqeOo

source. never followed up but had always wondered where the carbon tax was supposed to go.

i can't tell if this is the best or worst thing ever. let developing countries do all of our work, give us UBI, let us live in peak decadence.

>It fills you with hopelessness and dread
So redpilled. There is nothing you can do. Yo ure not Neo. It is over. True one redpill.

I was legitimately depressed for a week or two after I finished reading The Things They Carried.
I hated how the book ended

1984 is shit compared to Brave New World anyway. BNW is more plausible and we're experiencing it right now in reality. We are enslaved by our own comfort and pleasure. Too satisfied to stand up against the government

cause they havent read the book

This debate again. If you can't see elements of both works in modern society you are either blind or willfully ignorant.

Because none of them have actually read it, they just think that if they tell you to read animal farm because "you'll see" that it will convince people to join them

>Always accuse your enemy of what you yourself are doing.

>The Paris Agreement considers China a developing country.
But China IS developing country...

because leftwinger never read the books they talk about and never think about it sceptically

Rather than admit that they're part of the problem that would drive society towards a 1984 scenario they try to avert your attention elsewhere so it's harder to notice.

Why do you faggots keep saying this?
I swear this place has gone down hill since Trump.

>left literally has 24 hour hate on trump for years
>fighting undeniable wars on poverty, climate change and terror
>you just need to get used to unlimited surveillance and terrorist bombings
>Russia has always been the enemy!
>no you can't alter a 5 year old healthcare law millions will LITERALLY die
>smash the fash!

How can you see the modern left and not see ingsoc

The lack of self awareness is ...Orwellian

I think they still support capitalism and somehow think the republicans are the ones that want an authoritarian police state. Meanwhile, the hard left pushes for literal thought crime.

>He hasn't heard of Bess posting
Oh you poor little sniker doodle.


This is why we think Americans are dumb.

Who gives a shit about 1984.

Huxley is where it's at -- even Orwell copied him.

I think, Molymeme is absolutely correct: Whatever the left accuses you off, they are actually doing. Or: whatever they are actually doing, the will accuse the right off.

Seriously: this IS what they are doing!

>more infrastructure in third world countries

Once again the Yank argues against policies that would keep Africans in Africa.

Really makes me think.