Why you SLAVES don't make USURY illegal?

I watch all your retarded threads and shitposting, none of you numbered-marked-slave owned by every newborn jews, you fat trannies ever ever ever never ever talk about USURY, it is one of the most iconic event in the life of your fucking prophet, the most memorable one, you (whites) are experts in all sciences, all domains, at the highest levels, no kike can ever dream of your success (they die in jealousy every second) in the deepest fields of science, yet you get fucked and fuck your dynasty and childrens for all eternity over this jewish dirty trick :

Jew lend you 1 dollar,
Jew expect you give 2 back


Your state should operate Safes with basic cop-tier level employees (NO PRIVATE BANKERS!), money should be gold and silver, shouldnt be mixed with others stacks, shouldnt be changed in nature, shouldnt be touched! No Usury! No rates! No interest even in your favor!

NO UTOPIA, NO DREAMT WORLD can come to reality as long as you get KIKED.

Other urls found in this thread:


don't you have some refugee feet to kiss ?


Interest rates are low and we'll regulated. The problem is house price speculation. That's what should be made illegal.

Homes need to be homes, not investments.

Same goes for education in the US while I'm at it.

That thinking (low rate) IS PURE POISON.
Even low rates rise to astronomical figues that none of your descendants can ever reimburse (forever endebted and enslaved)

1 for 1 is mathematical peace

So... what incentive will anyone have to loan money then?

I like that image
It seems Jesus is wipping Mike Pence

Yes that's a deep question and the other one is Should you give your country to the most vile of all enemies and give them your childrens as slaves. Very difficult choice indeed.

Don't play with things you do not own, you get owned in the end.

the answer is 0% rate (brotherhood tier) + Charity

truth as been said and ignored, (its all good and normal), back to shitposting

You could always go to the middle east where you would be more comfortable.

sup ginger jew, you got your most vile activity under crosshair? truth and light is always fearsome for you I know because of your kike background & shadow mechanics. but tell me in all honesty what mystery is it that you can breath & survive in front of whites & attack them at the same time? knowing how superior they are? Is it some shlomo sorcery, negromancy + kabbala mix ? very curious about that

whites and the entire world should know emancipation from kikery and usury, its just a matter of opinion shift, its like, my friend, as immediate as a flick of a switch

The thing about gold as money is that it requires a lot of people to be servants to back up the value of the gold, and in this day and age, people would rather be adulterated than be servants, so it isn't very popular.

it is, thanks

How many ursury points do you goys have? I just hit 700 feels pretty good

each region could print time limited and region limited notes editions, for pure convenience and keeping in citizen mind that its just temporary paper, but this by this permission that the evil will return and expand back to its original global usury

I wasn't rude to you. I suggested a place where you can live the life you want. Is saying you could go to the middle east such an insult? Lol.

u are economically illiterate. ''usury'' is what incentivises people to loan and invest. w/o it u have no capitalist economy worth a damn, no financial system equals no credit pool for new and existing businesses to draw on, and no credit pool means no business growth. banking is dominated by private interest groups, and must be brought under state control. if u couldn't profit from loaning money no-one would do it, and without it no new businesses would exist

In the US, this is tied in with Protestant cuckery. They get up in arms about muh Muslims, without even realizing that the average Muslim in a dirt poor Paki village is closer to the New Testament ideal than the average Protestant American. The Anglo Protestant is the ultimate cuck for the Jew.

Yea then how did business exist before banks? Loans are just like insurance, an economic luxury, not a necessity

He is a mussie enlightening us. He isn't a real person.

Are you CRAZY, man?!
Do you want our countries to be invaded by the Jewnited States of America?

This is a debate about worldviews more than anything. The usury issue is just a corollary of this larger debate about rule by money or a return to more organic systems of social organization, which certainly functioned very well in civilizations which had outlawed usury. In fact, the debate will probably be much more pressing after the collapse of the unsustainable western systems we now enjoy. Under the current western system, yes, usury is absolutely necessary. Without it the entire edifice of banking and western money would collapse and send our countries into chaos. But if we're headed for a Cataclysm collapse anyway, the debate can be reframed in terms of which system will replace the present one

Without usury there is work and the heritage of workers, workers who are never striked every year by insane amount of taxes claimed by public/national debt. No usury = purest mathematical peace.

Pay this if you ever can, you and tell me the numbers of generation who will never achieve it

if, instead of usury, we associate loans strictly with fractional ownership of the investment (shares of a business), then incentive can still exist.

more venture capitalists, fewer usury agents.

Each newborn Burger owes $60K, abundance is illegal for goys.


Daily reminder, that Bitcoin is debt-free, taxes-free, and as good as gold.


Yep, Bitcoin is legal in the USA.

Will bitcoin survive the day of War? which country will give you food vs bitshekels?

Gold/Silver is the only way in my mind

what is venture capital

>no-interest loans
Hi OP can you lend me all your moolah ill repay you in 200yrs

>Have a business idea / invention for making 10$ a month
>Borrow 100$ from a bank under 5% yearly interest rate and use it to implement the idea
>Make 120$ in the first year, give back 105$ to the bank. My profit is 15$.
>Make 100$ each year without owning anything for all the followin years
Why are white trash so bad at economics and resent anything that gives you a chance to make it if your smart?


There were banks in the Roman Empire, the argentarium. Usury was fine everywhere for almost all cultures except sandnigger religions

Ursury only works as a concept if new wealth is continually made.

This is the basis of capitalism: infinite growth. Such growth is unstable and impossible in nature.

We need to look as sustainable wealth until we can start mining space asteroids for precious metals.

You're lowering the problem to your schlomo-to-schlomo scenarios (wich is still an injustice), simple people still suffer from public debt (and other nation-contracted debts)

Again, usury has a much longer history than Christianity, and is necessary for businesses to function.

why pay debts when they can just print money?

It is all illusionary.

Gold and Silver are good enough.
But yes, Bitcoin would survive any cataclysm. It's just a distributed database.

they're fabricated, unreal, and can be made void;

On 2 October 2006, during a press conference in Oslo, the Norwegian minister for international development, Erik Solheim, announced the unilateral and unconditional cancellation of debts owed by the five following countries: Ecuador, Egypt, Jamaica, Peru, and Sierra Leone, thus ackowledging Norway’s responsibility in their illegitimate debt. These cancellations amounted to about USD 80 million |10|. The decision was motivated by the fact that ‘the claims derived from a failed development project – the Ship Export Campaign of the late 70’s’: This campaign represented a development policy failure. As a creditor country Norway has a shared responsibility for the debts that followed. In cancelling these claims Norway takes the responsibility for allowing these five countries to terminate their remaining repayments on these debts |11|. For the first time in history, a country of the North admitted to being responsible for inadequate loan policy and took measures to remedy what had occurred. The decision represented a break with today’s tacit consensus within the Paris Club. Norway’s move is a significant step towards the recognition of creditors’ responsibility in the process of illegitimate debts."

What are you talking about, we're constantly railing against (((central banking))) and monopoly money with politicians stealing from the people.


sad that the pope who remember jesus everyday but prefers merkel's law above his god's law, and never talks about the temple's merchant, as if it was not that important to remember, has if it had no reasoning behind, all of his life and wisdom, this is a very strange world

There's two types of loans
Where a consumer borrows money to consume, which has no benefit for society

Productive people with good business plans borrow money in order to create MORE value creation, which increases the value of money.

What the socialists do is take money from the productive to give to people who don't produce value but consume. Money is a claim on value, so by giving people who produce no value money for not being valuable, they reduce the amount of value every unit of currency represents. This is what inflation is in effect.

Marxist socialism cannot work because it's based on the false premise that money equals value. It's like giving everyone access to health insurance and saying now every has access to healthcare. No they don't, they're just insured now for care they have no access to.

That's a productive loan, which isn't inherently bad. The problem is consumer loans which don't increase the value produces by society, but it reduces the amount of capital available for businesses to get started.

You have accepted usury. Anything outside of 1:1 is an injustice.

ill take that one back.

Interest in itself isn't bad, but these people are both the ones who loan the money AND receive the interest. Because they can somehow, through government violence, engage in loans on other people's behalf. They loan themselves the money, but tax the people the interest. That's what's evil.

There's nothing inherently wrong with giving an incentive to someone to take a risk they wouldn't otherwise take. What's wrong is that these banks make stupid decisions, but since they run the government, the tax payers have to cover the risks. That's criminal. Taxation needs to end.

fuck ya finally a good threat on pol

OP is weird but is right on about usury, that's basically the root of how (((they))) get you

I agree with Jesus on this usury issue...

Not with turning other cheek or loving your enemy, those are so faggoty dogmas

It really gets right to the point doesn't it?