What are the future political ramifications of very young children watching shit like this on YouTube?

What are the future political ramifications of very young children watching shit like this on YouTube?


Youtube keywords:
- Spiderman and elsa
- Bad baby
- Ugly baby
- Finger song

YouTube is FULL of this shit targeting kids, in various languages. Look for yourself. Why is it even there? What the fuck is this shit Sup Forums? How will the kids growing up watching this mindwarp shit impact politics when they're adults?

Other urls found in this thread:





This was in the comment of one of those videos

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Inb4 404

whats the link to this video that causes a distressed or euphoric sensation?


>These three have the mentioned effects
>Watch at your own Risk

Also, repository link

Hundreds of thousands of defenseless kids...

Makes me want to purge.

felt absolutely nothing. just a lil bored. no "distress" , no euphoria

Brother of the continent, Day of the Rope when?

Then I envy you.

you might hate me for this but should we get 9fag on this? Seeing as its a popular site sure some people would spread it.

Someone should for every platform. But, I've got my hands full with being a tripfag

Maybe try and get some youtubers like takedownman involved? i don't know how we can do anything about all this it seems so big.

>connected to the lost colony of Roanoke as well

aaaaaaand I stopped reading. Fuck off, Leaf. Go back to /x/.

If you're not here to think, then return to cuckbook


should this get posted on the_d*nald? I guess it will make its way over there eventually.


I don't know but I won't be letting my kids on the internet (until 7 or 8) unsupervized (until 10-13) and they sure as hell aren't getting "smart" devices they can't pay for themselves.

My eyes began to rattle in my head and I became nauseous.
Probably because I was primed to think about the videos in that way before actually watching them