Why is it a good thing Trump dropped out of the Paris Agreement?

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It's not, but it doesn't matter. It was non-binding.

Because it was illegal the way we entered it in the first place

So the usa doesnt funnel money directly to devolping nations that get a free pass to fuck up the environment and the usa has to bend over and take climate migrants

The world backs white genocide.

We genocide the world.

>"To help developing countries switch from fossil fuels to greener sources of energy and adapt to the effects of climate change, the developed world will provide $100 billion a year," NPR's Christopher Joyce reports.

>But that amount is identified as a "floor," not a ceiling.

>"Developed countries won inclusion of language that would up the ante in subsequent years," he explains, "so that financial aid will keep ramping up over time."

>China, India, Russia, and other large countries classified as "developing"

i saw a post from CAR earlier, are you actually from CAR..hows the political climate there

Immigration clause.

>So the usa doesnt funnel money directly to devolping nations that get a free pass to fuck up the environment and the usa has to bend over and take climate migrants

There's no better way to say it.

Because the Paris accords is the foundation towards an international technocracy controlled by a bunch of liberal billionaires who spew more carbon themselves then 100,000 normal people.

All this hur duur bad for business is a bunch of BS. The only reason big publicly traded companies come out against this is for PR purposes so they can be seen as Socially Responsible companies, keeping their major investors.

Thank fucking christ, what a shitshow

so basically it's the SJW constitution

Can't stand the bitch, but I've got to admit that is a fine titty.

Companies will now be able to freely pollute our rivers, which could be a good thing seeing as it's mostly Trump voters that will die from it.


We weren't in it in the first place. Never ratified by the senate. Another one of Obama's attempts to rule by edict and thus toothless and easily removed. We would also be the only country expected to actually follow it anyway. Which would piss away our jobs from a country that does control actual nasty pollution and send those jobs to a country that literally dumps poisons straight into their water. I used to think "liberals" were naive but well intentioned. Now I think they are just stupid or suffer pronounced mental illness.

>Why is it a good thing Trump dropped out of the Paris Agreement?

"good" is subjective here...

It's good for the U.S. because we're not controlled by faggots from other countries.

It's bad for non-U.S. because we're not paying you to be faggots anymore.

Have you read the Paris Agreement? it has a bunch of shit in it about migrants and open borders. it was a massively one sided agreement where the U.S put up most if not all the capital compared to Europe/Asia/The America's, dropping out of it is just smart and if the faggot leftists want a real agreement it has to be fair across the board.

so world communism basically funded by the US

The Paris Accord is a shit deal for the US.

That said, serious steps do need to be taken to protect the environment. If Trump were smart, he'd use this moment to launch some sort of Space Race-like program for clean energy.

Doing so would allow him to quit the Paris deal while offering an American, job-generating alternative. Unfortunately, Trump is a dumbass that only cares about 'muh 85IQ coal miners'.

because its a fucking chinese scam

read for yourself:
goal of the EU: drop of TOTAL EMISSIONS by 40% of the level from fucking 1990

goal of the USA: drop of TOTAL EMISSIONS by 26% of the level from 2005
www4.unfccc.int/ndcregistry/PublishedDocuments/United States of America First/U.S.A. First NDC Submission.pdf

Goal of China: drop of TOTAL EMISSION INTENSITY by 60% of the level from 2005

Emission intensity is tied to GDP, so when GDP grows the intensity shrinks automatically.
China can keep their Emissions at the same level and it will shrink automatically, they can even increase their emissions by a modest amount as long as it stays below GDP growth.


3 Branches of the US Government

1) Executive, enforces the law and handles the military
2) Legislative, writes the law and handles the budget
3) Judiciary, interprets the law and is the last buck in court appeals

The Paris Agreement will be enforced as a law for Americans yet it was never debated nor voted by Congress, the branch of the US government literally responsible for the budget and law. The United States entered into the Paris Agreement illegally in the first place when Obama never went through Congress.

We're a country of law, not one fueled by rabid liberal emotions about how a world government should enforce laws on American soil.

Trump dropping out of the (((Paris Agreement))) is a good thing because it will allow us to import less Chinese/Indian goods. China and India are the real culprits to CO2 expansion. Curtail the insects from producing so much toxic waste then selling the byproduct of that toxic waste to American liberal dumbfucks, and we might CONSIDER playing into a global CO2 reduction agreement. Until then, get fucked globalists.
We're tired of being the boogeyman to the world's environmental problems. Liberals are trying to fuck over our society with this stupid shit without an inkling as to the mechanization behind these problems. It's not as simple as reducing it to "Americans drive trucks, therefore the world will burn," but that's how it's portrayed. Fuck off already with this shit. Americans need to produce American goods. We need to be able to compete with the countries that are allowed to toxify the environment without regulation, or the cycle will continue unabated.

It doesn't really achieve anything, even if every nation did what they said they would it'd reduce warming by between 0.1 - 0.2°C.

Why is it a bad thing the us is out for the us, specifically?

I fucking knew Trump saw something I didn't.

He's a successful businessman for a reason.

He wipes his ass with contracts like the Paris Agreement.

Carbon credits are just another ponzi scheme to funnel wealth.


Like the refugee crisis, when Belgium sets quotas for European countries or "face the consequences", it becomes an authoritarian regime. Same for the Paris Agreement.

Because we all know what this is about.

>money in the bank, shorty what chu drank.

Get off peasants.

what they're talking about cannot be reversed any other way than killing billons of people so since that will never happen it's just best we keep our tax money.


Link to where it says this?

It's good for US taxpayers because now our hard earned money won't be going to the coffers of rich people in poor countries, to the tune of hundreds of billions of dollars.

By the way, do you know what the UN themselves said this treaty would do? Lower CO2 levels by 3/10 of 1°...BY THE YEAR 2100. Again, UN data.

Fucking trash legislation, is just a redistribution of wealth.


Okay that guy was right. It is just an excuse to funnel money into africa

This is not how environmental policy works. Trump backed out of a nonbinding international agreement to cripple ourselves economically while allowing developing nations to continue pumping out carbon, which for some retarded reason is all these trendivists give a shit about. More importantly, it does nothing to curb the increased emission rates of far more acutely dangerous heavy metals, volatile compounds, petroleum hydrocarbons, and a whole slew of other chemicals, ect. without any regard to their affect on the population or environment. All this agreement did was get the west to transfer wealth to poor nations while giving them a pass to continue their exponential industrial growth. It's even more useless than the kyoto accords which did nothing to slow carbon emissions any faster than technological developments allowed.
The clean air and water acts are still the law of the land in the US, in addition to numerous state led DEPs. Fuck, states are even starting to bid out all the non-CERCLA industrial remediation to private companies at this point because the government led agencies were to incompetent to actually clean anything up. And just because chief nigger's executive order to cripple coal production was repealed does not mean companies are pouring 55-gal drums of green goo into pristine streams. If you actually gave a shit about the environment then read some fucking regulation and stop getting your talking points from the meat street Minotaur.

It's sort of fascinating that you think this, assuming you're not b8

How so

It's terrible for the planet, but look at all these angry liberals on twitter! Totally worth it guys!



upvote me please

What stops you from buying the more expensive stuff that stops climate change?

Unedited shot of Washington DC, circa 2020.

He made the right choice

global warming is a hoax

It isn't. Trump is ruining nationalism worldwide. This climate change denial of the right and the AfD will cost them at least 3%-5% votes

>inb4 lAWL das nozthing
They only have a chance on 10-15% in the first place

Because he just fucked over Macron for being a cocky little twat

>Why is it a good thing Trump dropped out of the Paris Agreement?

He just wants free markets to decide. People still have a choice to buy from companies who emit less CO2.

Other than the fact that even if he did, China would keep going, thus rendering the whole facade pointless. And let's also conveniently ignore that scientists have come out saying we've hit the "no way back" point years ago AND that Trump is actually for a clean environment ("I'm for clean air and clean water")

But no, he doesn't want to subject the US to a globalist budgetary & economic control so he a dum who hate humanity.

kys if you think anything like this btw

*China would keep polluting

It's a great deal for African countries who will get free development ment from US taxpayers while Germany and France pick their nose and don't pay a dime.

But hey, the whole US Government works with 3 branches doesn't mean shit when the President can abuse his power to enter a deal that would tax the living shit out of Americans. You know, something that Congress has as its job description and Obama ignored Congress to sign us up for free giveaways to the rest of the world.

Not constitutional free shit to the rest of the world. But yeah man, it's totally about Redditor jokes here.

Si, mucho benefitio!

>Trump is a dumbass that only cares about 'muh 85IQ coal miners

I was about to say you should be 51st state until you went full retard right there.



Go in the other thread and tell the shill cunt this please.

We don't live on a planet.

Fuck you and your globalist wealth redistribution


It ain't natural but it's built very well.

I was born in 1971.

The amount of times I have seen so-called trusted scientists and experts claim that the world was doomed and everything was going to end in 10 years or 5 years or 15 years I quite literally can't even count. I heard it when I was a little boy, as a young teenager, as a young adult, as a man with children, every single time they predict anything it never actually happens.

Authority means nothing if that authority cannot actually demonstrate why people should put their stock in it.

Attempts at communism have always been funded by capitalism, so yes.

fuck paris and the environment.

Who cares? As long as I can fill my giant SUV with cheap Chinese-made crap at WalMart

Probably the only honest answer ITT

Too many retards saying "Hurr I don't trust scientists! My local Republican representative knows better!"...

The agreement wont change anything but shift money off the backs of superpowers to shitty 3rd world countries who will explode with population growth so they can migrate to the same countries who gave them money.


>Scientists agree that climate change is real
>None can agree on the degree to which humanity has changed the climate

Until I see hard evidence that man-made carbon emissions are the cause for climate change these people can go fuck themselves. As it stands there is no hard evidence to support man-made climate change and it honestly just looks like a way for liberals invested in green energy and carbon credits to make easy money off of people looking to feel good about protecting the environment.

Climate change isn't.

Climate change is just a smokescreen.
The Paris Agreement was about building infrastructure in countries with large pools of cheap labor and making the people about to get outsourced pay for it.

Literally just for the fact that it's another thing Obama did that Trump is undoing.

You and I were around to remember when they were predicting global cooling due to the same factors, mainly man made pollutants.

Fuck that Big Oil and Big Coal should die right here an now.

>Too many retards saying "Hurr I don't trust scientists!
I DO trust scientists. What I don't trust are the libtard political-agenda stooges sucking Jew cock for sheckels. All their doomsday predictions from twenty years ago turned out wrong.

Do you believe in science or not? They had a theory. We did the experiment. Their theory was disproved.

Only in the minds of you dick-sucking libtards does a failure of proof of your theory make you MORE convinced you're right.

I guess hotter than average summers and weird winters aren't evidence enough? How about that huge hole that was in the ozone layer.

Came here to say this.

that flag is pretty dank

Holy shit I don't have you yet. Thanks.

Where in this post is there any evidence?

No evidence to support that hotter summers and strange winters were created my MAN-MADE carbon emissions and not a natural part of the planets carbon cycle.

the ice caps are mel-

Well let me give you the number one rule with agreements, laws, acts... etc. The name is just a title like for an image in your folder, it doesn't matter and it usually never pertains to what it is.

climate cycle*

The United States is on the brink of financial collapse. We can no longer send money overseas. We must save our own people. Those fucken countries are on their own for a while.

>a natural part of

Milankovitch and sunspot cycles.

Did you even listen to what he said today? I believe that he has common enough sense to understand that polluting the environment is a bad thing to do. He said so multiple times. He also said that it would be irresponsible of him as YOUR representative at the table of this discussion to sign onto an arrangement in which we lose jobs, profits, and industry in order not to pollute while sending a shit load of capital to countries who will have free reign to pollute.
Why in the fuck would someone who cares about this nation want to sign that?

I guess if white people go down they're taking everyone with them.

How are Americans using the excuse "Obama didn't go through the three branches of legislature", when Trump hasn't done that for his shit? Isn't that the entire point of an Executive Order?

Step outside for more than a minute and you'll see it in my 25 years on this planet I can say I see it if you can't you're blind or ignorant or both.

Global warming is bad and abandoning the paris climate agreement is bad.

Mythbusters did a test few years back. they compared the temperature of a room with high levels of CO2 with a room that has lower levels of CO2

Guess what is the result?
You guessed it, Scientists were right


>leaf cucks to authoritarian overreach and constitutional violation
Big surprise

>i-it made liberals cry!!
That's why and the only reason why.
Sup Forums would rather destroy the fucking planet they live on only to have a chance to make liberals cry.

Reminder that those liberals are crying because of your stupidity.
Not so much because of how stupid you specifically are but because your stupidity will *literally* kill us all.
If only there was a way your stupidity didn't affect us and only made you die.

>Non-binding meme again

Cuck juncker says it will take us 4 years to get out

Get the fuck out reddit

That's not evidence that's confirmation bias. Unless you provide me with hard evidence that climate change is man-made then I will continue to not care.

Lmao at this level of education

Kiribatti , a country is sinking

China and india should be pating the carbon tax not america.

>asking for scientific proof that climate change is man-made and not naturally occurring
>here is thing that is happening

Okay faggot, but where's the hard evidence that HUMANITY is causing climate change. I'm not denying that climate change exists I'm denying that it is man-made.

-Make other countris unhabitable
- Make the few millions with high income and skills flee, let the other billions die
-Enjoy new society of millions of immigrants with more money and power than you

The bill send jobs to brown countrys
It doesnt help the enviroment.
China and india are the top polluters.

The rate at which is happening matches industrial revolution and accellerates exponentially with oil boom

Feeling a little low?

Neil tyson degrasse is labeled as a scientist and he is retarded.
Bill nye the so-called scientist thinks there is 68 genders.

Tell china and india to stop polluting

it called for $100,000,000,000 a year from 'rich nations' to go to the third world so they could skip the fossil fuel stage and go straight to renewable energy.

its also hard to increase US manufacturing as he promised without increasing carbon emissions

lastly, my theory, its a nice way to say FUCK YOU to those commies in europe without ripping up military alliances or treaties

quality post