Scientists, politicians, the media, and most people believe in Climate Change

Why don't you? Seriously, I want proof on why most people are supposedly wrong in this issue

Other urls found in this thread:

>"proove a negative or Ill believe it"

>B-but these famous people on the TV told me it's right, so it has to be right

Not a single climate change prediction has ever come true for the last century, why is this even a topic

What kind of woman logic is this?
Do you even know what science is? It's not what your girlfriends agree upon.

>climate change

because my understanding of it goes past "(((experts))) say.."

2 billion people believe in smacking their heads against the ground five times a day.

I don't.

I do think global warming is manmade.
However it's way too fucking late to act now.

most people don't deny the climate is changing

giving 100 billion a year to third worlder shitters while they ramp up their industrial capacity is RETARDED

congress also wasn't able to debate and vote on these laws enforced on Americans by non-American organizations?

why would you throw away sovereignty for a half a degree of temperature drop over 70 years if 100% of the signers attain 100% of the accord goals?

Here is an example of a climate bill I'd support
>Anyone who supports climate legislation is banned from using airlines and motor vehicles

They also believe in the holohoax, doesn't make it real

Fucking french fags always ruining every thread.

The planet is dying because of Trump and retarded Christians.

The globe is in a constant state of warming and cooling, completely out of our control, and the proof is looking at the biggest changes in our Earths climate, which had nothing to do with muh CO2/green house gases memes

t. If I give Goldbergstein more shekels I'll save the planet

The primary reason I'm skeptical of climate change is that it is conveniently the issue which would be dealt with by a world government which has been the goal of globalists going way back before climate change emerged as an issue.
I still do actually think that anthroprogenic climate change is occurring, but the consequences are vastly overstated in order to make people more concerned and in turn more receptive to these bullshit supranational bureaucratic agencies.
Even as an ancap I would be somewhat receptive to a uniform carbon tax throughout the world because it does seem to be somewhat of a property rights violation, the revenue of which would then be distributed back to the people without funding anything. However, the economic policy involved with trying to combat climate change is just typical shitty command and control regulation and carbon taxes which only apply to domestic production which cripple domestic manufacturing and don't allocate emissions efficiently.

How about you provide some evidence as to why climate change is something I should be significantly alarmed that it is occurring.

So you also believe that climate change will go away if we give out enough money?

Simple. God put fossil fuels in the ground so that we may use it now tro power everything. If God didn't want us to burn a ton of coal, he wouldn't have made it the most effective source of power.

And you can use your measuring tools, prediction models, or even widespread medical reports about people affected by polution, but in the end none of it matters because it is too much of a coincidence that we figured out how to extract and burn fuels at the same time that we invented mass production of machines and energy consumption. This is clearly God's plan, and whatever the next chapter, it will all work out... or I won't be around for it so fck the children and sht.

Hey, why don't you all clean up some polluted site instead of focusing on what the social engineers have taught you to think?

>'Scientists', politicians, the media
>why don't you respect their authority!
That should answer your question. Now go pray to your TV screen.

Fucking plebeians man, I swear

The entire American midwest was like that for a decade, and the world didn't end.

>>Exposed: How world leaders were duped into investing billions over manipulated global warming data
>>Whistle-Blower: ‘Global Warming’ Data Manipulated Before Paris Conference
>>NOAA Attempts To Hide The Pause In Global Warming: The Most Disgraceful Cover-Up Since Climategate
>>Climate Change Hoax? NOAA Data Exaggerated Global Warming, Alleged Whistleblower Claims
>>NOAA Scientists Falsify Data to Dupe World Leaders on Climate Change
>>Climate change: this is the worst scientific scandal of our generation
>>More Countries Caught Manipulating Their Climate Data

>muh bandwagon

I do not believe in progressive-defined climate change which is a mix of their brand of atheism, identify politics nor their green tech solutions

Every single major doomsday prediction given by these (((scientists, politicians, the media, and most people))) has failed to come to fruition.

When I was a kid they said global cooling and a new ice age was the issue of our time that would kill all of us. Then suddenly it was global warming, and by the 1980s our coasts would all be underwater. Oh, but wait, that didn't come true. It was actually the year 2000 that the coasts would be underwater. Oh wait, sorry that was just a bit off, but in the 2000s Al Gore made a documentary and it had a lot of sciencey science shit in it rite, and it predicted that the ice caps would entirely melt by 2016! Oh shit, that didn't happen either.

This Paris Accord was specifically constructed to fuck over the first world in favor of the third world and BRICS. Did you know, for example, that China alone produces more CO2 than the EU and the US combined? Yet, despite this, they are not obligated to do ANYTHING outlined in the deal supposedly working to save the planet until 2030, at which point they can just as easily pull out. Meanwhile the US and the EU are expected to just throw their economy down the shitter?

Consider this. Nuclear energy is a very real accessible thing. If we focused all of our funding and efforts into nuclear, we could easily move away from finite fossil fuels into near limitless power with far more speed and efficiency than any renewables. This is considered undisputed fact by almost everyone; the only argument that liberals have against it is toxic waste and meltdowns, both of which are massively overblown and have benefits that you THINK would outweigh the negatives if global warming was truly as bad as is claimed.

tl;dr: Global warming is bullshit, the deal was constructed to fuck the west over, and if people and the nations of the world actually believed global warming and wanted to stop it they would have hopped on the nuclear train decades ago.

I actually do believe in climate change. But if you know history you would know that the Sahara desert used to be a tropical paradise. But it all changed naturally. I do believe in human made climate change, but I find it hard to explain the huge changes that have occured earlier in the planets history.

scientists are who people should listen to, not phonies like Bill Nye and his entourage of fuck-wits.

If the dust bowl happened again just imagine how that would be used as a political tool. They would have kids in schools all over the country conducting dust storm drills in solidarity and to leave a psychological scar.

I believe climate changes, user. It has always changed and will always change. I don't believe we make it do so. This is a natural process.

1 trillion for 8 years

Fierce climate change defenders flying in private aircraft and operating huge yachts

Are there even Tesla yachts yet?

Let me fix that header for you:
> (((Scientists))), (((politicians))), (((the media))), and most (((people)))

>Are there even Tesla yachts yet?
The government hasn't given Musk a subsidy to build them yet.

meant 8 months

think about that

1 trillion to set global warming back 8 months

that shit don't add up

this is Soros playing Monopoly with whole civilizations, he don't give a fuck about no one but profit

dubzz gives him 1 month to live...rollin

>fail at everything
>never prove it
>constantly wrong
>can't predict 6 months now
>tell us to believe you 100 years from now
kys you fucking subhuman. science isn't a religion you piece of shit. they don't even know what gravity is. they just make models that let you calculate it to some degree and then go from there.

if they can't fucking make a model to prove the weather in 6 months then they can't model it in 100 years

Climate change is bullshit. Al Gore promised me flooded bay areas and drowned libtards in Jew York and Commiefornia, and nothing came out of it.

Bunch of liars.

Scientists, politicians, and the media DON'T believe in man-made climate change. They are paid to push the narrative. Regular people believe in man-made climate change because scientists, politicians, and the media push the narrative. See how that works?

Sup Forums is full of people that are way too educated, and intelligent, to fall for basic propaganda tricks.

Additionally observe

>pic related

for proof that the Paris Accord is, in fact, entirely agenda-pushing shilling created by people who themselves could not give less of a shit about the supposed consequences of global warming.

>they don't even know what gravity is.
yeah okay buddy, keep living in denial. Just listen to whatever the guys on Breitbart or Alex Jones tell you.

Yes, climate is changing, honeybun. It's been cooling down for the last 65 millions years. You, me, Bill Nye, Donald Trump have less impact on it than a bunch of insects on ocean maelstrom.

The sun controls climate, if we can control the sun we can control climate.
So we can't do fuck all really.

I've always been under the impression that a good 50% of posters on most boards are underage.

"believe in climate change" is a meaningless statement.

Because this is still Sup Forums and it's full of nutjobs and trolls.


I do "believe" (dumb word for a scientific topic) in climate change, but your appeal to authority is meaningless. There are valid reasons to be skeptical, like points out

>Why don't you?
>Scientists, politicians, the media, and most people believe in Climate Change

Its not a matter of believe its not a fucking religion. Its about accepting the facts, empirical evidence. You either accept them and see the world for what it is or you reject them and be and ignorant.

>argumentum ad populum
How does it feel being intellectually bankrupt, OP?

Why don't you?
>Scientists, politicians, the media, and most people believe Climate Change

There was a huge push by ethical scientists to counter the climate change narrative in the ~mid 2000's. I think even ~10k signed statements/petitions with scientific findings to the gov in protest. It was swept under the rug and a lot of scientists were pressured to stop speaking up like losing grant money, ruined reputation, etc.

The fact that climate changes is not what is disputed, what is disputed are the causes and the proposed powers which a few people claim to need in order to address what they insist is a problem. Fear is a motivator which politicians use very successfully, throughout the Earths very long history its temperatures have greatly exceeded present temps, Co concentrations have also been much higher in the past as well. Glaciation and "ice ages" are repetitious events throughout our planets history, and at present have been in recession for millenia. Rather than asking yourself if the climate is changing, perhaps ponder why we should hand control of production and consumption to a small group of people who proclaim to have the ability to maintain humanity at "sustainable" levels. Perhaps a closer examination of their motives and aims is in order, since they do advocate the coercive control of humanity on a global scale hmmm?

What are you implying? That you can't prove a negative?

I believe in it.

I also believe the only way to slow it (to more natural levels) is for humans to not exist at all.

It's a byproduct of our rampant illusion that life is some sort of gift. That we must preserve ourselves. It's all hogwash. The ONLY WAY to slow it - it will happen no matter what, as goes the way of the planet - is to simply not exist.

That is the biggest problem with all this. We think we can solve it, however don't seem to realize that the cause is our very existence.

Scientists, politicians, the media, and most people in 1500 believed in phlogistons

Why don't you, Sup Forums?

things the world is more likely to die from than climate change in order:

1) Nuclear war
2) Islamic expansionism
3) Earthquakes/Volcanic Eruptions
4) Epidemics
5) Meteors or Astroids
6) Aliens

climates will change with or without man
who gives fuck you goddamn hippie faggot

Scientists believed Humans came from Africa until 2 weeks ago. "Settled Science"

i do believe in climate change (pic relevant)
i just don't believe that the UNFCCC slush fund of $100 billion per year until 2025 is anything other than a UN bureaucratic feeding frenzy

Climate changes, that's a fact. In what direction it changes, why and what we gonna do about it is another question entirely.

If you're older than you should remember drama about Ozone Hole. "Scientists, politicians, the media" screamed to avoid the sun, the polution, we must reduce pollution etc. etc. same shit like now.
And where is your Ozone Hole now. It disappeared for another secular, eco religion-Climate Change.

"Do you believe in climate change" is a retarded question and no one should answer it. Instead you should demand they explain what "climate change" means. Since the only data that supports them has either been demonstrably shown to carry discrediting bias (Breitbart exposed a lot of this), or has been woefully misinterpreted, climate change people lose when the debate turns to facts.

and they wanted to make it 400B a year
fucking scumbags, they don't give a fuck about anything but making their buddies rich.

if anyone thinks the " green climate fund " was anything other than making people rich with tax money you need to go shoot yourself

>dubzz gives him 1 month to live...rollin

Woefully underrated. Such legislation might actually stop large segments of the population from using motor vehicles and start an interesting revolution. If only politics actually stood for real change...

Ozone was a completely different thing. O3 is incredibly unstable and chlorofluorocarbons cause O3 to break down to O2. It's a legitimate chemical reaction that can be proven without manipulated and confusing data. The ozone only has holes in it over Australia during a certain time of the year now, their hot season.

For fucks sake
Climate change IS REAL

because the solution doesnt do anything

five million years ago the global temperature was three degrees warmer than today, yet Australopithecine hominids managed to survive just fine for millions of years and evolve. fifty thousand years ago there were glaciers as far south as Africa, yet humans managed to survive the great ice ages and evolve. at no stage during the evolution of humanity have we needed a slush fund of 100 billion petro dollars per year to "mitigate climate change"

Then stop rolling them out to shill for it. Get some actual climate scientists to talk about real studies and data.

This is just like feminism where they ask people to debate their best people and arguments then denounce anyone that speaks for feminism as not being a definitive feminist.

>climate change is false
I go on with my normal life.

>climate change is real
>millions of subhumans die
>society collapses
>entire nations starve and get what they deserve for what theyve become
>my own little corner of the US becomes more farmable and really nothing changes for me because I own land

Whats bad about this again? Ive been wanting to see the end of this shitty movie for the past fourteen years, you fuck. Im not going to try and ruin it now.

Hell yeah, climate change!!


Of course, I don't blindly believe Tim Ball either. He's just one man, but he is one man who has seemingly read extensively on the literature that comes out of these climate change studies. If he has reason to be skeptical, why aren't you?

Here's the issue, the planet has been in constant change and we can prove this through ice core analysis. However, only recently have we been "accurately" (or as accurately as is currently plausible) recording temperatures. Then suddenly we see the "Global Cooling" scare in the mid 20th century, which then morphed into the "Global Warming" scare in the late 20th century, and has now morphed into the ambiguous "Climate Change" because every other warming or cooling scare has been false or overstated.

And even we had access to an abundance of thermometers around the globe that actually cover, say, 80% of the globe (which would be insane) and all of these were capable of accurately recording temperatures, just remember who is doing the researching. "Follow the money" as they say. Colleges get federal research grants for studying the "pertinent issues" which has been climate change recently. If you challenge the climate change narrative with statements that aren't in line with the progressive narrative at these progressive schools, you risk losing funding. Losing funding means possibly losing your job. If you have a problem with how the research is being done, but questioning the methods could get you into financial trouble, how often do you voice your complaint?

There are way too many concerns I have with how the issue of climate change is being handled as a political issue rather than a scientific issue. I don't care what the talking heads have to say about the polar bears (who's population is rising, currently) or what the celebrities have to say about pollution. These are separate issues from the hard data concerning long-term temperature average predictions. That's my issue.

It's not a believe or disbelieve

The fact is, I just dont give a fuck about it.


The earth goes through climate change naturally, humans have nothing to do with it; that's why no one can provide any undisputed numbers on how much we've effected the environment with the Carbon emissions or whatever they're blaming it on now.

Because it only becomes relevant when there is belief. It's a religious anecdote with no scientific results or grounding in serious sciences.

It only exists in fabricated charts (no data is released, which makes the charts incomplete and useless), in the mouths of celebrities, and was a waste of trillions of dollars of taxpayers hard earned money.

Return the money. It was obviously stolen and wasted.

This. Plus no heating, A/C, electricity, or mass produced products and foods - especially beef.

>man made climate change

>Cons start war in Iraq
>Leads to Isis and refugee crisis
>Cons use hysteria to get trump elected

>trump expands climate change
>climate change will inevitably lead to climate refugees
See how it works.

What the fuck is a climate refugee? Someone that gets a little too sweaty?

>the coming waves of brown people escaping an expanding sahara, resource depleted middle east and overcrowded India

burgers s m h


If man made climate change was a scientific fact you wouldn't need to believe in it. Nice larping OP

>What the fuck is a climate refugee?
It's someone with a new excuse for free gibs. The next generation of innovators.

Reason #11088 to just nuke them all


I don't believe in a man made climate change. I believe in a Jewish made climate change

Science isn't about consensus, but results.

So fat they've been wrong, likely due to the fact that their models use improper CO2 amplifying effect. The Argo buoy network shows no increase in ocean temp. The change in temperature elsewhere has remained fairly unchanged since the 90's, more than 20 years ago.

There's no evidence anthropogenic climate change actually exists. The only thing they have is models, which have proven to be faulty.

And some of the scientists have come out and flat out said that the data is faked so they could get more funding. This charade has gone on long enough; I don't know how but Trump has to find a way to make the MSM stop spreading these lies.

Climates have changed for billions of years where is your proof that it is caused by humans? If climate changed before humans were around how can you even determine it?

Nuclear is such a sad thing. Because its the best thing we have, it IS the future, but people are afraid of it. Thats the bottom line, they are scared of it.

Over on lebbit I saw somebody mention the China aspect of your post, and then the whole of reddit proceeded to dick suck China to hell and back, basically saying it wasnt their fault because the world "uses" them for manufacturing. As if we were forcing them, and they arent still responsible for their own waste. I dont know if theres some turfing going on or what but it was fucking sick to read.

So God wants us to burn coal?
Wtf I love now


You're last statement completely contradicts your first two.

>muh global cooling meme

It's been proven that it's super easy to turf the shit out of reddit, it is definitely being done over there to defend the Chinese. If the Chinese didn't really want us there, they would just say no but they didn't and they pollute the shit out of the sea and air by their own actions outside of manufacturing stuff for everyone.

Your point? How does this detract from the fact that the scientific consensus and predictions regarding climate change, particularly its extent and how much humans affect it, have been proven almost constantly overblown and inaccurate?


They don't, though.

They dont't know HOW it work they just know that it does work.

From a page ON NASA.GOV (


>What is gravity?


>We don't really know.

Another page on gravity on NASA.GOV that, again, explains what gravity does but not HOW.


Did you think science had figured this out? And if so, why?

What does this graph explain

Would you sperg out this hard if literally any other country on the accord dropped out ?

Jesus christ that graph is a mess. Looks like multicolored spaghetti

They banned hfc's and now the hole in the ozone is shrinking you stupid fuck!

All the lines are models, while the two symbols are data from satellites and balloons. As you can see, the climate models are all off by a significant margin.