How would a libertarian society deal with drug abuse?

How would a libertarian society deal with drug abuse?

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natural selection

By not sheltering people from the consequences of their bad life choices.
>We believe that in reducing the scope and importance of our errors, we are properly humble; in truth, we are merely unwilling to bear the weight of our true responsibility.

Not an argument unless you are some edgy pseudo nihilist teenager. Oh wait you are a lolbertarian...

Gotta help the kids, but if they wanna abuse then by all means do so

It doesn't. Because it's none of your business.

Not an argument there is a thing called negative externality. Society as a whole bears the cost of drug abuse. Let them die xD is not an argument

You ask how would a libertarian society deal with drug abuse.

And the answer is they would not, so it would be left to natural selection.

FFS I know you are a greek, but this was easy to understand

It's fine on their own but child abuse violates NAP.

So pick in OP would be subject to physical removal, so to speak.

Drugs would be cheap, and of good quality.

Let them die

That sounds repugnant. Not showing any kind of solidarity and affection to other people especially if they belong to your race is sick. Lolbertarians are sick

Thanks God I went through my lolbertarian phase then this ideology is repulsive.

>Society as a whole bears the cost of drug abuse
not if we don't pay for it

Yeah having 1/3 of you population addicted to opium sounds great!!!

But in the most drug abusing countries you don't get welfare - they support their addiction with crime.

Stop peddling this stupid meme that people in first world countries get government assistance for absolutely everything. The UK is supposed to be a "nanny state" yet I became homeless when I lost my old job because hardly anyone gets housing benefit and JSA requires an address to recieve.

Did they died??

>not interfering in other people's lives is edgy pseudo nihilism
how would society bear the the cost? if the covent wants them to fuck off then they can kick them out.
>when someone makes a point i disagree with it's not an argument

>this ideology is repulsive.
It definately can be.

It puts so much emphasis on individual, personal freedom that it can completely disregard important things.

Like pedophilia, and all other deviancies or child protection or family values.

In perfect lolbertarian society all thise degenrate disgusting things would be legal

But what if the child consents?

You will pay for it when some junkie violates your property and murders you to get some money for his fix

So, in other words, it wouldn't deal with it.

>not looking after degenerates just because they're white is sick
fuck off junkie, life is about making decisions for yourself

With libertarians it's all about MY rights and MY freedom, it's all about entitlement, nothing about duty to anyone else, family or country. They are the ultimate self-obsessed individualist SJWs.

They die.

What an incredible thread.

It's Solipsism the political ideology

but arent children the property of the parents?
>natural selection
pick one

I reject that. We will throw you in a cold cell for smoking weed and systematically wipe out all drug dealers. Deal w/it lolbertarian scum


without roads drug transportation would become difficult meaning theyd manufacture locally and thus every few miles thered be a different druglord. basically mexico except more madmax style and on a global scale.


It's cuz you're not Muslim. Why not LARP your way to neetdom?

They, you think 3 or 4, but you ignore that drug epidemics have social consequences that come to non-users as well.

with the cuck its all about MUH BULL

>why doesnt saying the cucks name over and over get MUH BULL to respond

the bull is busy love
he doesnt have time to please your girl

They as in the society

It dies. They die.

the world will get better, they'll have no chance to get addicted to drugs because they will succeed in life

drug addict dont choose to do drugs, they do it because their life is shit, at least for the most part

you'll always keep a few real drug abusers, but they're helpless to being with. like people with no ambition etc.

truth is a libertarian, capitalistic society simple is the best system for getting the most people possible out of poverty. how you fill in the details doesnt even matter, as long as the base is solid which isnt the case now.

so if we all can stop whining and make liberty and prosperity comes first, we'll all be better off

Selling your kid to sex slavery doesn't violate the NAP!!!

By letting the drug addicts get shot by whoever.

Drug users would be safer as they no longer face prison sentences for use.

Their product would be cheaper and purer so less nasty side effects and less crime to pay for habits.

Concerned citizens may voluntarily contribute to charities and services that help problem drug users get clean, get a job or helps their kids not have a fucked up life.

pharmaceutical grade doses would mean it is very difficult to accidentally overdose. Drugs that treat addiction would be readily available.

Source? Sound like bullshit and wishful thinking to me. A huge percentage of people of all classes were addicted to opium in Europe America and China before it was banned.

>give them high quality drugs, goy

Very degenerate.

Yeah we should sell pure pharmaceutical grade heroin to millions of bored unhappy middle aged housewives what could possibly go wrong?

Tell me, are you against surrogate mothers? Why is adoption ok for free, but not if the prospect parents pay handsome sums to have the best, healthiest, most likely look-alike child?

Not if we kill them in self-defense.

You are a stupid motherfucker to say that shit like murder and rape would be ok in a libertarian world

I can see how you love this straw man argument

I am against surrogacy if it is for profit. It is immoral and unethical. Moral consideration>profit and commerce

All those predisposed to abusing drugs would die off very fast and a degeneracy-free generation is born.
Social darwinnism is best :DD

Opium is much less harmful than heroin. When you criminalise a drug, you force suppliers and users to go for more potent forms of the drug. Beer > Whiskey during prohibition, coca > cocaine > crack cocaine, opium > heroin

Purer drugs are safer, in the case of heroin, a user a is lessely to overdose, less likely to get emboli etc if the product is a known purity and quality.

by only existing in the dreams of the most autistic Sup Forumstards

Wrong, they always want more. At least the laudanum/morphine/heroin users. It's never quite enough. So they keep upping the dose, trying to get a higher high. We've had the gubbiment test program here. And dem programs failed! big time.

>I so thouroighly believe in liberal humanist memes that I no longer believe in evolution

Drug addicts aren't people.

treat them like how we treat smoking. A health problem. It might be a meme and I could be misinformed, but portugal has done well in that regard.

is this (you)?

It's a problem that takes care of itself.

It's your job to care for you close ones and make sure they don't die from a drug overdose. However, it's NOT the government's job to do that for everyone.
Therefore, is right. Selling drugs should be criminalized but not consuming them.

The state would do nothing as it wouldn't be illegal. Social pressure would marginalize drugs abusers but there would probably private charities/associations which would try to help heavily dependants users (like today). Insurance premium would also be higher for users which would push people not to use.

Humanism is not liberal you faggot. Kinship and looking out for you race are inherently right wing concepts.

>all thise degenrate disgusting things would be legal
no, it would not since it is basically rapes, i.e. a crime.

>it's a libertarianism is only anarchy meme episode
Pay denbts you lazy greek fuck.

Druh addicts are people who need help and solidarity from the community to recover. Drug abuse is a symptom of social decay and alienation caused by multiculturalism and the breakdown of traditional values.

Soon brother

I love being stolen from under the auspices of "the greater good" by some dumb govt shithead who pays lip service to caring about others

In a "lolbertarian" world I would help my family and friends directly. Fuck that actually. In the CURRENT world I do that already. And 100% of my money and effort makes it to the person who needed it.

People are conflating getting bilked by the govt with helping people. They really believe govt actually cares about the individual. If the govt did actually care about the powerless masses, there would be no war. Since there is war, govt is filled with apathetic murderers who don't give a shit about anyone but themselves. Such evil ppl are incapable and unwilling to help ppl. Don't give them money.

It wouldn't, libertarians are delusional.

If you want to stomp out drugs, punish people for using them. See Duterte agrees.

Libertarians = bullshit.
Classical liberalism FTW.

How to deal with drugs in society step-by-step guide.
>Classify drugs in scientific categories. Short example: mood-altering substances (nicotine, THC, cocaine, ...), hallucinogenics (LSD, DMT, ...), anesthetics (opium, morphine, cocaine, ...).
>Classify drugs scientifically in regards to potency (strenght of drug effects, required dose to reach effect, ...).
>Classify drugs scientifically in regards to addiction: Whether the drug in question can create addiction and if yes, how fast the addiction is acquired and how strong it is.
>Allow drug sale and purchase in designated state run stores only (like tobacco in Hungary) and according to the scientific studies stated above. Go for mild versions of hard drugs, e.g. opium instead of heroin.
>No minors shall be allowed to sale, purchase and/or use drugs. Small amounts of drugs for personal use only shall be allowed to be grown on private ground. Use of drugs in private locations only.

Legalisation doesn't work. Look what happened in Colorado. Huge spike in crime homicides homelessness and drug use

Adoption ain't free Russian bro

What a surprise: selfish ppl impose costs on their he ppl around them.

Govt plz solve rudeness for me, I'm a helpless little bitch who wants everyone to deal with my family's problems. I'd sure like not being responsible for them myself.

Plz govt, do everything for me.

Somalia, the Libertarian Paradise: poor country, high amount of degenerates, very violent, not pleasant

Singapore, the statist Hellhole: extremely rich, almost no drug users, low crime rates, interesting culture

Can Libertarians argue against this?

It works extremely well in Portugal.

>no, it would not since it is basically rapes, i.e. a crime.

It depends how deep the libertarian well you go.

If you fall in the meme wall, there are basically no laws, because there are no governments. OP asks about society not nation. In this scenario what you can get away with is legal.

If you pull that back a little, there should be discussion of what is the legal status of children in such a society. Are they they the property of parents? How long? Do they have any laws outside of being their parents property? etc. In this scenario many of those things could or could not be legal depending on how far you move the slider.
For example if children are simply the property, and have no implicit protection, if you find a fucked parent willing to rent you, or sell their property you have legal pedophillia or slavery.

And the more you move the slider, the more implicit laws things have, but the less libertarian society becomes as government needs to be larger and larger to enforce those implicit laws.

The state as an organisation that represents the colelctive will has the duty to protect people and guide them towards achieving colelctive goals. Fuck off with that fake "muh rugged individualism" crap

It's almost like when people desire a certain type of society authority is necessary for that society to exist.

Needless to say, nobody read the rest of your post.
Opote, Se mia kathara fileleutheri koinonia, logika tha upirxe kapios pou tha eixe os epagkelma tin apotoksinosi ton politon?
Einai to idio argument me tous dromous. Profanos tha upirxane aiteries pou tha ftiaxnane dromous.

>gunning them down in the streets

Yeah, 3rd world solutions for 3rd world countries I suppose. Not a libertarian position but I'd be okay if the state started treating drug using as a medical problem rather than a criminal one. Drugs like Ice and Meth seriously rot your brain and do horrible damage to the body, folks addicted to them would be better off in a rehab clinic than prison. Meth and ice dealers as well as producers can still be criminally prosecuted like normal though.

As for the funding. Legalize, regulate and tax the fuck outta weed and use that tax revenue to fund clinics. Done.

he'd have to try first

Weed is a degenerate drug that makes people weak and sloppy.

Implying a free market in children is definitively sex slavery rather than it being more like billy can mow the neighbor's yard for money

Implying that YOU as a parent would sell your child into sex slavery if only it weren't illegal. If there really are such ppl, they were evil to begin with and laws don't change anything about them.

You're such a dumbass.

>Gotta help the kids
Help the kids to buy drugs?

Send private death squads to eliminate degenerates in your neighborhood.

There is no "we," you dumb faggot.

Δεν με ενδιαφέρει η παροχή οιkονομιkων αγαθων σε μια υποτιθέμενη φιλελευθερη kοινωνία αλλα η αντιμετώπιση kοινωνιkών φαινομένων που απαιτούν οργανωμένη συλλογιkή απάντηση όπως ο εθισμός στα ναρkωτιkά.

like your govt is protecting you
i kekd
btw tell them to gibe the monay back

But it doesn't turn people into raging lunatics with no control over themselves like Ice does. To do away with weed entirely is bit of a shitty move since medicinal weed does have it's uses also.

Degeneracy makes for poor reasoning to outlaw something and doesn't work at all, if not makes things worse those involved (prostitution)

Yea, every time when someone creates a idyllic vision of perfect libertarian or communist society when talking with me, It can always be collapsed by the first entrepreneurial dude, creating a warband with willing and similarily mindinded individuals and taking societys liberties with force. And since it could be done, and would be easier, it would be done.

Then the purrfect society would need to sacrifice some of it's liberties for protection from the warband, creating some form of state and ending the utopia.

>How can we violate the right to property when we can't act as a nanny state???

Fuck off, statist.

Reminder that as the white race dies out the libertarian is too busy "defending the constitution" and "being an individual" to save it. The libertarian ideal, an ideal created and propagated exclusively by white men, will not take shape in a brown world.

they die

just because the french govt sells out its people doesnt mean all do. well not without a net gain anyway

Libertarian society should follow a fascist society where drugs are illegal and use of them heavily, heavily punished.

Only after people are re-vitalized morally, can we establish a real libertarian paradise.

>απαιτούν οργανωμένη συλλογιkή απάντηση
Giati? Esu exeis to problhma me ton ethismo, pane ston eidiko, ''Substance Abuse Counselor'' or something.
Ama o geitonas sou einai ethismenos stin koka, tote einai kathara diko tou problhma. Den lew oti einai kalo auto, aplos milame gia mia upothetiki kathara filele koinonia.


There is a we. Unless you re some deracinated rootless mongrel the "we" is the national community

The governement will protect me when it is taken over by National Socialists. The state is an inherently neutral institution. It all depends on who runs and for who benefits from it.

Le free market will fix it. In reality libertardians want to allow this kind of degeneracy.

Eugenics and natural selection.

Let the idiots die.

your choice, your responsibility

>Hoppe the closet fascist is the answer
lmao libcucks need another ideology to fix their own degeneracy? HAHAHA how cute and pathetic

Γιατι θέλω ο γείτονας μου να είναι υγιείς για να βοηθήσει με τις δυνατότητες που έχει να οιkοδομήσει το έθνος kαι να συμβάλλει στους συλλογιkούς στόχους. Εσυ θα 'ηθελες να ζεις σε μια γειτονια με πρεζαkια?

>very difficult to accidentally overdose.
Because overdoses on prescription drugs are so fucking rare....

>personal choices have nothing to do with a wider system of values in society