Tfw german

>tfw german
>tfw a member of the single most hated group on Sup Forums

why even live :(

Other urls found in this thread:

>tfw brit
>tfw a member of the single most hated group on Sup Forums
I think the only people that like us are the Aussies and Kiwis but even then they probably hate us

Youre individually not hated hans

Americans are just trying to shift attenyion away from their 55% whiteness


you dont know true hate.

No one hates Brits. No one ever starts a Britain hate thread 20 times per day

I feel like white Americans are the most hated group. You germans are less loathed because you are liberal cucks.

because you are the victims of the biggest scam in history and are the biggest scapegoats in history. Know you're true histroy and tell your fucking people to stand up!

This thread is pathetic. Your all faggots and I hate you equally.

We're in the same boat, Canabro. You, us and Sweden.

Not even Israel or Saudi Arabia get as much hate as we do

What about (((them)))?

We do get hate threads, and no one asides from a few burgers are on our side in them.

Leafs only like bad shitposts and cuckold porn posting

Surely Jews are the most hated, has Sup Forums fallen this far?

your true history should make you proud and your people have sacrificed more than any other. Stand the fuck up and tell them the truth

>why even live

You think Jamals and Abdullahs welfare is going to pay itself?

>tfw austrian
>tfw everybody including germans give germans the fault for both world wars

life's good

get the fucking truth out


Probably not. I hope they'll accept my apologies for slacking. Better offer them my sister to reimburse them for their loss.

I'm on it

We're fine with Anglo brits, but if you're EU loving remoaners you can go get enriched at an Ariana Butera concert.

The FUCK is up with all that whining ITT?

Ever thought that that might the actual reason why they hate you?

Geh kacken.

>tfw german
>tfw a member of the single most hated group on Sup Forums
>Single most hated group
Ah. A German Jew. You got lucky Rnd 1, you ready for Rnd 2?

>tfw russian
>tfw a member of the most loved group on Sup Forums

feels good, man

I thought he meant that Germans were the most hated group because you can't be a Jew and German
Forgive my autism

That's cute.

(((Russian))) cock sucking is a shit meme
Slavs aren't white

This time togther

I have EU citizenship. So im planning my return to europe. I have to leave this country

That is exactly what I meant

Please, Sweden doesn't get as much hate as Germany because at least your have good looking women.

German girls are considered incredibly ugly by literally everyone

Come home, white man

I am white, my roots are from Sup Forumsish with no jews

So the other guy was autistic
I love the Germanic races, we all do

>tfw a member of the single most hated group on Sup Forums
Uh, sorry sweetie, but that title belongs to the swedes :^)

Ok I'm sorry

>be Australian
>be madcunt masterrace
Feels gud tbhq


The Zionists are destroying Germany for a third time, the final time getting you to do it to yourselves tell your people the truth and TELL THEM TO STAND THE FUCK UP

>not embracing the hatred, growing stronger from it

Saupreiß detected

Bavarian, du fette Puffmutter

Just do it for him, lad

Nobody cares about you, stop larping a victim

hey whats up self loatthing german bro. Your posting is instantly regocnizable. A true legend of the chan

the Germans are the most oppressed and mistreated people in history and the Jews even stole that from them

>Your posting is instantly regocnizable.

Who do you think I am?

>tfw jews are better at being german than germans

feels, man. feeeeeeeeeeeels

Stop this bullshit. Instead of being a retard, think about where you will settle next and raise white kids with a nice traditional and of course white woman. Germany is lost, but white people still need a new home.
Be proud of being a redpilled german and do something about it.

user is based Iceland or Eastern Europe will be the Helms Deep

umm u german cunts need to stay in germany


>tfw indian
>tfw a member of the single most respected and feared group on Sup Forums

Feels good

>tfw not german
>tfw german flag
>tfw i don't give a fuck what happens to them because while i've lived here i've realized they're fine with what they're doing to themselves and use it as a cautionary tale :^)

i do make quality posts that people agree with so i'm sorry if i've given anyone hope that germany has a chance of not being cucked into oblivion


Americans in general rather, especially when it's confirmed that many of Americans on Sup Forums are mongrels.


I like poos.

honestly you shouldnt live

confirmed by the un

>tfw this thread again
>tfw lost count of how many times it has been reposted

why does OP even live, indeed

do germans really like to work?

1.8 billion hours in overtime, half of which is without compensation.