So now that you've doomed humanity, what's next Sup Forums?

So now that you've doomed humanity, what's next Sup Forums?

Wherever God takes me.

>Withdrawing from the Paris Agreement
>Dooming Humanity

the sky isn't falling, chicken little

also you'll never impeach him, impotent queers

>He says as climate refugees rapes his daughter

We should make swastikas using black afro suit-wearing avatars in an online children's game imo

>US pulls out from Paris Agreement
>Dooms the whole world
Must've been a pretty shitty agreement if it only takes one country to fuck everything up.

It's not due to the climate though, is it?


Prepair for the ice age

>climate refugees


We can't continue along this path of serial defilement and debasement being the only means to move forward.

Humanity must destroy itself before we go interplanetary.

You could've just given us a white ethno-state but noooooooooo.

Are you happy now faggot?!

Crashing this plane

But seriously I do regret memeing for (((Trump)))

You sure look like a fellow who's well versed in the minutia of the Paris climate accord

There isn't any scientific basis or evidence of climate change and the UN's own numbers show this paris deal is useless

Any "environmental" plan that doesn't include nuclear plant build up is just a marketing scheme to raise gas/coal prices.

Much like celebrity environmentalist who chide the working class to reduce their standard of living by 50%. And then take a week vacation on a 300 million dollar yacht burning millions in fuel. Owning Oceanfront property. Having the carbon footprint of a 400 meter tall Godzilla.

Bullshit. Complete and utter bullshit. You can't get away with that kind of hypocrisy in the age of the internet. Media can't push the narrative that hard. You need to at least keep appearances.

I'm neither Sup Forums, alt-right or conservative but my guess is that they will persist in their progressively pathological nihilism just as suggested by your comic. Right wing is basically a cult these days. There's no exiting because you will be rejected by the cult members. There can be no moderation and there are no second thoughts.

Trump didn't doom the world he just failed to save it.

Saul good, man.

Trump pulled out of the climate agreement and it's still as cold as ever on the coast of Oregon. So this... Is the power... Of climate change... Whoa...

First earth, then the rest of the galaxy will feel humanities fire.

Explain how is Trump`s fault.

This guy gets it. Altfags are cancer.

I can blame the Republican party for obstruction