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I'm not taking your stupid poll. I'm not sure climate change is even man made. And if it is man made, how much of an impact is it?

bump and no

I don't trust any of the institutions I one did, so it's hard for me to be as confident in it anymore.

I think showing a greenhouse gas effect is simple enough that it would be very thoroughly debunked by now if it weren't real, same for CO2 being a greenhouse gas and atmospheric CO2 is wayyy higher now than it's been naturally in thousands of years


I've flown bush planes for a long time in northern canada.
The arctic is shitting itself.
Something is happening - no doubt about that. Man made, chinese hoax - whatever.
But shit is going down, and not in a happy way.

The only thing that worry me is the oceans’ acidification, but considering Humanity is doomed, i’ll be damned if i’ll support anything but the destruction of Earth’s ecosystem.
Jews and the others subhumans need to die in hellfire, and since hell doesn’t exist, we need to create it.

yes 100pct, in fact i was a little warm earlier so i cranked up the central air conditioner too cool off
other than that i never go outside anymore so i can really say about the rest of the world but at my house i can definitely change the climate so theres that

is that sometinng that scares you? if so, vote yes

>simple enough
See thats the thing the climate isn't simple saying stupid shit like "hurr co2 is liek really high guys" isn't enough of an explanation as to why our climate is changing. On top of that we aren't the only co2 producers, it happens naturally.

Just voted.It's sad that large part of Sup Forums doesn't.

>The only thing that worry me is the oceans’ acidification
Same, small things like that can definitely be influenced by our production and how we dispose of waste.

>it happens naturally.
yea but it's higher than it's been in millennia, and really it's only the posterchild gas. do you have sources that current climate change is not explainable by an increase in green house gases?

This t.b.h.
Whites are a dying people, might as well take the whole planet with us in our graves

No you dumb fuck.

The reason the globalist put that model in place was because it's difficult to disprove you autistic nigger.

You do know even if you doubled the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere it would only increase the temperature by 1.0 degrees, not even 2. KYS

As a STEM major in the sciences that has listened to many discussions and lectures relating to the issue over the last 3 years I say no.

Do you have proof it is? Burden is on you bud. This is why I'll always be sceptical of man made climate change. Its the only science you don't have to prove, you have to disprove it.

I'm gonna need a non-infowars source. I did give alex a chance once, I did read up on flouride in the drinking water, and it turns out he was wrong on every single point he made about it (I read the source he was quoting).

I'm not an experimental scientist but it doesn't seem hard. maybe resource heavy but not conceptually complicated.

You're a fucking retard.

Great argument, you really convinced me.

a threat to WHAT?

I don't at the time. I've forgotten most of what I once knew about this stuff. I guess we should be googling up research papers if we want to do this (I don't want to do that)

what about the way it was presented made you not believe it?

Why is a Swede posting a picture of the president of Estonia?

Literally every single nation on the planet signed the agreement except US and 2 other states.
98% of scientists agree on the matter.
2% that were paid by big oil don't.
And you fall for it.
You should quit that college and save time,you have no critical thinking skills.

it's really the fact that petrodollars have not been able to remove this issue that makes me believe it's real

When someone is able to produce the model with real predictive utility that shows what the temperature of the earth "should" be, and exactly how mans actions have affected climate. This would be "science", and at that point, I would believe it.

Will never happen, because the data doesn't exist.

Jesus fucking christ, yet another thread on this shit.
This is proof Sup Forums is largely bluepilled.
If its in the media and the flavour of the day the threads are largely covering what the media is spoonfeeding people.


It's a fact.
Behind every single denier is a oil or coal company.And a bunch of idiots that buy into it,of course.

why are you using a picture of puppey the dota 2 player as your OP hahahha

the president should be part of the discussion lul

>a bunch of idiots
That's humanity in a nutshell.
Why don't I really care if global warming is real or not? Because regardless of the facts, people are going to shout and scream and do sweet fuck-all until it's too late.
Worrying about whether the planet is warming and we're all doomed is as useful as worrying about the sun rising. Even with a 98% scientific consensus, and pretty much proof that the other 2% have been bought....people still scream it's not true. And even those that believe don't *really* do much about it aside from virtue signal.
So, real or not - people won't do fuck all.
So we're fucked or we're not. And humanity will tick along as it always does, until something finally fucking gets rid of us.
And good riddance.

>man made climate change

Behind every single environmentalist is a globalist ideologue. Two can play this game.

Yes. It's very real. The only solution is to curb stomp India, Africa, and coal-burning Asia back to the stone age.
The emissions by developed nations are low and stable. India and Africa imagine per capita energy parity in the coming decades and that is frightening. The Chinese are locusts and demand to use more energy than the west.

Absolutely not, the human race is nothing on a planetary scale, ice ages will come and go as they have long before humanity and will long after. Humans survive through adaptation, not concession, we are in a fight for survival within a very limited space and time. To let complete and utter monsters, anti human parasites convince you to surrender so they can prosper is the greatest scam, the most audacious fraud ever perpetrated in human history.

>the globalists are on the side that is against using oil
one would be wrong though

I sadly agree with you,although the other situation "forced" me to come to the same conclusion.
It was a fact that Trump won.
Not because I like Hillary,or anything.
But because it was OBVIOUS he has no real opinion,no stance,no substance.He said everything and anything,he contradicted himself,he flip-flopped,he lied.And people could check it out if they wanted.And you could even point it out,and say:"look,here he said one thing,and did another" or say:"look,he scammed people with university thing here",and they'd simply brush it off.
I doubt humanity will surivive more than a few more centuries,and I doubt it deserves to.
We are the most wretched species on the planet.

i don't care desu

More Carbon Dioxide is great for plants, in the same way having 800 pints of blood is better than having just 8


I believe that the Earth's natural climate adjustments will always vastly overshadow and outpace anything humans do unless we go apeshit and make it our goal to fuck things up 24/7. Is man made climate change happening? Probably. Is it so insignificant in comparison to the natural flux of things to be rendered not even worth caring about? Yes imo.

earth is a mother id like to fuck

Read the graph leaf.

We are actually cooled down compared to the past.

If this isn't a shit post you need to kill yourself

we're projected to blast through the roof of that graph in 100 years though, check the scale

the problem with your logic is that most plants can't survive levels below 200 ppm co2. Professional greenhouses ALL generate co2 to bring the levels up to 1000+ppm co2, because plants grow much better under those conditions.

We're currently sitting at a roughly 400 ppm co2 global average. We have a long long way to go before we reach the optimal level for plant growth.

Your logic, is starving people. Literally.

Based Puppey hates you slavic cunts.


Of course what a surprise no-brainers running away from the source again.

The oceans are actually basic and nowhere near becoming acid. It is a lie. Just go look up the ocean pH.

There is not enough CO2 to make the oceans ever acidic.

By the way, all the alarmist predictions have been wrong for temperatures. They are wrong about predicting oceans becoming acid too.


Man-made climate change is not real you fucking faggot Jew.

Do you understand science Ruski?

Source for the 2% being paid off from big oil.

You say 98% of scientists agree on climate change if so, link the source with the list of names that agree with your statement. You can't because you're a blyat.

Science isn't democratic just because a majority believe in something doesn't mean that is fact. The lesser could be correct.

But you have Ruski logic so who knows

Like I said in I tend to not give a fuck about statements like the graph poster stated. I've seen first hand the fuckery going on in the arctic - but am dismissed out of hand as being...((them)) or whatever.
You're right - we're on track to blow that fucking graph out of the water. When that happens, shills will hop in with other graphs that proves nothing is wrong.
There is no convincing anyone of anything - people will believe what they want to believe, and that'll be it.
Until shit hits the fan, then they'll disavow themselves of their previous beliefs, claim they were right all along, and claim to be the victim.
People are fucking imbeciles - I no longer give any shits about whether we're doomed, white genocide, whatever - whatever happens to us, we deserve it.
Let the earth revert to nature - people are nothing but cancer.

No. Not at all. If you look closely the end of the graph is almost flat.

Prepare for an Ice Age Sweden.

In the same way I don't believe the Boogeyman is a threat.

You know, since we're talking about things that don't exist.

60 year old here.

I've seen this every decade. Sometimes it's cooling too much, sometimes warming too much, but the Earth seems to always self correct.

Remember, the Climate Eco-Terrorists have said:

1. We should all be underwater by now.

2. We should be seeing a couple billion people starve from overpopulation by 2001.

3. The Earth will be in a long lasting Ice Age by 1996.

4. The Seas are boiling.

5. There won't be any oil left in 5 years (said back in 1977)

If you are a "college educated" person, you will believe in Climate Change/Warming/Disaster.

If you have common sense, you'll know all of this is cyclical. But, any subtle changes can be a rationalization to shift wealth from first world to third world nations.

It's just a scam. Only low IQ, mouthbreating lickspittles believe this shit.

It's been disproven decade after decade.

You're Welcome.

Fuck you filthy fucking Jew. You are a lier and all you whores of the bank want is a tax on the white man.

Fk you and the god damned sub humans, can't wait to see them all die. Can't wait to see your people pushed into the sea.

How about you cite a single peer reviewed study published in a respectible journal that says climate change isn't happening.

It's not it's just Jew nonsense.

>first hand the fuckery

Isn't this a blues song ?

Hey Leaf and Sweden, this variation we see is normal. Don't worry about it, whether you pay your carbon taxes or not, you both will be back in igloos eventually.

It's a CTR fag lapping as a professional weather Jew

Fuck off puppey



You're a prime fucking example.
The world would be a better place without you, or anyone related to you.
That is undeniable. Now go shill somewhere else, faggot.

I think climate change is real, but it's not man made. The climate kept changing throughout history before man was even on earth.

>pic related,Ruski logic
Not a ruski though,regular Croat.
>Source for the 2% being paid off from big oil.
You want me to include checks?
>link the source with the list of names
just google it,there are million articles
>The lesser could be correct.
it could.But the chances are really really low.
Like,if you were in desert and needed a drink to surivive and I gave you two glasses of water,and said first glass has 98% chance of poisoning you and second glass has 2% of poisoning you,you'd drink the second one right?

You're assuming I give a shit.
I've seen this with my own eyes.
I give no fucks about this argument - what is happening is happening whether idiots on Sup Forums think it is or it isn't.
Personally, I fucking hope it is. I hope we blast through 10C and everything related to humanity on this earth fucking dies.
Because of shits like you people in this thread. So adamant about whether you're right, you'll doom your own ass.
That makes me happy.

>this meme again
I don't care what random shown on the TV have claimed over the years. The science is well established and consistent for 80+ years. Scientists have always said that a doubling of CO2 in the atmosphere would lead to a temperature increase of 1.5-4K. What the media has presented you with is irelevant since it apparently wasn't giving you the conslusions of scientific studies but rather their interpretation of what some studies in some fields have sort of concluded.

If I truly were a jewish shill, I'd adopt your style of shitposting. It only serves to show how fucking looney people like you are.

Climate change is happening. It's just not man-made. It's part of a natural heating and cooling cycle that's been occurring for millions of years.

The science is NOT well-established. My God, do you really believe CIA bullshit stories?

>this variation we see is normal
might be, might not be. co2 levels are not normal

>80+ years

Really? Why did they think we were headding for an ice age back in the 70s?

The planet is too big and too many variables are in play to proove how much pollution plays a part.

If these models are so accurate, why do they relentlessly change them every 5 years?

I don't believe anything, and I certainly don't disbelieve anything either.

I personally don't have enough data to come to a clear conclusion, although it seems to me now that it's most probably NOT a problem.

That being said, the degradation of the environment because of waste, nuclear waste, trash, and pollution is a much bigger problem. We can still agree that we don't want to trash the planet anymore and disagree whether we are effecting the climate. It's also quite arrogant of humans to think that we have a clue of what's going on with the climate considering we have only been able to measure directly for a few hundred years, and analyzing the ice can only give us so much of a picture.

Also, if any of the libcucks or politicians really gave a damn about the climate rather than just virtue signaling, then there would be immediate measures to stop deforestation and establishing new farm lands for cattle raising and slaughter. There would be a large push on agriculture for the immense waste of water, and measures to put in place a flourishing small market food supply. We don't see any of this stuff though, it's business as usual. But let's agree on a climate deal, and we'll call it the Paris deal because stupid fucking Americans love anything having to do with French

Science isn't determined by consensus, it's based on observable facts, moron. It only takes ONE scientist with a different conclusion to bring the (((scientific consensus))) to its knees. Even the laws of physics could be brought into question when we venture off our planet. It's absurd to believe we know how the universe works...we dont'.

This. So much this.

Stop being so retarded. The Ice Age came and went. Man is as important as this poll.

Yes it is. Its poisoning the land .

And the nations were angry, and thy wrath is come, and the time of the dead, that they should be judged, and that thou shouldest give reward unto thy servants the prophets, and to the saints, and them that fear thy name, small and great; and shouldest destroy them which destroy the earth.

Only to Jew Yorkers and any other retards who didn't build dykes.

please tell us more about life based uncle user.

but user, there are more ways to figure out what happened in the past
the ice core record extends back only 800,000 years but using a wealth of other proxies, paleoclimatologists have been able to reconstruct the temperature of the last 420 million years to a high degree of confidence

This. There tends to be an established scientific explanation for something that the majority of scientists agree with. Until a new and better theory comes along that changes the perspective. We don't practice alchemy anymore, but in its day, I am sure people thought it was a legitimate science. Our understanding is (((bigly))) limited and we know a lot less about the universe than we think. But thats beside the point. When scientific innovators propose a new idea, the entire field doesn't immediately hop aboard.