I Hope You Greedy Assholes are Satisfied

Malaysia isn't a rich country

We could have used part of that 3 billion in aid from the Paris Agreement to do some real good.

How can you people in good conscious cheer on the fact that you have robbed these unfortunate people at the chance of better living standards.

It must be nice living in huge urban cities with skyscrapers and high levels of pollution while at the same time indulge your greed and refuse the right for us to develop our economy and infrastructure geared towards a greener environment

Allah will save you fuckers, right?

Welfare nigger

you don't actually develop when you're given such aid, also your drawings fucking suck


Why did you build such a shitty house?

Fix your own damn country, you leeches.

Bunch of savage muslims if you ask. You're lucky you have no resources of value to us.

Maybe if you ask nice we'll give you three billion dollars and fiddy cents if you just shut up about the fucking Paris Accords.

Also it is poor form to call someone greedy while begging for money.

is your tin shack environmentally friendly?

no? then why are you getting welfare


>>money you didn't earn

I think you mean to say: "how could you refuse to invest in our nation?"

To which I agree. Leaves more business opportunities for me though

Why do you have so much hate in your heart.

I will pray that Allah S.T.W will forgive you and lead you to the righteous path

Looks good to me. I like the landscaping.

How can you rob someone of something they don't own? How exactly do we benefit from giving you 3 billion dollars a year?

A year!

What the fuck?

sounds like a personal problem

america is self made. stop being a bitch and mmga.

>must be nice
It is. Believe me.


Yeach right bet you voted najib pleb.
He's the reason malaysia is broke.

>be leader of moderate muzzies
>embezzlement close to a billion ringgit
>stupid whore wife embezzles more
>says it's a gift from the Saudi royal
>moderate muzzies gp won't retaliate due to muh muzzie leader
>there's no stopping the cunt now

Top kek KYS soon.

Fix your own country through hard work and determination

Then maybe when you're done you will be a little more proud of your own nation and would not be so quick to beg for a handout

People have no pride anymore

>to do some real good

You eternal faggots, you wouldn't have seen a dollar of that money, it would have all gone to your corrupt government.

You guys are subhuman wastes and giving you money would be as useful as wic for the common nigger

looks comfy to be honest

And I'll pray to allah that the next time a gay kid comes out of the closet in Indonesia he gets his 40 lashes praise allah

>Paris Accord is supposed to be used for investing into Green Energy
>"WAAAH Why isn't is going into my pockets for better gibs!?!"
Holy FUCK.

I'm so glad we dodged that bullet. GL and HF EU.

Oh wow yes, you could have used that money to buy solar panels and wind turbines from western companies and in the process most of the money would have disappeared because of corruption. Malaysians would have been so much better off.

Please renovate your tin shack with solar panels and green construction materials. We care deeply about the environment and would hate to see that money go towards further pollution.

if malaysia wants higher living standards, they should import 'smart' sperm and create smarter malay hybrids who will be smarter, more productive, and produce more wealth for themselves and the country.

Fuck off Mike, your cartoons suck

First of all, Malaysia is not Indonesia.

Secondly, it is only in (Aceh, Indonesia) where the Muslim extremists have gained a foothold and where they do the whole 40 lashes thing.

You clearly don't know wtf you are talking about

That shack looks pretty comfy. Don't fall for the money jew.

>muh gibs me dat
You're no better than niggers

>poor people can use money
Then do something to earn money, fucking duh

Indonesia pls.

Oh boo hoo you cunts aren't getting your share of the loot from the globalist maffia. I hope your whole race gets malaria and dies.

>It must be nice living in huge urban cities with skyscrapers and high levels of pollution
Nice bait, Kuala Lumpur.

Hopefully, you can at least afford a rope to hang yourself.

This. Get some whites in your shithole. Encourage your women to sucky sucky and be good wives. Treat the white man as gods so they will stay.

>He's the reason malaysia is broke
The reason Malaysia is broke is because ot's full of Malays: the Gypsies of Asia.
Workshy, corrupt thieves to a man.
Najib is a symptom, not a cause.

That money comes with strings attached. Thick, strong strings.

Don't blame is, blame Najib you nigger

The paris accord was about taking 100 billion a year from the west to give to nonwhite countries like china, to reduce pollution. It would have lasted until at least 2100, for a total of 100 trillion dollars.

Also, pic related.

>3 billion in aid from the Paris Agreement
Wait what? You deserve nothing except a nuke ricenigger.

fuck off your drawings are cancer

Its not my fucking problem that your country sucks.

>We could have used part of that 3 billion in aid from the Paris Agreement to do some real good
It would have been distributed to the wealthy and your people would have never seen it go to use.

Malaysia overwhelmingly use hydroelectric plants for electricity.

We also have our own gas which is naturally more environmentally friendly, most of which we export.

I don't think those "strings" would have been much of a problem

Lol, you're not gonna believe this man, it's just 3 billion to his country. It's 100 billion per year total. Plus China/India can pollute as much as they want for the next few years, so we have to not use fossil fuels in order to hold the global temperature down. The only way to design a more cucked treaty is if there was a clause in there about letting the president of China fuck the first lady.

fix your own country by yourselves

This is saying something

They need to get rid of Islam too, but they won't so they'll just have to stay shit and poor forever.

Your country sucks. Been there three times.

idk the environment looks pretty green in that photo you cuck.

Maybe if your country wasn't a corrupt, islamic shithole stuck in the dark ages you could develop your economy and infrastructure. Why should other countries foot the bill for you cunts to sort your shit out. Have some pride and take some responsibility for your country instead of crying victim and gib me dats like a filthy chink.

Bangsat, anjing.

3rd worlders BTFO
I hope Europe comes to the same conclusion that shitskins polluting and poisoning the environment aren't our problem to throw money at

>implying Petronas

So Obama signed a treaty that cost us money and handicapped our economy? That guy was truly an asshole.

Those smog comes from overwhelming illegal forest burning done in Indonesia



tfw this is the wife's old house. It's ok, we'll all just adopt a qt slave girl.

Unfuck yourselves, we owe you nothing. Sage

You really need an international treaty? How about something regional?

Bolivia being sensible as always

Probably as soon as there is a tsunami it would get wrecked in a couple of seconds.

Building a real home would fix the problem,even a flat concrete foundation high at least 5 ft from the ground could help to solve the problem, then build the real home, even a shitty one but it won't get wrecked that easily.

Go be poor someplace else.

Never waste an opportunity to make a third worlder suffer. Please kys. I'm glad I littered when I visited Penang. Hope you get cancer now.

>good conscious

We're kind of tired of welfare moochers by now.

No, you just need to talk to the Indonesians and work out your problems bilaterally instead of waiting for some unelected global bureaucracy to fail to deal with it for you while throwing money at your corrupt leaders to publicly grovel before the altar of solidarity and feelings.

You fucking dense idiot, 3rd world countries by definition pollute significantly less than your overcrowded urbanized polluting hellholes

the world will turn on the us and punish us for what we've done
just like with the barbarians and the romans
it's divine punishment and history always repeats
may god have mercy on us all

Have you tried maybe stopping that illegal activity, sweetie?

Actually bruv there is an ASEAN treaty to deal with the haze. But no country has had the balls to enforce it.

Shove your guilt up your ass.

go cry to china

you dinky jungle chink

Nonsense. Jesus loves the United States of America. He hates globalist commies.

From 2008-2017 the exchange for between Singapore and Malaysia has doubled in favour to you guys, najib has been a big factor. The rest is a large group of hard workers from all races but corruption is a huge issue same with Singapore but it's well protected, najibs money went through spore banks

we'll all be dead soon
i've made my peace with the world
bring on the next world war and the apocalypse

Oh man


You're right we should invade Indonesia to stop their shitty air pollution.


The Paris accord is nonbinding and has no enforcement mechanism, so it doesn't really address anything. Why don't you get your local police to go put a stop to this activity that's already illegal where you live?

You want my local police to go to another country and put a stop to their illegal forest burning activity.


Hate is what makes the world move.

Without it people would be to apathetic to do anything. Especially if it meant endangering their own live. Oh, but with hate, with hate they can do a lot more.

>in Indonesia
idk, sue them or put tariffs on their stuff or something

lol fuck off

Did the accord even mention the money had to be used to make green energy or would they just wag their finger if it was down on something else?

dont blame US

no, jesus loves everyone unconditionally
we will be judged by our own avarice and actions
people always follow the lead of earthly leaders in charge
they will fall into temptation and their own fate will be doomed
that was what i am worried about

comments like this is why it's so difficult to take leftists seriously


Ahahahahhahaha leaf brings it!

Ah so the truth comes out. Climate Change is supported by shitskin countries such as your own for the purpose of stealing money from white people.

>Do some real good

> A_ F U C K I N G_ L E A F

Can you not answer the question? Surely if Allah is great he will save you, you don't need the money of infidels. I think you simply lack faith.

it's not a label
revenge is as old as cain and abel
it is human nature to punish those who have fallen

>China own us now
and why u think complain in Sup Forums is good idea?


Fuck off Mike, why don't you fix shit instead instead of relying on other people's hard work like a welfare queen you faggot

>We could have used part of that 3 billion in aid from the Paris Agreement to do some real good.
Lie breed more babies and animals and increase your carbon footprint more? Nope. Stop wasting oxygen.

The US shouldn't use their money to invest in 3rd world countries... they should be using it to pay the interest on their debt

chop chop American debt slaves, time to go back to work.
those interests aren't going to pay for themselves

Poverty is no excuse to steal from the wealthy. my country is poor but even we can see the paris agreement is a fucking scam. just another Globalist agenda in disguise of environmental crap