Why does everyone seem to agree that russia hacked the election but nobody seems to know what russia hacked?

Why does everyone seem to agree that russia hacked the election but nobody seems to know what russia hacked?

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Good question.
Too bad we can't have a good answer, because that would be probably bigoted, racist and antisemite.

the DNC?

Russia didn't hack the DNC it was that Guccifer guy who talked at the 2016 London Security Conference and posted DNC documents as proof of the vulnerability he used and wanted them to fix.

It was a life hack.
Haven't you seen them shamelessly flaunting their methods in your face?

They dosed DNC files with false connects between the scary black woman, forget her name, and Clinton re Benghazi
it didn't work tho, cause Comey's a boss

They hacked it and it's the truth.

>that Guccifer guy
He is working for the Russian government.

Ah, yes. And please do not anti-semite goyim. We have suffered enough. 6,000,000,000,000 of our people were killed.

okay but that DNC hack was completely insignificant and dumb though. It was just public information.

Also why the fuck would russia let a security conference know how it hacked into the US government political offices if it knew how so they could fix it.

Because its a fake narrative

It's funny because many machines were owned by Soros and tampering probably actually happened but from their part.

i hate all of you
you're turning this country into shit
you should be hanged for treason
fuck you greedy niggers just riding the stock market
you're turning into the jews you all claim to hate

Honestly it's because a lot of times when we get highly classified Intel we won't disclose how we got it to protect that source (humint or sigint) to allow further exploitative measures.

>you're turning into the jews
the basic problem with Jews is they are on the throne of the world, while I am not.

Because they didn't fix it, and since they've done it before with relative ease, why not do it again? If you're enemy has a weakness, exploit it. Duh.

(((everyone))) agrees


Dems and libshits literally believe that Russia hacked voting machines and changed totals.


That's my problem with this whole thing. If they prove that Russia hacked the DNC(which they haven't), I'd be ok with the narrative and dealing with that situation outside the trump admin and the current presidency. But that's not what they're saying. They're saying what you're saying. Russia hacked paper ballots and rigged the (to paraphrase Obama) unriggable election.

Because it's a narrative created by hysterical people who don't understand why people would rather vote for an "outsider" businessman who promised jobs and stronger borders over a career politician whose campaign boiled down to "I'm a female Democrat and also not Blumpf"

>Why does everyone seem to agree
stopped here. nice weasel words, CNN faggot. do us a favor, shoot up your office and then yourself. thanks.

Fake news

Wow, the mighty USA being brought down by nerds that wank to anime girls. Really opened my eyes there, user.


Muh Russian boogie man on some cold war shit

>nobody seems to know what russia hacked?
The election, dumbass.

the narrative seems to be shifting from "hacked" to "russian bots and hackers pushing pro trump/anti hillary stories."

Which is weird because it was a 24/7 hatefest on trump (and still is).

they dont tho

this is what dems and the intelligence community believe

lots of you work for the niggers responsible for this
ever heard of Cambridge Analytica?
some of you think this will help your portfolios
if you're doing this for free, you're just a fucking idiot

>the intelligence community

Is it a hatefest on the russia owned pro trump twitter accounts and news sites trumptards follow?

>Why does everyone seem to agree that russia hacked the election but nobody seems to know what russia hacked?
because it's a bullshit meme for bullshitters to spread

They hacked Hillary's brain to make her look like an inept old woman instead of a trendy radical

and planting false documents

Are you a retard? This was disclosed months ago. The FBI and the CIA confirmed there was a hacking attempt at both the RNC and the DNC, the emails that were leaked by Wikileaks were obtained by Russian hacking.

Sup Forums is fucking hillarious, you will believe any zany conspiracy theory to confirm your biases but won't even remember shit that was in the news 3 months ago.

That's a nice fanfiction there, user. You should get it published.

cry more, please

> huffingtonpost.com/entry/russian-trolls-fake-news_us_58dde6bae4b08194e3b8d5c4

this is the official statement made by our national security and held by the DNC. the russians did not hack anything, they influenced american citizens by "infiltrating social media" and posting anti-hillary shill

If you want proof go watch what James Clapper said in his hearing

Please archive. Thank you.

>huffingtonpost com/entry/russian-trolls-fake-news_us_58dde6bae4b08194e3b8d5c4

>were obtained by Russian hacking.
wiki leaks already said that they weren't the source and they have been hinting for the longest that seth rich was the one who gave them the emails

fuck off shill

>The FBI and the CIA confirmed there was a hacking attempt at both the RNC and the DNC
reminder that the FBI literally published this as the """""hacking""""" scheme

reminder that John Podesta is still waiting to hear back from that deposit he made to that Nigerian prince.

>Anyone who doubts the seth rich cult is a shill
Trump supporters have turned themselves into shills for Russian conspiracies

Probably because everyone around you is gullible or just plain cucked

explain to me why the FBI has seth richs laptop then

norway why the fuck are you spamming this on every single thread with a link

I'm laughing. It's pretty sad you people can't even deal with facts anymore.

he's archiving fake news sources so that their clickbait doesn't get ad revenue


>Explain this thing the FBI is doing then
Why do I have to know? What about that suddenly makes it plausible?

They obviously hacked Hillary's emails but unfortunately she accidentally a whole bag of hammers on all her electronic devices so we can't observe all the evidence that was surely on it that they did it.

>They obviously hacked Hillary's emails
>no evidence
>weasel wording this hard
fuck off, shariablue faggot

Learn to detect sarcasm, you dumbass bean.

alright thanks, so i shouldnt link from fakenews.com i guess that makes sense dont want them getting money

searching archive is gay though

What? Why would they expose the vulnerability?

>searching archive
jesus fucking christ please just go back 2 reddit you fucking newfaggot

Does this groid not realize he is their pet nigger they are parading around to virtue signal to other leftists?

>Stop using our tactics against us goyim!
>Why are you so much better at this!
We do it for free

>know a vulnerability in your enemy's systems
>publicly disclose it
so this is the power of american intellectuals....

Facts like who is the president and who isn't?

Because it was at a security conference. That's their job. When the DNC said "Nah, we know about it, we just won't fix it" Russia said "Ok thanks for the open door". There's plenty of ways to break into a house, but why smash a window when you know they leave the door unlocked?

I thought the current narrative was "influenced the election," as if that means anything (Obama literally told the British not to leave and Brexit still passed).
They're hunting for people who were paid by Russia to sabotage democrats, elevate/fund Trump's Campaign, and continue to "collude" with the Trump Administration.

Sorry, didn't see your reply in time. See.

If Russia are the ones who discovered the vulnerability, what purpose would they have in disclosing it?

because the words russia, trump, and hacking have been repeatedly used together in the news over the past year just like this thread

Even The Sun King himself said not one vote was changed. The so-called Russians™ just peeled back the curtain on the incompetent, rigged, sleazy shit show the Dem primary was behind the scenes at the DNC. It showed that the primary was rigged for an awful candidate who desperately wanted to face Trump and got what she wanted. The Russia™ meme was shit out to protect Her Majesty's legacy so history won't rememberer her as the incompetent, arrogant dope she was who was too stupid to visit a critical Rust Belt state like Michigan.

Even libfag Bill Maher said "couldn’t fill the function room at the Olive Garden" but the DNC made sure no potentially more likable minority Democrat ran in the primary so HRC wouldn't face a usurper like she did with Obama in '08. Think about it: the party that bills itself as the party of inclusion had five dopey, pasty white people in its primary. Nothing weird about that.

Most of what was released about HRC was just office gossip type stuff about how even friends like Colin Powell think "everything HRC touches she kind of screws up with hubris." Podesta wrote that when she acts "almost human" on TV occasionally that it's a compliment. Yeah, what a shock she couldn't connect with voters in an election that was rooted in populism.

go back to mexico you fucking nigger
whens this wall gonna be finished anyways, tired of freeloading spics niggering around

>When the DNC said "Nah, we know about it, we just won't fix it"
can I have a source?

>Why do I have to know?
because you're making the argument that this is baseless conspiracy when obviously there is something going on here.

>What about that suddenly makes it plausible?
because the FBI isn't going to just take your stuff and dig through everything if the report is that you were killed because of failed robbery. Also what does wiki leaks have to gain by lying about the source? The Russians already hate them because they leaked information on their corruption a few years ago so they gain nothing by lying for them.

Liberals don't see it as a 24/7 hatefest, like everything else they always see themselves as disadvantaged victims. Look at Reddit, one of the most liberal sites on the internet. There are tons of subreddits all hitting the front page daily spamming hate about Trump and yet Redditors still believe The_Donald took control of the website.

>gets owned
>uhh.. g-g-go back t-t-to mexico
noob destroyed

>everyone seem to agree
top kek, russkies are busy daytrading crypto

>Tfw the great meme war was a real fucking thing and Sup Forums actually affected the US election

Because it wasn't "Russia" it was someone who worked for the Russian government and went to the security convention. Have you ever been to the convention? There's a small portion of "Look this is the future of security!" and the rest is a bunch of dudes exposing flaws in hopes to score a contract. He told them about the flaw in hopes of scoring a contract to fix the flaw. The DNC ignored it, because they have plenty of contracts and didn't need a new one, in hopes that one of them would already fix it. The problem with that, is only the person who found the flaw, knows the path to take, and throwing a blanket fix over stuff like that rarely works.

I mean, probably not in writing. But try to find ANY information on the DNC private contractors. That's not how security companies work. He didn't show them the flaw in their system, because of the aforementioned reason. He wanted to be paid to fix it. He didn't show how it's done, just that it could be done.

You could've said you're just pulling it outta your ass and I'd have left the thread earlier

it wasn't even a war. it was a slaughter

>haha i owned that noob so hard, destroyed

As someone who works in the security sector, I can say that's probably as close as it gets. Obviously I didn't find the flaw and can't go rooting around in the emails to look for proof. But I do understand the business side of it, and our government is and has been one big business for a while now. They didn't want to pay some foreign hacker to fix, what we great American hackers already employed by the DNC could fix. It's like any other company. The ones who make the financial decisions, rarely understand what goes on in the jobs they finance. They're not hackers, they're business men, through and through.

>trying this hard

>oy vey people on the internet influence the sheep to vote differently than we want !

>this must be stopped

My Almonds have gone quantum

And where's your proof?