Mike Pence baffled that “for some reason” people care about climate change

Fuck you. Seriously, just fuck you!

>listening to women
No wonder your people starve to death every decade

Can I get an actual quote of what he said or better yet a video?

Because I care more if my child can safely walk to school more than the sea levels rising at the moment.

Based Pence.

>Fuck you. Seriously, just fuck you
triggered much?

But dude like the greatest scientific minds in the world like Bill Nye and Neil Degrassi Tyson said that global warming will kill us all man. Now if you excuse me I'm going to go get fucked in the ass by a Chinese ladyboy, because it's evolution

KEK. That makes two of us, Mr Vice President

So based.

Trump was right - that was the most important vote of my life.

I too am baffled.

I just don't understand these people.

Even if you think everyone is wrong except you, shouldn't you err on the side of caution?
The green revolution is going to stimulate trillions of dollars and decentralizes electric power into the hands of the consumer, and lets them live longer lives, which also saves on everyone on paying medical costs.

The economics of green are good, we will save the planet, all that Trump did was ensure America loses its global edge.

Trump is whining about 3b going to people who will be underwater in a few decades, while china is spending 600b+ to buy themselves new friends around the world and be their go-to for energy needs.
We just lost a huge opportunity and will be dependent on China for 100 years now.

Trump made history with this move, and it wasn't a good thing

There is no "green revolution" idiot
Nuclear power is the only green you need

>Things that never happened


No its not.
Fusion isn't going to be a thing for a long time, and nuclear waste is god awful.

I believe in nuclear, we have to use some of it. But nuclear waste is a sludge of nearly everything on the periodic table so you can't contain it easily.

How do you store something that is constantly changing structure and toxic goo for hundreds of thousands of years?
If we had nuclear waste as chimps, it would still be toxic today. How do we support our needs forever doing that, while also ensuring that they aren't accidentally busted into 10,000 years from now?

600 billion dollars over 5 years sounds pretty revolutionary to me as well.

fuck you too nigger

If its sticking around for hundreds of thousands of years then it isn't dangerous today
There are plenty of stable places in the world where you can store stuff forever

It's not any different from the toxic waste from every mine on the planet

love that if Trump somehow ever gets impeached, libs are gonna be double fucked.

They will be begging for Trump back

>Even if you think everyone is wrong except you, shouldn't you err on the side of caution?
>The green revolution is going to stimulate trillions of dollars and decentralizes electric power into the hands of the consumer, and lets them live longer lives, which also saves on everyone on paying medical costs.

Do you have any proof of this?

He's not wrong though if you think about it enough

I love Magic Mike, I hope he'll visit the Netherlands some time

It has taken nearly a century and an international effort to even make the first large scale fusion reactor, which isn't completed yet. Nuclear power isn't going to expand anytime soon.

I thought only dentists care aboit toothpaste

>planet is going to suffer exponential runaway climate change if drastic changes aren't made immediately and we are ALL GOING TO DIE AHHHHH
>spending $100 TRILLION dollars over the next century to meet 1% of a 2 degree Fahrenheit temperature reduction target laid out by the Paris climate pact is a good use of resources/money
>switching to nuclear energy isn't a priority

heh, funny meme you got there kiddo, I see you've got potential. You're not there yet, but with some guidance you'll be able to meme like the best of them. Nothing personell of course

Imagine having a country so incompetent it can't prepare for a mild change in sea level.

If you dont believe in climate change you're retarded, a troll, or under 18.

True Sup Forums knows that the liberal agenda fucked it all up with "muh carbon tax" even though carbon is the smallest, most insignificant piece of the climate problem.

If you bitch about "globalists" making money off green energy and don't give a fuck about the oil shills throwing millions at pur governmentioned to sway legislation, then go outside right now, find the richest man in your backwoods community, pull down his pants and forcibly suck his cock untilike he explodes his seventh into your mouth.

>We’ve demonstrated real leadership. We’ve demonstrated real progress, but for some reason or another, this issue of climate change has emerged as a paramount issue for the left in this country and around the world. And through Kyoto and through President Obama’s cap-and-trade agenda and then through the — in the last year of his administration, to have America saddled in an international agreement in the Paris accord, I think, I think put a real burden on our economy and our people and is a bad deal for America. And as the president said so memorably yesterday, he was elected to represent Pittsburgh, not Paris. And I just have to tell you, it is so refreshing to have a president who just stands without apology for the American people, for the American economy, and for America’s interests in the world first.

Paris deal retarded

HAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAH based af cry more pseudointellectual filth.

You better should care if they can safely swim to school.

Its just another EU gibs me dat deal.
If we wanted/needed to stop global warming the only real answer would be to level all of china and india.

Thats a drastic change I can believe in.

Remember in the 70's when they said the Earth was cooling and all the scientists agreed an iceage was coming? Remember when the sea levels were going to destroy all the costal cities before 2015? Remember when now it's called climate change, no one understand what's happening, but they're CERTAIN it has to do with CO2, the gas that has the smallest share of the atmosphere out of all of them?

If green economics are good, why do green energy companies keep falling apart even with massive subsidies? So-called renewable energy apart from nuclear is inefficient and not much better for the environment than fossil fuels. Windmills are better at chopping up birds than producing energy, solar panels are very expensive and have to be enormous to even be useful, and hydroelectric depends on there being plenty of large rivers nearby. Hydrogen requires special processing and there's no safe way yet to make it a widespread fuel source.

And no, we won't be dependent on China. Even after we finish developing alternative fuels to where they're economically worthwhile, we'll still have enough petroleum, methane, and coal to last us centuries.