Civic Nationalism is the Best Ideology, I can debate Any Racist

Why nationalism is RACISM plain and simple. I mean seriously kicking PEOPLE out of your nation simply because of their COLOUR is racism. So look look at the most diversity areas in the world, you got Canada you got Singapore you got Harvard all great places now you look at the BIBLE BELT. I mean seriously blacks and arabs are human too.

>video related will turn any stormfronter into a civic nationalist in under 5 minutes.

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You're right, we are racist. Death to Islam, can't believe we let a single one of them in.

Fuck off nigger

Stop with your racism you do not belong on this board. You need to educate yourself and maybe open your mind a little.

>when you mind is so open you will fall for anything.

>"when anyone tries to divide us with class warfare, racial hatred or religious intolerance you know they are up to no good" - John Oliver

Listen pal diversity doesn't ruin nations it strengthens them.

I will attest to the fact that Canada has become a leftist shithole.

It's the greatest nation now.

I ain't your pal, friend.

I ain't your friend.

How does diversity strengthen a nation when there is evidence that points to the opposite?

Anybody with a keyboard, two cells to rub together, and totally no agenda to push (/sarc) can make such a claim. Do you have proof or even evidence to back up your claim?

All countries which are diverse are rich all countries that are homogenus are poor, PROOF

Still wanna kill those subhumans

Japan would like a word with you, lad.

Civic nationalism is the best ideology for americans because they are not whites, american isn't an ethnical reality.

Nice statement buddy, worth about as much as your dollar.

Like I said before, do you have any proof or even evidence to back up your claim?

Are Canadians white? PLEASE TELL ME NO

What's wrong with racism?

Canada will be under 20% white within a century, a recent study shows.

Civic nationalism is death.

Oh look, this leaf again

I'm completely ethnic nationalism except I don't care to much about race. Think of the race percentage like the 50s.

Pretty much everyone has to speak english and be Christian and no other cultures allowed

I want to preserve and expand my own genes, not the other subspecies. Also white demonization makes me crave revenge.

Where do you think poor (relative to rich countries) people emigrate to when they can/are offered,
some other poor country?

Race is the final bluepill, it's too bad it's pointless to argue on Sup Forums when you have shills like OP dividing and conquering

>look at any diverse place
You idiot they're diverse now but they were never diverse when they were first built
The dirty niggers who made up 0% of America when it was being built and people came here on a dirty ship and watched their families die and they fought to put food on the table so their white ancestors could live a better life than them, never did shit except when they made money for rich white people who were smart enough to exploit their inferiority for the benefit of superior, now stupid kikes wanna guilt on us into letting the brown live among us
Go fuck yourself

That video actually made me agree with one of FDR's policies. We should round up ethnic groups and put them in camps.

Causation does not equal correlation; rather the identifiable cause for your observation is that immigrant leeches are only attracted to wealthy nations.

Canada doesn't even exist, you are just a bunch of french and british living together on the other side of the planet like if the PlantagenĂȘt still existed, you are the belgians of North America.

Not an argument.

Fuck off cuck.
>I mean seriously blacks and arabs are human too.
Lol no. They aren't Finns, they don't belong to my tribe and they are in fact a threat to the continuation of my people. Their lives have NEGATIVE value to me, as in, I consider it a bad thing for them to be alive at all in my homeland. They need to be removed to the last fucking shitskin spawn. A stray dog is more valuable than a shitskin.

Jesus wouldn't have been racist

Who cares about whiteness?
In the 50s most people considered Christians nutbars. Yeah everyone was a "moderate Christian" but if you started talking Jesus you were called a nut. Also there were TONS of cultures in the 50s. I think xenophobic bigots who say that only certain cultures should be allowed should be charged for hate speech.

They move to rich countries

Calling immigrants leaches is hate speech

HOW? EXPLAIN! The video was for multiculturalism.

Fucking leaf.

The easiest argument against White Nationalism is just history.

We HAD nearly 100% White societies.

LOOK where we are now. It didn't prevent any of this from happening, if anything it made it possible.

IDENTITY POLITICS IS ANTI POLITICS. It means fuck policies, I roll with my in-group. But what if your in-group is retarded?

White nationalists are just larping because they know it's an impossible daydream. If you somehow were able to turn the dial back to 100% White societies, there's absolutely no proof this shit wouldn't just happen again.

France doesn't even exist, you are just Spanish immigrants who eat fine bread with no cars

EXACTLY today we have diversity and today everything is great.

So fucking what?
I will damn well speak my hate of non-Finns out loud.

nationalism has nothing to do with race.
It is about putting your country first. Anyone who is a citizen of your country is good (it doesn't matter what their heritage is)

>Most diversity areas in the world, you got Canada
Canada has the more strictly enforced borders than the USA. Go kill yourself you Canadian moron, eh?

You clueless fucking retard. People opposed the immigration reform your politicians pushed in the 70ies and your politicians precisely claimed that the reform would not affect the demographics of your nation, which was a blatant fucking lie. The flood of shitskins into the west was not approved by knowing and informed public consensus.

I disagree. I was beat up by two thugs a day ago, they aren't good people.

except for Israel though right? or any non white nation?

you mean to say Europeans are racist if they dont commit demographic suicide to please the Globalists, International Jew, and anti-democratic left.

fuck you ya smug simpleton newfag.

Canada is the most diverse nation on earth, educate your're and please have cancer moron.

Israel is a Jewish nation

Uh, no everything is SHIT. Taxing everyone to support the leftist agenda up here in Canada.

Slide thread. Sage.

Your country is normally inhabited by your race.

>Civic Nationalism
>Muslim American

Pick only one.


Be gone Leaf. Tired of your shit.

Western nations were rich before (((multiculturalism))). In fact immigrants are stealing the wealth and infrastructure your forefathers built for you.

Oh look, Ahmed the Euro lap dog chimes in with his monkey noises. Go be an irrelevant country somewhere else.

England, France, Italy, Germany, and Spain have been white nations much longer than Israel has been a Jewish nation.

They move to rich countries seeking gibs you nig

No, all great nations were once racially homogenous

You think Mexicans and arabs made the usa, UK or any other great country what it was?

Even genetic studies show Egypt was racially homogenous until right before its downfall

Okay Leafy. Let me give you a rundown since you've never been under the oppression of Islam.

Any Country east of Germany, most of them are Slavic, had to put up with Ottoman oppression for a few hundred years.

Islam isn't a "Religion of Peace" and in 400 years it HASN'T CHANGED.
If German Reich tries to force more refugees in other countries, they're not gonna stand for is as is the case with Poland.

Also, THESE are the people you're calling "civil".