he's just counting his money when the american police raids him.

who was in the wrong here?

Other urls found in this thread:

He was black so its fine.
It's not like he got that money legally anyways.


yay, now he an go to prison, get released in 5 years, get out, rape/murder a white woman, and go back in for another 10 years!


Jesus he sounds retarded


pick one and only one

>counting a big stack of bills
Nobody carries around fat stacks of cash unless they're drug dealers or prostitutes

>innocent black man

Can someone translate from baboon-speak to the Kings?





the fact that whites are not murdering random niggers in the street proves that your people have lost the game. sorry.




Chimps are gentler than this.

Just fucking nigger animals. They should be put down.


>tfw when you watch a nigger getting tortured to death and you feel bad but then you don't because he's a nigger but then you feel bad anyway but then you hate niggers because it's niggers doing it.




Aren't AR-rifles inconvenient when securing a domicile? Damn burgers

Literally lower tier than animals. What the actual fuck.

they're freaking animals

>Nigger gibberish/gutterspeak
I keep wondering what all those fucking words mean in pic related. I know "muhfugen" and "muhfugga" is "motherfucking" and "motherfucker" (respectively), but I have no idea what the other jibber jabber meant. Please help me decipher niggerspeak so I could finally understand what the fuck they're saying in the pic.


What a noble creature, he left the poor cunny alone.

Jesus fuck, these hominids need to caged.
Not even the wildest of animals treat their young this way

you cant even secure your own country damn borks

it's just random gibberish, bix nood is a meme

It's nice to see a nigger video with a happy ending from time to time. thanks

It's only reasonable that the man's best friend would hate the man's greatest enemy.

The American groid truly is something else, isn't it?

I'd hate to think what the did to the dog afterwards

Was this just a robbery or what?

fucking lost.

I literally now believe in black genocide, just kill em all and no one including themselves will have to have this kind of shit.

She was asking for it desu.


holy shit lmao

this shit infuriates me
>fucking bootlips


It's literal retardation.
An 80 IQ is retardation. Liberals simply moved the goal posts and had it redefined.

>sacrificing literally everything important about a firearm for a tiny bit of maneuverability by using a pistol or pcc

rX needs to be death

Not gonna lie i jacked off to her ass

1-800-GOOD DOG

I grew up in Atlanta and even I have no idea what the fuck he was saying. "It don't stop" implying that his capacity for making money on the "first of the month" when everyone is flush with welfare cash is infinite. But 80% of his syllables were unintelligible to me.

This one is actually a babysitter who was filmed by a nanny cam
When the father saw the footage, he beat the ever living fuck out of this nigress after kidnapping her.
When he was arrested, the charges were dropped when the judge saw the video




he was kind of innocent
>american drug war victim

i could hit her until my fist turned to mush

kill them all or send them back to africa

fucking nigger scum im glad hes in jail with the rest of his nigger family


Fuck niggers.

That's what I call "strong headed"

I felt bad almost for an entire second tho


it's a nice asian ass

Hey faggot, how do you know he's "innocent"?

I don't think I've seen this one on Sup Forums yet,

I guess that shit stopped man

In what language is this dindu talking ?





>Not knowing the story behind this
She was fucking that black boy in the video. Burn the coal pay the toll.

This faggot nigger literally has his pants down to his knees. What a fucking tool



That makes my fucking blood boil

The only defense against the colonization of Europe is the re-colonization of Africa, for good this time.

god damn that was satisfying

Where the fuck are the parents?

ban cats desu



this is fucking infuriating WTFUCKINGFUCK

>Video titled "Trap raided"

Hmmm I wonder.

14! 14 hits. Too bad he didn't crush his nigger skull.

>Fuck niggaz keep up mann

He's implying that other niggers aren't working as hard as he is and need to get on his level.


how about this

Did this monkey walk out with his stack of 20s to pretend like he had more?

That's drug money carl

ahahah what a good boy. still managed to cuck all the nigs and walk away

Probably tried to abandon his demon ass there. For some reason I'm more bothered by the terrible employees that keep picking him up, walking two steps, dropping the kid and vanishing for good. I get not wanting to deal with it but they're putting him down and wandering off while he goes and hits more kids.
It's bizarre.


nigger skull ain't easy to crack


wtf happened here?

This is porn to me

What is even going on? Did he get a seizure?