How did Germans go from one of the most powerful people (yes I mean Nazis) to the one of the most cucked nations ever...

How did Germans go from one of the most powerful people (yes I mean Nazis) to the one of the most cucked nations ever? Come on guys, let's be real. Had it not been for the US, Western Europe would consist of a Nazi regime (Vichy France) and Britain brought to its knees. Even America wouldn't have been able to tacke Nazi German soldiers alone, because they didnt have the willpower that the Germans did. The willpower to reclaim its lost land after WW1 and prove the world that they will not be messed with. It took Britain, AND the US, AND the USSR to stop Nazi Germany. SO HOW DID THEY GO FROM POWERFUL PEOPLE TO KEKED DESCENDANTS?

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read a book nigger

>USA Kikes sending massive supplys to UDSSR Bolshevik Jews so they can resist us
>USA Kikes sending help to Britcucks so they don't starve
>Churchill cuck who has debts (he took money from jews) doesn't want to make peace with Germany
>USA cucks open up second front so we collapse

The answer is the kikes worldwide came together to destroy the white race.

Not a nigger. I'm actually a product of spics immigrating here so although taco runs in my blood, I was born and raised here so my mind is that of a burger. Anyway, I agree that it took so many alliances to take your ancestors down. They were fucking that good at war. Hitler is always credited with the revival of the German nation but he was just the face. it was the people who fought the wars and truly reconstructed Germany from the ground up. I wish I was a German in the late 30's:(

its the kikes dude.
educate yourself and everyone you know about the kikes.
thats how you help the white people and everyone on earth.

As much as I like to relish in German anguish the fact that we're all equally fucked now means we need to work together, bit like Legolas and Gimli

Uhh because the world castrated them to make sure they stop starting shit? After two world wars both started by the Germans, what else could they do? They were like an unchained pitbull that couldn't stop fucking up the neighborhood.

>I'm actually a product of spics
You have to go back.

it is a mystery

Is it true that American soldiers used to throw their guns down and pick up German guns when they killed German soldiers because their guns were made so much better?

A combination of corruption and disregard for tradition which led to it being slowly "replaced" by a perversion of "peace at any cost".

...oh yeah, and jews.

The whole western world curb stomped them after WW1 and WW2. That's how they got from A to B.

sincerely, the average German male comes from a long line of rapebabies.
can't be good.

Funny enough, I've had the wet dream of unifying south America in order to create a major state as in the US and Canada, essentially leaving the American continent to three major nations. Fortunately I was born and raised here and the people down south wouldn't give a fuck about me. They would only see me as American. That being said, I'm here to stay.

Everything you need to know

This is some good stuff. Thanks user


>t. op

I fucking love black mill. Incredible album

Napoleon sought to make a United States of South America before he died. He was planning an escape and had a huge number of not only his French veterans waiting his arrival in the Americas but also some ex-British who had spent their whole lives fighting against Napoleon and had no place in the world anymore now that there was peace. The day Napoleon died an ex Scottish General named Cochrane with a ship full of soldiers had landed on the Island Bonaparte was being held captive, pretty sure Napoleon was executed by his guards who had orders he was never to escape again. (Since Waterloo took place after his escape the first time)

you're an idiot if you really believe that

England and France invaded Germany in WW1 not the other way around

If you think the Treaty of Versailles was fair you're a dipshit

go back to fucking Reddit

He isn't the first person with that fantasy. I forgot whomst the man was that wished to create "Gran Colombia" which wouldve basically been unified South America, but yeah I want that. United States of South America has a good ring to it. "Estados Unidos de Sur America." Unfortunately whoever can successfully pull that off will be reflected upon history as either a dictator or a hero. Just as with Mao Zedong and Josef Stalin, who both inherited a mass country of nothing and turned it into an industrialized power.

You forgot the part where cultural marxism was literally invented in germany and how germany payed lenin to overthrow zarist russia and caused the genocide of more than 60 million christians in russia.

Lets face it. Germany had it comming.


Was it Bolivar?

Imagine what the world would be like off Napoleon pulled it off. The U.S was allies with him throughout the Napoleonic wars so I'd imagine we would have had a solid relationship. War of 1812 was our bit during Napoleonic War, funny they never teach in American schools that we were so closely allied with Napoleon since he's considered a "bad guy".

Yes that's his name! I was thinking "Bolivia" for some reason but I was being lazy and didn't bother to search it up. Also, it really depends where in the US you are raised that the curriculum can change just enough to create a generation of humans that are strongly divided. Yeah, if Napoleon succeeded, French would be the dominant language as opposed to Spanish and there would also be French blood running in South America (along with Spanish blood) creating a much more "white" population. Who knows. South America definitely wouldnt be the total shithole it is now, though, thats for sure.

Because anyone associated with the right died in the war and the left was all there was that remained to rebuild. They made sure to inject their cuckism along the way.

Don't be too anxious about a reestablished Germany. We might have a word to say about one or two firebombings or mass rapes or other complete and utter humiliations. The eternal anglo enabled the kikes, never forget that

I really believe you guys are going to make a comeback this century. If the nazi party rises again, please don't be gay nazis. Take over Western Europe and let the Russians take care of the East. Don't make the same mistake twice thinking you can take it all at once. Also, actually go to war and work in construction (to build the cities your people will live and work in). Real nazis don't need any fucking neets who shitpost on Sup Forums.