If the Paris Climate Agreement is literally going to save the world...

If the Paris Climate Agreement is literally going to save the world, why are its creators refusing to negotiate any part of it in order to get the richest and most powerful country on Earth to support it?

Really makes me think, y'know?

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Because most sections of the agreement are completely non-binding.

For example, if you don't like the section about foreign aid, Trump could EASILY stay in the agreement while not giving any foreign aid, because that part of the agreement is non binding.

I hope you understand the situation now, and how hard trump fucked up

What parts are binding?


Post discarded

I'm pretty sure only the backbone of the agreement, which is a commitment to reduce greenhouse gas emissions

If you don't even agree to that, you are just not in the agreement

Nothing is binding, it has no enforcement mechanisms and countries are free to measure their own progress towards meeting their goals without any international organization confirming their data.

Must accept 1 million refugees per year

Must convert all Christian churches into tolerance and diversity centers

All manufacturing not taking place in China or Indonesia illegal, illegal to withhold patents from China

Why are you making things up?
If you are clueless you better not speak

>whole thing is non binding
>all of it is meaningless

>wow he didn't pay lip service to a worthless agreement that won't even be upheld anyway

>fucking Nazisatanhitler, I can't even

Subsidy for US financiers to manufacture products in China and dropship them to big box stores stateside, with a bonus subsidy if a majority of domestic employees are undocumented citizens

Because theres a dumb manchild motherfucker in charge and there's no way to make him reason

There is nothing to negotiate because the entire agreement is non-binding. The only real meaning of the agreement is that parties agree that man-made climate change is a serious problem that must be tackled.

If all these states and citys are going to save the planet without the federal govt the why were we in the accords in the first place?

Because it's creators need America to pay for it all. If America doesn't pay, the whole thing falls apart.

The paris agreement was meant to encourage the world to reduce carbon emissions.

Many countries refuse to sign on heavily binding agreements, which is why the agreement is so flexible. that's how they got almost all countries in the world except for three sign on the agreement.

In terms of results, the agreement actually did work and it made china cancel over 100 coal energy production plants already

Actually, the thing with Trump is that he is does not understand that sometimes it is better to not follow through with campaign promises. Really the only reason he left the agreement was to fulfill a promise.

So what you're saying is that if a "developing nation", say North Korea, took the money it received from joining the agreement and spent it elsewhere, say on a nuclear weapons program, then there would be absolutely no enforcement mechanism in place to reprimand such a hypothetical country running a hypothetical nuclear weapons program? Do I understand this correctly?

If it's non-binding, why is it even a thing?

I explained it here In summary: if it was a binding agreement they wouldn't get the entire world to sign on it

other than you know, them being developing countries that already depend heavily on foreign aid and pulling a stunt like that would ensure all countries could, by themselves, stop all development aid as a punitive measure

story about a certain goose is appropriate here

Oh myyy gawwd , soo dumb


According to the following state by state survey, 69% of americans support staying in the paris agreement, and only 13% think the US should leave.


Trump is going to pay a heavy political price for this, and for a good reason. only dumb people think its a good idea to increase pollution.

it's a joke dipshit.



>If the Paris Climate Agreement is literally going to save the world

It isn't. It will only have a minimal impact on the temperature increase if it's followed 100%. The goals set aren't being reached meaning it's going to have an even less effectiveness.

All this agreement does is cost the US trillions of dollars in wealth transfers and does nothing meaningful about climate change.

TLDR: It's nothing more than virtue signaling by nations

The paris agreement objectively reduced carbon emissions worldwide. don't talk about things you don't know.

Any agreement that makes china cancel over 100 coal plants is a good agreeement



given that the US is going to spend that money instead on increasing pollution, there would have certainly been a notable difference

Is this what they call a logical fallacy?


The point is that we're handing money to 3rd world shitholes with no way to hold them accountable. Money is going to go to warlords, be funneled off to pay bribes, etc. etc. just like every other foreign aid endeavor.

I was being hyperbolic to demonstrate that it's stupid to not have enforcement measures built in.

Still doesn't follow that us leaving will increase pollution. You're going to have to go elsewhere for your gibs.

God those things are hideous


Can you, please, source me this "trillions of dollars" part because I feel like you're just spouting random bullshit in vain attempt to defend your Jew in Chief.

Is the entire purpose of this post is to paint those who support it as those who think it is "litrally the world saver"?

Jew noses are big so that they can filter in more air. They don't need safe air to breathe.

>objectively reduced carbon emissions
Define each of these words within the context of the PCA

>Any agreement that makes china cancel over 100 coal plants is a good agreeement
Frankly, they cancelled the coal plants because it's no longer economically efficient for them and they are promoting their technologies about nuclear power and sell their version of nuclear plants oversea (like to UK last year). And most of all, the pressure to shut down the coal plants is from domestic, not some gay arse Paris Accord. It's pure self interest/business and public stunts to promote their nuclear plants& "renewable" energy products than anything. They will do it with/without Paris Accord.

there's no punitive measures built into any form of development aid anyways
at least with this project there'll be major organizations behind it that can actually ensure the money gets where it needs to be

other than say, all the stupid little christian "charities" the US has


>there's no punitive measures built into any form of development aid anyways

That's just an argument against foreign aid in general.

>at least with this project there'll be major organizations behind it that can actually ensure the money gets where it needs to be

I seriously doubt that. The people in charge of the agreement seem more worried about balancing the genders on their boards than financial responsibility. That's only brought up a dozen times in the document.

>other than say, all the stupid little christian "charities" the US has

The only ones that aren't stupid are the ones where they physically build the houses and wells and whatever else a village needs, but even those often fail once the Westerners leave.

>Only 50% of Republicans wanted in on the agreement

Why are American Conservatives such jokes? Are they just stubborn or is big money involved in suppressing green energy?

Pretty much. Trump just gave ammo to his opponents for no fucking reason.

cute duck

>all the cuck shills itt trying to make this shit """deal""" look good

Cmon 98 iq you could do better. Even Wonder Women married a dork.

She too thicc for a white boi


t. Goldberg from the oil industry
Praise Trump and Jesus and Go Israel

Yeah it was another BS pose by Trump and his supporters bought it AGAIN. Similar to all those worthless executive orders to "Begin looking into this.."


This pasta is already stale.

>Any agreement that makes china cancel over 100 coal plants is a good agreeement
I thought you said you read the agreement? China wouldn't have to stop emissions for at least another decade. Allowing them to surpass us financially and probably militarily, no average American would agree to those terms. Your source is from the people who have vested interest and therefore don't matter to me.

The US can't withdraw until 2020 and given the current pace of things Trump will be gone and the US will stay in the agreement. There's no reason to make adjustments.

>The US can't withdraw until 2020
Why not? The agreement says it only takes a year to withdraw. Also, since the is absolutely no method of enforcement, withdrawing means fuck all anyway.

There was a binding agreement apparently. The US is stuck in it until late 2020. Same with any other country that signed it

You keep saying that, but you should have a look at the agreement itself. There's nothing binding us for more than a year, and also no penalty for just ignoring the agreement outright anyway. Nothing in the agreement is "binding" at all.

>If it actually means anything then no one will sign it
>so lets just have them all sign a meaningless "agreement" to say we got everyone to agree to agree on nothing.

Article 28
Early 2020 i guess sorry

Let china and india fund the paris accord agreement they are the ones destroying the enviroment.

Ducking dumb nose nigger kike

There's nothing to enforce this which is his whole point

Ok windows


Now point out the part where there are penalties for saying "fuck it" and leaving anyway.

>This accord violates our sovereignty

>Its also non-binding

You litterally can't have both, Trump is an idiot

If it violates our sovereignty we shouldn't agree to it
If it's non-binding then there's no issue with leaving

So it's symbolic. So Trump symbolically told the (((authors))) of this agreement to symbolically go fuck themselves.

You stupid fucking leaf, unlike us the Americans aren't "bound" to anything, they can ignore international treaties and obligations all they fucking want. Who will stop them? Trudeau? Don't make me laugh you stupid fucking cucked out retard, I'm ashamed I share a country with you

That doesn't explain shit, shlomo, now fuck off out of here, no one gives a shit what a kike thinks.



>who honestly gives a shit about a non-binding agreement?

Why the fuck is the world so insistent? Couldn't make something out of nothing in regards to Russia?... So now we're at the "uhhhmygoddd Trump is pulling out oF THE PARIS CLINATE FUCKING AGREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEMENTttttt?!".. so nothing?

What other things has Trump done? Is this really THAT big of an issue? Can some autistic fuck explain this bullshit? God damn.

If you're white and you fuck black males, there's something seriously wrong with you

Then some lawyer for a solar company uses ISDS from international trade agreements to sue the US for not living up to it's treaty promises.

All the kike weapons of globalism interlock, individually they might seem harmless ... together they spell white genocide.

the global warming/environmentalist cult is to consumerism what christianity is to judaism. Hillarious how these fags don't notice they're part of a religion.

>100 coal plants
I don't believe that for a second.

It was a non-binding agreement with no enforcement mechanism but fuck you for pulling out of it anyway, REEEEEEEEEEEE


Paris Accord is nothing more than global wealth redistribution on a global scale. Countries like India may ratify it, but they will do NOTHING as it is non-binding. It is the EU and Canada that will get the short end of the stick and become less competitive.

Trump raises himself in my eyes every single damn day.

Also, sauce OP?
You're a fucking dumbass kike

It was slippery slope shit they already had plans for.

If Trump does nothing else then between TPP and this he will already have massively set back the kike agenda and giving the US a few more years of breathing room.

That's what I hope for. Just a little extra time before we are too far gone. Enough time for me to retire in a secluded area with a small self sufficient community. So much of Europe is still mass cucked, because their rural enclaves away from the cities are still mostly fine. You would know though, do you think that's true?
