
Is it possible to have a functional society without fiat currency?



what is barter

Yes, but with humans? I doubt it.

what is fiat

it's only possible without fiat currency

Yes, if you wan't to se more bank crashes and panics

>tfw bought bitcoins and Ethereum


No one would lend or invest money anymore

Depends on how you define 'functional'.

Fiat currencies are backed by the commodities they can be used to be purchased. Like the USD petrodollar. Petroleum is the most important commodity in the world and it can only be purchased with USD.

Having a currency backed by a specific metal or something is redundant and kinda retarded. It only makes sense if the currency is issued from some 3rd world that doesn't produce anything valuable.

i htought they made little shit cars

Absolutely yes.

The "colonies" had functional societies here in America, for couple hundred years before any official fiat currency was introduced.

It's actually more complicated than that, but the early fiat currencies all crashed and burned anyway, society was fine, and improving. And the thing is, the gold is the only real money anyway, and they had plenty of that.

yeah the british empire did it, and it helped make them an empire, the romans had it, and it helped make them an empire, america had it until 1966 and it helped up be an empire.

fiat currency is a scam to transfer real wealth like land, resources, and use of labor to the elite for nothing of real value. yes you will work your entire life and have to show for it funny money and maybe some land that if you dont pay taxes for you lose your really just renting it. so who owns all the land and resources we all work to rent?

Are... are you retarded?

Bank crashes and panics occur when the banks are allowed to magic up more money than exists.

Only if there are no jews.

why would banks exist without fiat currency

How do people react when you bring up the JQ?

See that's where you're wrong pal. Your country stopped backing it's currency with gold when other countries were printing their fiat currency, buying dollars and then redeeming them into gold. Essentially converting their cheap plastic exports into literal gold.

Every country in the world would have to convert to the same currency, or back their currencies with gold in order to prevent arbitrage like this.

Fiat currency is the only thing that works for a modern economy. Only retarded tin-foilers think currency should be backed by gold.

Before money and gold barter, aristocracy used rally sticks to preserve non perishble value for work and perishable materials.

Fucking autocorrect

TALLY sticks

Is it possible to stop immigration in a capitalist democracy?

never heard of mexican jews

Fiat currency trick people into production. Say what you will about the system, cheap credit creates innovation and risk taking behavior. If it crashes, the gov. prints more until the society disbelieves in it. However, during that time, the economy was much closer to peak output than it ever would have been without fiat currency, its all about ripping off workers in a way that they believe their productivity will bring more wealth.

t. Jew


Lois CK is one, apparently.

immigration is necessary and possitive in globalization. And globalization is a historical process nobody can stop.

Only if you have something else to distract the psychopaths and sociopaths with.

No.. that is why money was invented
.. hard to spend half a cow and keep the change...

Of course it is, fiat currency it's a relatively recent invention compared to human society.

Correction, people won't lend to people that can not pay them back.

No property rights?

For a while, fiat currencies eventually collapse when goverments reach debt saturation. But if currency is created by governments on their own with no interest rather than through private central bankers economies perform very well

Currencies simply represents the goods used to exchange them and the value is on the supply and demand of said good or service.


Spices and dutch tulips and fur pelts and beads etc

>1 post by-

Has there ever been any studies done on exactly how much value is in having the reserve currency? Like I'm sure the USD is artificially high right now because it's the reserve, how much would it fall if it weren't? At some point we may lose our reserve status as China and India over take us as the world's largest economies and our debt burden continues to increase.


That's the only real deterrent to audit America.

Prison for debt it's the end of the american society.

Replacing fiat currency would create economic stability at the cost of economic growth.

It's the same reason why banks lend out substantially greater amounts of money than what they actually have.
It causes artificial amounts of currency to be exchanged that people actually have confidence in. The more theoretical currency in circulation, the more people can use to grow and expand the economy.

The problem is if people lose confidence in the money, and people actually ask for all the hard currency back, and the banks are left with only theoretical currency with absolutely nothing backing it, causing bank runs.

When you're using a precious metal backed currency, the amount of cash in the economy is tethered to the amount of precious metal backing it. This means there's less money in the economy to grow with (only keeping up with the precious metal stocks), but banks can only lend out so much as is backed in metal.

The issue is using a precious metal backed system when everyone else is using fiat currency. Because then your country's economic growth is significantly lower than everyone elses.

We had one until 1973, so yes.

a worse system full of jews jewing jews that leads to fiat currency


Stability for whom? What makes you think the muh job creators deserve stability instead of stabbed?

That being said, having tangible proof of work and benefiting society is what I want in my society

Jewz love fiat currency. Give a jew some fiat currency and a young east Asian woman and he is in heaven.

A gold-based economy would tend to deflate, punishing degenerate consumers while rewarding prudent savers, and shifting our entire economic base more towards a basis on long-term reliable industries.

Patricians bought Waves and Xby though

We need flags on /biz/....

It's the same issue with usury. It creates currency from nothing.

It gets ridiculous when banks loan out money and charge interest, effectively producing their own currency from money that never existed in the first place, backed by public confidence.

With the Federal Reserve system, the banks have the confidence of the entire government backing it.

When the financial crisis happened as a result of banks conducting incredibly risky business practices, loaning out far more money than what they had, it caused a scare and economic recession.

Obama at the time bailed them out. Effectively taking tax payers money and giving it to the banks.
A. This saved the banks from collapsing, continuing the confidence in the banks
B. Partially rewarded the banks for conducting risky practices (even though laws were tightened on them slightly as a result).

Stability for everyone. I presume you either
A. Own a business, employing people or
B. Employed by a business, as well as
C. Keep your money in a bank.

Economic recession and instability cause job loss, loss of revenue and potentially loss of savings.

>not a shitcoin

There's a shitload of them. They own everything here too.

Just had one die in the ER this week because he was a drunk and a coke addict. Jew family members are conflictive af.

Heh. I'm a member of the Fiveeyes Intel community. I keep hearing stories of Israeli Intelligence.

So far they're the only ones I know of who routinely intertwine their intelligence operations with money making schemes.

Correction: Will lend where there is collateral, and you only have two kidneys.

I think the replacement of fiat is coming in the back door.. I'm not a fan of bit coin (too volatile) but gold backed bit coin may work. Also, other finance technologies are screwing up the banking sector. peer to peer lending, corporate bonds to the individual etc etc. fuck the banks and their shitty fiat cash

Would switching back to the gold standard immediately switch us away from a spending, demand based econ to a savings, investment, productivity based economy? Didn't the industrial revolution prove that increasing productivity is the best way to raise wages/standards of living? But how would we export goods with such a strong currency? How the fuck was Ford paying his workers so much and selling the model T worldwide with such a strong dollar?