What are some balanced news sites/youtubers/podcasters?

what are some balanced news sites/youtubers/podcasters?

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doesn't exist anymore

you pick which flavor of polarization you want, and go from there.

well what are sites that keep bias to a minimum then?

Dunno, if you find any, let me know.

Because from what I've seen, the conflict is what sells.

Joe rogan for podcasts. Everyone is biased though, you wont find anyone whos really balanced. Styx is as close as you'll get

>Joe Rogan
good suggestions
also, Stefan Molyneux is AnCap, so biased, but he makes some videos that are straight up fact/statistic hoses. The format is good and his sources are always cited front and center.

grandpalampshadeblog.wordpress.com is pretty much as unbiased as it gets

Sargon of Akkad -- I know he's mentioned a lot here but his main channel and secondary channel (called The Thinkery) has lots of great content.

Also, if you want to watch a conservative version of Vox, check out 179L

All the podcasts are biased so anything from eazyonme, andywarski, bearing, Blaire white, Capn Cummings

I forgot to mention Sargon of Akkad, shoe on head, and a bit of brit

There is no such thing as unbiased news and never has been. Choices in story coverage alone turn every outlet into a narrative-pushing propaganda mill. Wrapping yourself in the flag of 'Objective, Unbiased Truth' is a marketing ploy, with the implication that everything that news outlet reports - and ONLY those things - are the things people should know and care about.

Find sites that report on what you care about. Learn to distinguish objective fact, spin, opinion, and lies; ignore everything but the facts; and then form your own opinions.

Is this bait or are you functionally retarded enough to use a keyboard and mouse?

Jimmy Dore is a progressive leftie and he shits on the Democrats a lot.

There's a podcast called Unfilter that has a great unbiased view of news stories

((( Dave Rubin )))


when did it ever?

Also, is that a Lamborghini Diablo?

>Sargon of Akkad
>anything other than a fat childless middle aged man yelling obvious points
yeah wow so intellectual



Drudgereport is nice although conservative, always up to date
The Daily Howler is an in depth political blog run by a left of center guy who criticizes leftest media a lot
I don't know where you would find non biased media but those are two good ones

Chris fisher is a man child. youtube.com/watch?v=jyDpmNK1C3o

Everyone has their shitty moments. Unfilter has a great format and has good things to say about how news is done in the US and occasionally worldwide.


No Agenda Show is the only unbiased political podcast out there nowadays and pretty much the one I look forward to the most now that everyone else is shilling for sponsors or their party.

Hosted by Adam Curry and John C Dvorak, they do media deconstruction so a lot of it is calling out the MSM meaning they will generally be critical of leftists and democrats who run the media, but they dislike Republicans just as much. Thry get into some conspiracy stuff but mostly just deconstruct the messaging by the corporate media. They have talked for ages about a lot of things that are only getting mainstreamish in the last few years like Globalists, SJWs, refugee crisis, the Syrian Pipeline, how the MSM is basically run by the CIA and the Democrats, global warming being a huge scam etc.

They get stuff wrong too but overall are entertaining and informative as fuck. They watch all the MSM news and read bills like Obamacare, AHCA, Lisbon Treaty etc in their ENTIRETY and give you the real rundown of what's going on and what the messaging is from the powers that be.

Best part is these fuckers have been doing this shit for over 8 years now and don't take a penny of advertising money, meaning they aren't beholden to corporate interests and shilling products like (((Ben Shapiro))) every 10 mins etc. They are completely listener funded and the audio production is pretty much unmatched for any other podcast I've listened to. They should basically be pols favorite podcast but niggers here listen to shit like Ghost and Rogan instead so dunno mang. Check em out if u want.

If you want a normie but balance and decent newsguy you could try Philip Defranco on youtube. He isn't too bad.