fgt pls

Just fyi, Burger Bro, It was irrelevant fags putting anti-obama shit, here, a CNN official carries the decapitated head of our president, on a network already infamous for being anti-Trump.

I hate to say burgerfat, but user here is right: also, the entire fucking network is off the hook constantly stoking insanity against the president. I thought Fox was bad against Obama, but CNN and MSNBC are fucking psychotic.

literal nigger-tier meme there bucko

>but it's different when a celebrity does it while Trump is president than it is when a bunch of rednecks from the south did it when Obama was president

Is it? Explain to me how. Asking for a friend and also because that's where liberals think they won the argument when they throw these pictures up. Make an attempt at explaining it without screaming "CTR SHILL" or some gay Sup Forums-tier shit like that.

They already knew it was wrong when people did it to Obama, so why are doing it towards Trump?

Because those people didn't like Obama. Kathy Griffith doesn't like Trump. The photo and the hanged effigies are really two forms of essentially the same thing - grossly inappropriate "protest" of a sitting president by retards from either side of the aisle.

A celebrity has what we call "pull" or "influence". They're culturally programmed to be friendly faces to your kids.

More like friendly feces, am I right?

How much more influential is a person you would ordinarily come across in the south that less than 1000 people know about burning a mannequin of Obama when he was president, in comparison to a person that is on a news network that millions of people watch decides to show a picture of her carrying a decapitated head of our President.

i'll bite.

>somewhat high profile news agency arm doing it
>these networks constantly do nothing but lampoon Trump

but, more importantly -->

>not even a comedic effect

as tasteless as the randos doing stuff to Obama... hanging him because he's black, or eating watermelon... poor taste, but they're still jokes. like bush being a monkey with his ears, har har. it's similar to Trump with a ferret on his head, or orange skin. har har har. but, holding up a decapitated bloodied head of the US President? it's not even a joke; just her trying to be some sort of edgelord. also, if this happened years ago no one would have cared. BUT, liberals and SJWs created this stupid politically correct snowflake environment, and deserve a taste of their own fucking medicine. normally conservatives wouldn't give 2 shits, but you have to fight fire with fire. for example, can you imagine the shitstorm if a TV anchor such as Hannity went on TV holding a severed bloodied head of Shillary? LOL there would be fucking riots in the street

Hanging an effigy is a bit extreme and a lot of people don't respect it for that reason.

I've never heard of anyone defending hanging effigies of Obama. Whereas Kathy is a celebrity who thought this was perfectly acceptable.

The point of this meme even is to suggest the creator of the message doesn't believe it's right for people to be mad about Kathy because they personally don't think others were mad about the Obama effigies. Even if they want to believe that's the case, they are acting hypocritical as they're suggesting it's wrong to be mad about Kathy now, yet right to be mad about the Obama effigies. It's why the meme looks so retarded.

None of those people are celebrities. They didn't do a skit about lynching Obama on SNL. Hardly the same thing.

i see u recognize the hierarchy...

Fuck off shareblue

It's a stupid arguement, why are you even engaging in it? This woman can do whatever she wants. It's freedom of speech.

Pick your battles, otherwise it makes you look like you're just looking for things to complain about.

Yes, but we constantly have to hear every fucking day of our lives how muh Trump is fucking over our country etc. The media has just gone fucking mad and frankly; most of us are tired of it.

I don't think anyone, including even Chelsea Clinton and Anderson Cooper, and all of CNN, thinks it was right for her to take that photo of the decapitated head and post it. She's received wide condemnation from most people. The only ones who are upset are liberal non-celebrities on Facebook who want to be like "why y'all acting like THIS is so bad when people hung effigies of Obama? I didn't hear any outrage over THAT!" Of course, there was outrage over that, it just wasn't as covered as this has been.

The media is largely anti-Trump, I get it, but that's not really what we're talking about. I don't think they've done an SNL about lynching Trump either, but I may be wrong. What's your point though? It's only a big deal when celebrities do something outrageous like this?

That's literally my point. It's a form of free speech and to act like it's any different than those Obama effigies being hanged is intellectually inconsistent.

Nobody types 'yall' except hipster cunts

The same thing happened during Obama's presidency on the right. Fox News, Hannity, Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh, et al were all in red alert "Obama is destroying our country, is a Muslim, is Kenyan, is dismantling our Constitution, etc".

So we constantly have to hear about how bad Trump is now too. It's the way it happens with every president.

At least two of those Obama pics are from Afghanistan

>It's freedom of speech.
Look what happened to James Watson, who tried publishing evidence of racial-IQ differences.

"Freedom of speech," is a meme. Globalists have complete control of the media and most large corporations. You have free speech, as long as your speech is pro-globalism. Otherwise you will find, despite having "free speech," things go very badly for you.

They've already hung Trump effigies, a beheading meme was an escalation.

true, drmpf tards btfo!

Team A does something bad, response is that their wrong, bad rednecks that can't accept chance.
Team B does the exact same thing but on a larger scale, response is that they are doing everything right.
Seems legit.

Freedom of speech ONLY protects you from government, leaf.

This is literally my first time seeing any of those. The Kathy Griffin pic was on every news outlet and every major website for days.

Obama was a filthy traitor who put other countries first, while Trump is a pro-America patriot. Not all violence is equal.

I'm surprised Sup Forums hasn't started doing some false flag extreme anti-Trump memes/art. I think it would be a lot of fun and also add to how ridiculous and crazed the SJW Left already appears.


Just because you have freedom of speech doesn't mean it won't carry negative consequences. I have the right to go up to a group of black people and scream "NIGGERS NIGGERS NIGGERS HAHAHAHA NIGGERS FREEDOM OF SPEECH I CAN SAY NIGGERS BECAUSE FREEDOM OF SPEECH". That doesn't mean that my freedom of speech then wouldn't cost me a pretty good beat down. There's the whole yelling "fire!" in a crowded theater thing. Have you ever really studied the Bill of Rights?
Exactly. This shit always happens every presidency. We just hear about it more often now because of the internet.

I'm not mad about that. I'm mad because she says she is being bullied by Trump himself. The fact that she doesn'rt know that her actions have consecuences gets me mad. She has the audacity to say that she is a "in your face" edgy comedian, but when shits hits the fan she starts to cry and blames bad ebil Drumpf.

Well you just answered your own question then. Right-wingers hate having to regulate their speech lest a sjw bitch and moan enough that they get fired, so they fire back in spades whenever they see a left-wing anchor make an offensive meme.

Except you're wrong about Team B's response. The only people who are saying it's right are liberal morons on Facebook and Reddit and other extreme liberals in Hollywood. Kathy Griffin got fired from CNN's New Year's gig, received large condemnation from liberal elites. Even Chelsea Clinton called her out.

I don't know what "larger scale" you're measuring the response with, but it's not accurate. Dumb liberals on Facebook = dumb rednecks on Facebook...neither one really matter.

See as a perfect example, even though he's just trolling.

i don't like kathy griffin because she didn't let woz fuck her

>That doesn't mean that my freedom of speech then wouldn't cost me a pretty good beat down.
No shit, because globalism is all about how wonderful niggers are, and you are going against (((their))) word.
>Meanwhile, CNN is allowed to print lies all day.
You can't honestly believe there is not a double standard when it comes to "free speech."
If you do, you're a bit slow.

>but also anti-communist
not sure how to feel about this one...

Well the whole arguement is confused and backwards anyway. Who said that the people complaining about this defended the obama effigys? And it's not like the people who made the obama effigys are open to boycott, which is pretty much the one and only thing people are proposing as penalty for Griffen.

Unless we're talking some kind of 'death threat' charge... in which case, they're a lot easier to lay against a celebrity a few weeks ago than some picture dredged up from six years ago.

The main point is that nobody is defending the obama effigys.

He's so pro america that he bends over and lubes his arse for Zionist Israel.

Other than that, he's alright.

Her expression in the original almost screams, "This was probably not a good idea, I really didn't fucking think this through".

Obama literally supports ISIS.

What city is our embassy in?

This is the only reason to not like her.
Of course there is a double standard. I'm well aware of the whole "Republicans are only in it for themselves and Democrats are in it for everyone" trope. But we're not talking about that, we're just talking about this incident.

>>meanwhile, CNN is allowed to print lies all day.
You lost me there. Liberals say the same exact thing about Fox News.

If anything, "niggers" are just being used as pawns by liberal globalists and I do see that. But don't act like everyone is praising Kathy Griffith for what she did. In fact, it's quite the opposite.

>the main point is that nobody is defending the obama effigies.
Yup. People on the left are acting like because the Obama effigies existed that nobody should be mad about the beheaded Trump picture, which is stupid too.

Mfw everyone is so blinded by racism that they forget the penalty for treason is hanging.

>hanging an effigy of a president is implying he is committing or has committed treason against the united states

>beheading isis style is not called for in any of the 50 states as a means of execution

Heres the difference ya dumbasses

Some people consider ted nugent to be a celebrity.

The fact those pictures exist (and were probably taken from news articles) means someone did, in fact, give a damn

"Suck my machinegun"
Is literally a response to gun grabbing attempts. Sucking a machinegun can be accomplished without anyone dying too

My guess is that she's one of those celebrities that other celebrities hate. So they're using this as a politically astute way to get rid of her... without offending the gays.

But, “We need to ride onto that battlefield and chop their heads off in November."

Hopefully, you understand that IRL you shouldn't be defending any of these c-list attending whores.

*attention whores

Yeah i get it...i dont really care about the goblins pic either but its fun to watch the professional victims table turn on them. The hypocrisy of institutions like cnn is just playing out all too perfectly

Yeah. About the Hanging Effigies of Obama. People did the same thing to W. Bush and there was no outcry. Plus, they are nothing new. You can find people doing that all the way back to when LBJ was president.

>celebrity in the major media promotes decapitation for the president
>the same as nobodies with no access to the Mainstream media doing similar things


Trump already had effigies like the ones you posted before Kathy Griffin and there was the same amount of uproar as the Obama ones... 0.

your false equivalency is transparent.

furthermore kathy griffin's was an ISIS reference.

They condemn this joke, but they won't condemn Kathy for it.

Al Franken even went out and acted like that apology she gave was enough.

You have to watch a bit more closely, but if you do you'll notice not a ton of people on the left are condemning Kathy for doing the joke. Instead they're condemning the joke.

You can contrast this with how people behaved regarding effigies about Obama or joking about him being Kenyan, where many people condemned the people and not the jokes.

Trolling level

Hollywood >>>>>> 4 chan