You people do understand that Israel is a modern westernized country no different from USA/Canada/Europe in terms of...

You people do understand that Israel is a modern westernized country no different from USA/Canada/Europe in terms of infrastructure and socioeconomic development right?

Sometimes it seems to me that you retards think we ride camels like our neighbors to the south and it is very important to make sure this is fully understood by all of you

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Of course not, master.

Stop bullying Palestinian children and maybe I'll take you seriously

Pretty sure everyone knows big daddy America gave you plenty of first world toys to play with.

It just doesn't fool anyone of non middle eastern/African descent.


don't believe OP's lies

How's the nightlife in Tel Aviv?


That means Israel is capable of being held responsible for their crimes.

I don't know, I don't like alcohol and partying so none of that for me

Good, why aren't you taking refugees then?

then what do you guys do with the camels over there :/

Yet you still parasite off the white race extorting money in aid.

Jews are sexually depraved in ways inconceivable to the goyisch kopf.

We wouldn't give a shit about your stupid kike shithole if you sand-niggers stayed the fuck away from our countries. Since we both know that's never going to happen you're just going to have to be exterminated, sorry.

who will judge the judges?


Your victims

Because we don't want fucking syrians ruining our society

We share a land border with Syria and we have taken 0 refugees since the civil war started, our border police shoots them if they approach the border. I did not vote for Angela Merkel and I don't see how it is my fault that she decided to open the borders of Europe



Israelis have not yet learned how to be multicultural We intend to be a central part of that process.

>our border police shoots them if they approach the border

Sure thing, Shlomo

but i thought we didnt like muslims

Actual Jewish woman

I heard Jewish women have two pussies, a regular one and a little one for putting in coins. Can you confirm/deny?


Do you know where you are

>caring about muslim children that want nothing more than to kill you

Jew vagoo

How's that 3rd grade education treating you Cletus?

Fuck off, faggot.

>be country of jews
>build gigantic concentration camps for non jews
>oy Vey why dont they like us

Wonder why??

Treating me better than your liberal college education Preston.

Don't you have another american ship to strafe or something?



Fuck off kike

Never forget multiculturalism is a Jewish lie



What are you retarded, Palestinians want to invade Israel? Palestinians who kill civilians and their own civilians?Palestinians who purposely keep civilians in areas that are going to be bombed all though the Israelean army told the Palestinian government and phoned up civilians that they were going to bomb the area?
And Israel's the bad ones here.



Jews out of Europe

stop funding wahhabist

I'd let her ride my camel if you understand the meaning of what the words in this sentence I'm writing.

Bad??? Fucking gas yourself kike filth.
They are war criminals that use chemical weapons on women and children
Its the Jews blood libel

Fuck off OP, report and ban all jewposters.

I never said I supported the use of chemical weapons, I just hate terrorists more than Jews. Now shut up you stupid former colony.

I hate Jews, because they hate me and I never did fuck all to them.


Palestine arabs? Fucking please. They those apes need to be eradicated. Know your history faggot. They are the refugees. Jews or Niggers. Which evil goes first?

>unsolicited oponions on israhell
no thanks

Sounds like you're mad Israel has the balls that you don't.

everyone on pol that (((hates muslims))) because muh terrorism should ask themselves who finances and brings those fuckers in our countries in the first place

>but i thought we didnt like muslims
fuck off kike
who is we??

I hate the Jews also, but
> they kill Muslims so that's a good thing

Nobody has cared what Brits think in a hundred years now go crawl back into your bottle and serve your Jews race traitors

you guys live in stone temples and shit and use oil lamps. Only high tech stuff you retards have is weapons we give you

Fuck off, Abdul. We hate Muslims.


daily reminder

Does the IDF have a hottie requirement? Only 8/10s and up can join?

For fuck's sake.

Yes. Because we think it's okay when America says only white Christians should be allowed to live in the American homeland and forms a mandatory draft for an army of Christians to expel all the others out of the country.

Kikes enjoy Western culture created by the glorious Romans. Kikes are in the process of destroying Western culture. You Jews are too greedy, im glad your religious leaders chopped your dick off and began sucking your clit. I will find you and I will throw you in an oven. I will make ASHYJEW OUT OF YOU.


gas yourself

I fully agree , sir. Jews rock. I love Jews.

(don't have the Mossad kill me and my family)


>holocaust is bad
>holocaust the Palestinians isn't bad

And this is why Jews get expelled from nations over and over.

How many were born in that shithole of swarthy genetic sewage

yo u waz , wazen't u?

Do the world a favor and kill yourself, kike.

kek you bet

we have a very good proof that their refugee status is because the way they behave and not because of some climate phenomenon.

so we don't act like complete retards and take a bunch of violent idiots in hope that the european rain will stop them from exploding on thier surroundings.

Oh but weeeeeeee do

It's propaganda you fucking idiot. They pay models to act like soldiers.

Who told you that?


This is their Special Forces landmine clearing squadron.

Is this what your elite call a kike 10

we dont like jews AND muslims

wtf i would love to shoot a 7.63x54 mm into that



Mama Mia!!

it's almost as if zionist jews and diaspora jews have different agendas.

Have some of our diversity, then, you hook-nosed kike.

good argument. i like the part where you call jews leeches

No, you shoot the ones living in the Golan because you want that land. We aren't fooled by your expansionist bullshit.

"Stop arresting illegal immigrants!"
That's how you sound to us, those sand nigger tree-swinging monkeys aren't bullied, they are just picking a bear with a stick

I like the part where you have to work every day to pay taxes in order to fund their military.

Literally gibsmedats.

mossad had infiltrated most islamic terrorism organizations decades ago shill get outta here

Without diversity Israel won't survive.
Diversity is strength
Look at all the wonderfulness Jews brought to Canada?
Pornography, Alcoholic distilleries, high interest loans, organized crime,

>Says "sand nigger" as though he isn't one.


What does killing a bunch of muslim shitheads have to do with the holocaust?

Israel is taking the right position that the rest of the West should've taken on muslims. Sup Forums is just jealous as fuck and suddenly turns into the UN when it comes to Israel putting some muslims in their rightful place.
