Ask me question who think Japan need 200,000 immigrants per year

Ask me question who think Japan need 200,000 immigrants per year.

I promise that I will refute your bullshit and convince you think accepting immigrants is good option

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not this shit again....


Learn to type retarded gook

Don't. I fully respect Jap culture and how it seems to have been upheld; don't let it be diminished.

>inb4 weeb

shut up casio, you don't need those. you can make more robots and stuff

Saged, reported & called the cops

I agree with you. Japan needs QUALITY immigrants. It will cease to be a power otherwise like it or not.


I am not english teacher. what is the problem?


Japanese culture is dying due to lack of population.

according to statistics, 36% local cities and villages have over 50% population of over 65years olds.

so.... accepting immigrants will not destroy japanese culture but it will be saved. period

I'm not sure about the number, how did you find it out?

But immigrants willing to adjust and work in Japan is a good thing.

You spend way too much time on /pol my friend. Take rest senpai.

the problem of robot is that it is still useless in real situation.

they can not walk property by two legs. How can we expect them to replace workers?

in future, they may be more usefull, but today and within 20years, they would be fucking useless.

>but it will be saved. period
lmao just replace all Kims and Juns with Mohhamad and Fatimas and nothing will happen YAY!

haha, Actually no quality immigrants would not apply to Japan's immigration program.

and we need more blue collar population.
we face lack of blue collar laborforce.

I can't really tell if you are for or against immigration. I assume against but it's not really clear.

according to government estimation, Japan will lose 300,000 people per year untill 2100.

And Japanese economists, OECD, IMF, world bank and UN reccomend Japan to take "at least"200,000 immigrants.

so..... that's why I think Japan need 200,000 immigrants

Isn't more easy to have more kids?

so... what do you imply ?

I am for immigrants all days everywhere and anytimes.

Japan has tens of millions of people packed onto a n island that's smaller than some US states. This is a return to normal and you don't need to destroy your culture and ethnicity just to keep up the myth of infinite economic growth.

>OECD, IMF, world bank and UN reccomend Japan to take "at least"200,000 immigrants.
These are the same guys that recommend Greeks to abandon democracy until they can pay up their debt.

how will shitskins save your culture, idiot? They will spread their own

are you female?

>126 million people on a tiny island chain
>if population does not considerably increase for the foreseeable future it will be a disaster

well, I told it MANY TIMES but I will say it you again.

Average income for young Japanese is 40000-50000$
Child cost 300,000$ to be adult (including college education cost)

so people tend to have 1 or 2 kids

Plus, Woman want to be stay alone because marriage is very burden for them.

Japan needs 200,000 immigrants even though there will be 300,000 less jobs.... What? Did you read that before you posted it?

God damn Jews really work quick don't they?

Then you need to fix your economy and keep your kids less time at school, simple.

US and Japan is different.

Japan has longer history in terms of living period.

so many lands are fully used to be living lands or farm land.

we are not expecting "infinite" economic growth.

but without stable population, economic will clash and people will suffer.

This is not policy which make Japan great again but make Japan stable and good country for Japanese people

So the solution, rather than allowing the population to return to stable levels naturally, is to inflate your population with the same people that are blowing up little girls and organizing rape gangs in Europe? If you think white tourists with yellow fever are bad, just wait until Mohammed and Abdul arrive by the hundreds of thousands.

yeah they were right.

Let's see current situation of greece. It's beyond terrible.

After all, their democratic system created its situation. greek should learn lesson(And JAPANESE TOO!)

>Japan has longer history in terms of living period.
Japan was a Chinese colony until 1500

>for Japanese people
Replacing them don't see the better way of doing this.

"You NEED immigrants or your nation will die!"

Why are people stupid enough to buy this meme.... why? Why, why, why, why, why

Except that third-world immigrants produce societies that are the exact opposite of stable. You yourself just admitted that your lands are already fully used. Japan needs to have fewer people, not import tons of incompatible foreigners.


and new culture will born. cultural diversity will be our strength.

plus, economy will turn to normal, so we can pay subsidy to cultural things. it would be zero without stable economic condition.

I like money and jap women.

Greece is a shithole because grecian culture promotes laziness. Just like third-worlders that sit on their asses and collect government paychecks. They are not going to fix your economy.

>and new culture will born.
>so we can pay subsidy to cultural things.
If you are really wanting to replace japan so bad, I'm sorry for you.


do you accept whites that watch anime?

man, I am not insisting to increase population.

we need to "maintain" or "slowly" decrease its population size.

In 2070-2100, 2 workes have to pay social welfare of 1 elder.

Think of tax. it would be devastating for Japanese economy and people for sure

I like free money and free Japanese woman.

Cultural diversity is a sham that destroys social cohesion. The economy is trying to return to a stable state now, if you'll let the market take its course instead of flooding your country with immigrants.

>we need to "maintain" or "slowly" decrease its population size.

Take in whites or other chinks.

and We are DOING to fix economy. fisical and monetary policy but it is NOT working.

Because people's expectation of Japanese economy is very.... negative.
they do not invest, consume anymore because in future, there would be crisis.(rapid population decline)
so. how do you change it?

The population of Japan will slowly decrease on its own, you don't need foreigners that will have tons of welfare babies to be stable.

Automation will lead to fewer people needing to work jobs, balancing out with the aging and declining population. Importing shitskins just fucks that all up.

Accept only intelligent whites. Like me. I'll fuck bunch of jap girls with my powerful white cock and impregnate them with my genius seed.

You don't solve it by importing foreigners that will replace you, destroy your culture, and rape your children. Europe is trying right now and it IS. NOT. WORKING.

>organizing rape gangs in Europe?
discrimation based by "alternative" truth.

Look at Germany. refugees and immigrants have LOWER crime rate than Germans.

>an English teacher LARPs as a native Japanese person.

You aren't doing it right, you are following a keynesian/neo-liberal model, stop sending you kids too much time to school and stop trying to force consume.

>Japan was a Chinese colony until 1500
I am not sure that this is joke or the result of brazilian education...

>Replacing them don't see the better way of doing this.

more GDP is benefit for everyone. this is not zero-sum game.

but I'm white and make alot of money, and when I move to Japan and continue to make a lot of money is that Ok? Or is it not ok because I'm 6'3and white? Will I hear "Ho swit is Godzwilla!" alot?

because it is FACT.

Actual RED-PILL is hard to swallow

Japan could need good white immigrants, thats all.

Not gonna lie I think if Japan did this they would handle it 100 times better than the west and the refugees wouldnt step out of line.

I don't know if you are the same guy, but I feel like the same jap poster has been pushing these threads for months, since last year even.

Look, Japan is in a perfect position right now. Their population is highly accepting towards automation which coincides will with their decreasing population. Accepting mass hordes of unskilled labor to fill an increasingly shrinking labor market is nonsensical and dangerous.

The recent adoption of cryptocurrencies in Japan (especially with the enthusiastic go-ahead signaled by the Japanese government) positions them to be one of the first major nations to get away from the runaway fiat fractional reserve train that's on the verge of derailment. This is BULLISH AS FUCK for anyone who actually pays attention and knows how to make smart investments.

>more GDP is benefit for everyone. this is not zero-sum game.
Wow, you have a really narrow mind, culture, society, organization, education... don't matter all that matter is a big GDP.

>fully used

yes and people are disappearing. so accepting same numbers as we lost is not bad I guess.

I don't give a fuck about your racism view.

Sweden is one of most peaceful nation in the world and it is most divese nation in the world.

You don't. Japan is already the world leader in industrial automation and research into practical application of robotics. That is what is going to help Japan's declining population. Not importing tens of thousands of shitskins and mudslimes.

If you really need more immigrants, why not open your border to China.

>all third world workers are lazy
ok. it's your opinion.
hold it. I don't give a fuck.

Japan-user what is wrong with your people, why do they shit on each other and eat it live on camera?

will you pay for me to come to jaypan and make non jaypan babies with your women?

They are lazy, I live in third world.

>making this thread EVERY FUCKING DAY

everyone is welcome.

Keep coming!

Japanese retarded society and tradition should be destoryed. fuck that "cohesion"

+ Would you gladly pay 30% consumer tax to maintain social welfar for elders? This is likely to happen in 2040(according to government estimate)

yeah going back to "stable" state sounds SO great.

I said it in other post so I don't say again

lower labor force(tax payer) and more elders who need social welfare.

what will happen? just THINK of it MORON

Answer already, why would anyone join your degenerated culture when you are known in the world for porn with shit and puke?

>Japanese retarded society and tradition should be destoryed.
Take time to you admit it.

>pay 30% consumer tax to maintain social welfar for elders?
I pay 45% for maintain gibs for niggas.

mosques are already popping up all over japan and they are not small ones either, japans already dead and been dead for years, they cover up that they dont have refugees when they have arabs and blacks already.

There won't BE a labor market in 30 years.

losing 300,000 people EVERY year is NOT normal.

300,000 is above victim of two nukes. we are GETTING NUKED every year. is this normal? huh?

What seems more likely...

Importing a bunch of people who don't speak Japanese or understand Japanese society?


Relaxing the work standards and giving tax incentives to have more children?

East Asians aren't dumb by any means. They will accept an economic tightening before displacing a MINIMUM 17% of their population like the UN wants.

It actually IS normal for a developed society. Japanese birth rates are on par with whites in developed societies.

It's normal when you are overpopulated, and again, why not became a Chinese colony again? That would solve your problems.

You don't need immigrants. You are Japan! Remember when you were a warrior class? Tell em all to get fucked Japan. Your country is awesome just the way it is.

and who pay the tax?

Who pay the drug subsidy for elders? robots? not they can't pay.

not even argument. keep living in dream. idiot

>everyone is welcome.
enjoy your islamic state

>tomorrow there will be the same thread
>there will be the same "well though out replies and arguments"
just stop


>european economy doing better than Japan
>new culture was born and is born
>crime rate of immigrants are lower than native germans.


Now I see the solution is becoming chine again, Chinese now have a good birth rate, and your elder can live on Chinese welfare.

I saw a documentary yesterday about Japanese service robots for the elderly. This one granny said that she would rather get washed by a robot than an immigrant.
The problem runs deeper than getting nuked every year. You never learned to live with other races. Immigrants won't solve your birthrates when nobody wants to get touched by them.

>keynesian/ neo-lbieral model

so what do you suggest instead? Marx """"""ECONOMICS"""""""?

Are you the korean guy that moved to Japan?

Why do you people keep responding to the proxyfaggot's thread?

quite welfare let the old die produce more kids and your good. letting low iq muhommad over into your coutry aint gonna help you. spoiler, itll have the opposite effect.

Yes I am why?

Oops dropped proxy

I suggest something different if the current model isn't working. Chinese economic for example.

you forgot the smart german poster at the end

Just watch what happens with Japan and cryptocurrencies over the next 15 years.

he asked me economic aspect so I told him possible economic outcome and you critisize me for talking economic aspect of immigrants?

What a fucking moron.

I see you are being replace goy! You better invite in more people so the replacement can go smoother.

The one which keeps building ghost cities made with actual trash to show gdp growth?

Fuck off nip, we already know your retarded games. Sage.