General ooga booga at Evergreen

Blacks were able to turn a leftist Jew into basically a Klansman.

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he can deny it all he wants but helped to create that environment

someone in another thread mentioned Bret was 75% Marxist while he's freaking out about the people who are 95% Marxist

Why are they not throwing these faggots out on the street,'revoking their enrollment?

Because if they did the media would crucify them.

Basically describing why the Democratic Party will break in 2.

Whites leave or they kick the POCs out, have a hostile re-takeover.

POCs, particularly blacks, want more power. Won't give it up if they get it.

He and Bill Maher should start a band.

>A no name community college
>A no name professor
>Being outed by the 'media' for stomping out a bunch of pseudo terrorists

Sounds scary

Look at this Jewish guy in a Klan hood. FUCKING BASED.

I guess the parties in any multiracial society eventually degenerate into identity politics. In the US the republicans will be the white party, the dems for the coloreds

He thinks the chimp outs are "misdirected" and everyone/everything BUT the universities should be harassed and disrupted by these animals.

Also noticed he never gave any hard evidence for the benefits of the form of teaching he does other than enabling radicals to network.

shadowy conspiracies in 2nd hour, didn't watch

>community college

nah it's a full college
bachelors and masters

The thing my Slovenian friend, is that he's one of the lefties as well. This is a classical example of the post-modernist/Marxists destroying themselves. It would be fucking hilarious if the extremely retarded elements actually destroyed the less extreme faction; it would literally end any pretense that their movement is about inclusion and equality.

Let them destroy themselves and watch the backlash destroy their entire fucking movement.

Because that would be rayciss and sheeeit.

Do you fucking libcucks have to spam 20 threads of the same shit every time you come here

Idk about enrollment process in USA but if it isn't over for next school year yet the applications should plummet.

yeah the school structure he has just seems like a petri dish for particularly nasty strains of leftist cults like BAMN

>a jew who is still ultra progressive gets a tiny dose of reality and you treat it like a fucking revolution

It's like the super West coast hippy college

wot minute u fucking worthless cunt???

>Why are they not throwing these faggots out on the street,'revoking their enrollment?
The board of trustees at many institutions get a cut of all tuition fees so if they kick these kids they lose out on future tuition. Which is also why colleges go after "disadvantaged students" who get a a federal aid, it always pays. That's the problem with higher education in America now, it's all about making it as expensive as possible w/o making it unaffordable so they get the maximum return for the board.

These people gave blacks boosts to get into these places, they didn't have the intelligence to be there.

Now they are there and have a massive chip on their shoulder.

Klan has had Jews before

He's a biology teacher, right?

Isn't he already hated for believing gender is binary?

obvious psyop
the kikes realize everyone is against them now so they go on the world's most popular podcast to try and convince the goyim that (((they're))) on their side.
Not gonna fool me.

I'm about halfway through it, and he's still a leftist kike.

Yeah but he's actually articulating an ugly projection I haven't heard someone in the semi-mainstream articulate yet.

These forces actually want to subjugate white people.

Imagine if that gets further play as a notion in the mainstream.

How's that going to work out for them once a degree from their school isn't worth the paper it's printed because their college is known as a far left brainwashing mill instead of a institution of higher education?

If something isn't done, I seriously foresee a future where not having a college degree is a plus to employers.


Need to capitalize on this. Need to make it clear exactly how brainwashed and unprincipled these crowds are.

Need to push the "Jew Privelege" "Jewish Supremacy" meme into these circles. Circulate memes that show jewish overrepresentation in wealth and power circles (only 0.2% of Earths population, 14 million jews on earth.

In case you faggots missed it;
Having a jewish professor accused of racism by niggers on postmodernist cultural marxist doctrine admit on JRE that postmodernism is full of shit and wrong and doesn't make any fucking sense but is only an illogical excuse to hate white people. And having him laugh about it and admit that it's total bullshit. Priceless.. Fucking save this video lads. We're in the peak sublime timeline right now.

Postmodernism is completely created by the jews to undermine the west that is what cultural marxism is, they just didn't expect it to hit them in their chameleon whiteness. So joe rogan kisses him on the forehead and a talk about coming together ensues. But they both realize what just happened. Hence the callback routine.

But they realize what happened.. so what happened, they underestimated the nignogs incompetence of not simply blaming only white people as they expected, they went after a jewish professor because he looks white and acts white because jews try to act like they're the white people, they do bad things and then blame people of european ancestry. But the nignog intelligence doesn't realize that.

12d chess
probably 'pacing and leading'

So now what.. abandon the program and regroup or abandon the nogs and consider who else in the anti white and non white spectrum might turn on the jews again in the anti white post modernist model.
>nothing like this has ever happened, it's unprecedented
Cause a jew got targetted by the cultural marxist post modernist brainwashed nogs. And that wasn't supposed to happen.

Honestly, BLMs and the like are the best recruiting tools for conservatives

Jews don't like blacks, though. They just find them useful... or found them useful. Seem to have left them to twist in the wind and transferred their allegiance to the gays and trannies as the preferred degeneration-generating minorities.

"tl;dr" a jew got targetted in his own web meant to cause whites to submit by intersectionally bring all non whites in against white people (the hyperborean lineages) and push white people off the cliff and cause them to submit and extinct them through demographic changes.

>glitch non whites are attacking the ones instigating it.
What do.. (((we))) need to figure out what to do with all this "crazyness".. back to the drawing board.. Work out the kinks..

Yeah, but he only objects because they mistook him for a white.

The jews are realizing that non whites might not go along with exterminating all white people. a) a because of realizing jews as the true priveledged class b) that they realize the disaster that would result in if their agenda comes through fruition. Because they might end up wiping out jews before they wipe out white people. Abandon the post modern cultural marxist ship before it's too late? What do.. haha

Can't we use a term that's a little less cringe? Here are a few suggestions:

>Yeah, but he only objects because they mistook him for a white.
Bingo. and the presedence this sets for the entire thing. Because whilst whites are not priveledgeded on average the jews ARE! and have a jewish hegemonic system going in the west of positions of power, so whilst they sell the non whites the fakery of white priveledge, they were never meant to realize the jewish priveledge, it's a "glitch"!

The only "priveledge" whites have in the west comes from their competence, jews have setup an ACTUAL priveledge system that puts people forward simply for being jewish or jewish converts. that sits on top of western nations. They are now concerned that the cultural marxist and progressive post modernism which has as foundation priveledge.. they are now cought in their own web as non whites have discovered the actual priveledge based system. by a stupid fluke.


mudpeople or Muds

I like "shines" myself

I'm really really interested in what happens next to their previous anti white gambit system of post modernism and cultural marxism now that they realize that blacks can't be trusted with it to not turn against them. If they will totally abandon it now and regroup and try again in a more sly fashion that we should ofcourse be very on alert about. Or what the ramifications of what this becomes. Really really interesting!

>wants to establish a blockchain marxist america

Sounds like a typical jew, invest in eth.

He didn't turn into a "klansman" you fucking idiot.

He even blamed white racism on Joe Rogan's podcast as the root cause for the niggers chimping out.

I mean if the jews push the blacks aside because of this and sides with higher iq non whites to destroy whites. They blacks might be redpilled and realize that the hyperboreans have been trying to help out the blacks all along. pic related.

>give blacks high technology and knowledge and know how so that they might live amicably amongst themselves in their own nations. Whilst we do how we do in ours.

And how the jews want to leave the blacks in the dustbin of history once they have used them to destroy white people.

because they makes tens of thousands of dollars a year from them for giving them a piece of paper that says "Gender Studies" on it

>He even blamed white racism on Joe Rogan's podcast as the root cause for the niggers chimping out.


This is going to be the downfall of the alt-rite, everytime any random pinko with any notoriety "defects," they are welcomed with open arms instead of suspicion. We need to start telling these people to shove their "awakening" up their asses.

Fuck Laci Green too.

Some kike controlling the narrative toward more jewry pretending to be on "our side" against the nigger horde they created.
>nah fug off

Once the white people is gone the jews will stop sending money and aid and blacks will be reduced 1/5th of what they are now, and then they will use the other non whites who are very ready to cull them and take the entire continent of africa and take it over wholesale.

The only ones propping up the africans right now are the ones blacks are taught to hate.. food for thought.

you're overthinking it. it's literally just because black and mestizos are so fucking stupid they can't tell the difference between jew and white person

the damage he made brainwashing thousands of students is irreversible. He became smarter but what of it? He's just a droplet in a sea of his past students.

You're very naive, it's ok.

are black people /our race/?

you're trying way too hard to be super analytical and profound. it's literally that a basket ball american sees someone with light skin and screeches "HE WHITE!!!"

it was originally an anti jewish platform

Fuck off, dude. He teaches biology.

Blame the fucking ooga queen Naima Lowe.

>you're trying way too hard to be super analytical and profound.
No try looking through the logic in my posts. Who the fuck cares if anyone is profound. It's about making a reasonable assesment. If you have studied the post modernist and cultural marxist method you will begin to understand that they have found a flaw in it. Ofcourse it's flawed on purpose and illogical. Because it's to undermine white people on false pretenses, but the issue is that non whites are not operating according to that assault model the way they intended them to do. And this is problematic to them.

you leftist kike, I watched the thing and he's still a maxist piece of shit. He just is upset that the niggers are turning against him with his marxism.

Brett was fine when blacks were asked to participate in a voluntary absence, but objected when whites were asked to participate in a voluntary absence. He is only reaping the logical conclusions of his "progressive" world view, and his utter honesty in describing the degenerate end of his side's spectrum is priceless.

>anyone cares about the irish
>the irish are people
>the irish aren't make believe bong shit like fairies and hobbits


We should welcome our new racial comrade in our war against the nigger subhumans

Micro kek


Oops forgot to delete a bit of the background