Hey fellow Deutschfags, tell me how is the political climate in your social circle?

Hey fellow Deutschfags, tell me how is the political climate in your social circle?

From my personal experience people are getting more and more right leaning, but are afraid to talk about it in public.

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was stupid enough to say that islamophobia is a shit word because phobia is a medical term at a party. got an inquisitional sit in as a result and some people think im in a cult.

Here in burgerland, it depends on class and age.

I'm in the lower middle class, live in a red state, and most of the white people I talk to are pretty based. Two of the biggest complaints people here have are illegal immigration and the tranny agenda being pushed by the elites.

I don't know anyone

Well, how's the political climate within you?

it feels like my neighbourhood is turning into mogadishu

Most of them are pretty right wing, but i'm living on the country side so most people aren't that left wing anyway

>Hey fellow Deutschfags, tell me how is the political climate in your social circle?
Political climate is fine in based DDR.

All my Baden-Wuertemberg cousins, aunts, uncles are red-pilled but they won't name the problem and their careers would end if they did

They admit there is more crime, they admit they can't speak out about it without being called Nazis, they just hope the problem 'goes away'


>people are getting more and more right leaning, but are afraid to talk about it in public.
18 year old here, thats exactly my experience. People in my german speaking anonymous gaming communities have started making edgy jokes like bringing back the crusades or putting burning qurans as their steam profile pics, etc.
However in real live, at my Gymnasium, excluding the fairly uncommon antifags you sometimes run into, many people have started to avoid political conversations or even plainly refused to state their political leanings when asked, as if half of them were "hiding their powerlevel" Sup Forums style.

exactly the same
Every new Terror attack let the people lean a bit more right

reaching 3rd reich levels

That's awful.

Someone needs to free your people from thoughtpolice

So all it takes is one influential man telling all those right-leaning Germans what to do and hell breaks loose...

shall we ask austria for someone?

Stuck in Berlin studying, all my classmates seem to not have an opinion on politics, I always crack a few Hitler did nothing wrong jokes (Little did they know) I really believe that we can't be the only Germans awake to the shit happening.

Good luck finding said person.

I don't have a great ciricle of friends I would talk about politics with, because most contacts aren't that deep. With whom I do talk about politics I noticed small or medium steps to the right, but I can't say that it's a trend in the hole society. My friends tend to be highly educated, mostly above average intellegence, upper middel and upper class and half of them almost on or on the spectrum.

this triggers the gercuck

This pic is a inevitability.

That's a good sign, working class is right-leaning already, so no worries there.

>a inevitability
""""Asian"""" detected.

>picture related is German right-wing hope
Let that sink into. How many Germanic people do you see?

Sadly, the AfD is filled with retards and the NPD is a Verfassungsschutz honeypot anyway.
The only reason the AfD is going to get my vote in September is because they will be in the opposition anyways and its always good having a few people in the Bundestag that dare to voice that "taking in a million economic "refugees" a year is probably not as good of an idea".
The AfD would fuck up badly if they ever got close to acutally governing the country.


>working class is right-leaning
Same in U.K. ,yet people like corbyn still like to pretend he is a champion of the working class despite most of us just wanting brexit and the migrants out.

Der wichser soll die fresse halten, ihm seine Generation hat den ganzen Dreck angerichtet

>Deutsche unter sich sprechen englisch
mich wundert es nicht warum der linke Dreck so leicht Fuß fassen konnte aber spätestens als die Bomben in den Fußgängerzonen platzten hätte man schluss machen müssen mit dieser "Demokratie"


>in school
How are the teachers? Are they still preaching -multiculturalism
-there are no human races
-Islam belongs to Germany
-Hitler was a bad guy xDDD

Say what you like about Herr Schicklgruber, he really moved the Overton Window.

Speaking English is a pretty good protection from your own regime. Use your own language on the Internet and your in immediate danger.

However Sup Forums's flags don't help the cause either.

Captcha: 1810 Patton

From what I gather about the "working" class it highly depends on the specific area and profession. Recently the happening in Nürnberg, where I suspected to be almost exclusivly antifa toughs, the prostes against the deportation turned out to be strongly supported by the trade school students.

(((lieberberg))) is only mad because he's losing money anyway

I brought up some stats in a group chat, where everybody is at least a friendly aquaintance but one solid-linksjugend fag just called me racist and straight out refused to engage. I have to say many are not unwilling to speak with me about for example taking in migrats, but most are just so spoiled that, in the end, they have a guilt impulse and even indirectly admit that. I know some people that you can joke around with about antifags, but it's still quite accepted and everyone has a refugee fetish. For example, recently at my Abiball there were prizes given out to the 2 out of the 5 brown people for social engagement and refugee dicksukking. It's quite hard to convince people that there are problems with the invaders, mostly because I live in a beatiful area in the Pfalz and in a university town, but I'm actually motivated by the fact that every close friend I've got I've at least got to to admit that the migrant situation is a fat problem and most people with a brain are at least somewhat open minded. Still, publicly and with unaquainted folks it's social suicide and of course most people are retarded and want den süßen Schulderlass durch Selbstaufgabe.

Idiots like you hurt our cause and make us all look bad.

My closest friends have always been staunchly anti-Islam and anti-immigration. Perhaps the reason I am as well is because I grew up with them. They also know and sometimes browse Sup Forums, though mainly stick to the Finnish board. My father "woke up" when the refugee crisis began and as time has passed, he even talks about the race war, though he's not aware of the meme terms as he doesn't browse Sup Forums and his English isn't good enough to read complex information in English.

However, at my hobbies and at my university, it's mostly cultural marxists, though I've befriended some who are not cultural marxists. They stay quiet though on their opinions due to the social lynching that would occur.

Climate is wonderful, we are so far ahead that we dont need to talk about anything political anymore.

>pic related will take us Heim ins Reich

BfV officers still can't into English? :-)
They have no power here!

I do that now at work in the UK, ignore all political discussions. Pretend I know nothing about it.

hmm i dont know, no mustache at all?

It also helps to keep head clear when you can openly discuss taboo things like race and IQ, the white genocide, race war etc. with your trusted close ones. The red pills don't hurt as much.

Just look at Krautchan, half the people are just there because they are unterschichtfags who can barely articulate themselves in their native tongue. Quite sad actually.

Scher dich weg antideutsches lappenkind.

All the hate against democracy is certainly short sided there are different concepts of democracy, I doubt many here would have anything against athenian democracy. Also if there would be or was direct vote on the pressing issues of our time the results would be mostly those our nation would have needed. The thing are partys not acting on the will of the people, but mostly on the will of the Media and lobbyists.


Berlin crawling with foreigners for decades isn't redpill enough for them? Then they don't care about Germany, then they only smug about own existence.

German bros I have a question. I was told that a lot of German people use the same fake last name on social media sites and the word has a meaning along the lines of 'none of your business'. What's that word they use?

Amigo das heißt short-sighted, wie die sich

>at my Abiball there were prizes given out to the 2 out of the 5 brown people for social engagement and refugee dicksukking
Were the teachers still preaching multiculturalism in class or was it just some virtue signaling for public by the school administration?

Maybe "wayne"?

>-there are no human races
"there is only one race, the human race"
>-Islam belongs to Germany
With about 10% we had surprisingly many Turks at school for a gymnasium, who would have cried racism if a teacher mentioned something like this, however we had some teachers that appeared to be kinda redpilled, even though they didn't talk about those issues.
I cannot dare to imagine what abhorrent hellhole the average Hauptschule or Realschule in a city is for a german kid.
>-Hitler was a bad guy xDDD
The entirety of history class since Oberstufe was a fucking Nazi guilttrip.

Thank god I have my Abitur now and don't have to deal with this shit anymore, hopefully the political discourse gets better at University, but I fear it wont.

Most of the ones i know are NationalSocalists but then again i knew them for 5-6 years and slowly turned them and for myself i was born in a Right Family

No idea what you are talking about, you don't mean "Bernd", do you?

Berliners love it, just like hamburgers or Kölners. People from bit cities are mostly degenerate to the core

No it was a compound German word, you know the ones that runabunchofwordstogethertomakeonebigword.

Wenn du weiter lust hast das Antifa und Neo-nazis frei rumlaufen und Ausländer uns durchficken dürfen dann bitteschön, ich aber nicht. Eine tolle Regierung haben wir da.

Falls du es noch nicht gemerkt hast, alles Einheitsbrei. Wenn jemand die Demokratie zerstört hat dann Merkel und ihre Partei, SPD hat mitgemacht fleißig über viele Jahre.

>The entirety of history class since Oberstufe was a fucking Nazi guilttrip.
I missed out on that, thanks to sick leave. :-D

Germans are becoming right-wing? Sounds too good to be true

Gehtdichnichtsan ?

Has something to do with not risking any dox, but sure you right.

They aren't "becoming", alot of them are. It's just that the conservative party moved towards the left and now there is a big hole on the political spectrum. People who voted them DIDN'T WANT to be flooded by thousands of immigrants.


As craftsman in East Germany I can confirm.
The elders aren't mincing words.

I have never experienced teachers directly promoting it. What I experienced was them taking it as a given and demonizing the AfD, as well as a politically correct atmosphere so thick sometimes I could barely breathe. The Dachau and Buchenwald visit were also a pure guilt injection.
>was it just some virtue signaling for public by the school administration?
they were actually active, but for one at least it was 80% virtue signalling. They also held a speech about how "we don't need strong men like putin, erdogan or trump"

they all hate you

>go to nearest supermarket
>everyone there is foreigner

There is no dawn for Germany

My history lessons ended with 1789. All my knowledge about Hitler Germany I got from Sup Forums. :-D

Most males in my (broader) family are pretty right wing, the females less so.
Some friends are anti-"refugee" others don't engage in talks about this topic. One single upper class (his parents certainly are from the wealthiest 1%) student is pro-refugees.

Lucky you, highlight was a trip to Dachau where the tourguide apparently "forgot to mention" that the Dachau gas cambers were never put to use, even in the official holocaust story.

However school had it's fun parts.
My english teacher was a private Nate Siver to laugh at, telling me for a whole year "Trump won't win any delegates", "Ok he might won some states, but he definately wont get the nomination"...
His face on 9. November was fucking hillarious.

This might be it. But it for some reason I thought it was a longer word.

it could also be "istmirdochegal" or "ismirdochegal"

You're correct. Frankfurt school Adorno bullshit, the pathologizing of political views (((they))) wish to suppress

Yeah, I completely missed out on that and never visited a KZ site ever in my life.
However I was still left-leaning when leaving school in the late 90s and it took a few years to get redpilled afterwards.

Was haltet ihr so von (((Anetta Kahane))) und Julia Schramm?

>Dachau gas cambers were never put to use

Holly shit, I've been to Dachau on a school trip, too and the guide did not tell that either (as to the best of my memory).

Did not know that until know. Thank you for the Volksaufklärung.

lol i also visited Dachau and in 10th grade already a friend of mine and me made fun of the lampshade and soap shit. I also wasn't told that the gaschamber wasn't put to use

>The Dachau and Buchenwald visit were also a pure guilt injection
Man brauch sich nicht wundern. Die Antideutschen werden gradezu wie am Fließband produziert mit dieser Schulbildung. Was bringt es uns wenn man aus jedem einen Schoppenhauer macht.

ITT: All Germans find out they were lied to in Dachau.

Im Ethikunterricht wurden Adorno (gegen Institutionen) und ein normaler Mensch gleichgestellt und als ich damals, noch total blauäugig und unwissend schon gegen Adorno argumentiert hab, hat der Lehrer angefangen Adorno zu stützen. BRD HURRA

I legitimately think that my mom will vote AfD next time. She voted Green before.
Apart from that most of my friends are left/far-left. They all supoort gay marriage and stuff like that. However they are not as blind to refugee related problems as one would imagine.

I wish I had German steam Friends so I could learn the language of my forefathers before it dies out.
I know it's better over here but I wish I could come and help but alas Gramps needed that free north US farmland so here I am.

Außerdem wurden uns schöne Filme über den Islam gezeigt und permanent über die Kreuzzüge gewettert. Einfach nur noch kriminell

I think I remember who the guide lead us into the chamber, named "Brausebad" from the outside, how inhuman it was to lead the inmates there without them knowing and then inducing the gas.

>tfw this is what kids in Poland speak in the parliament

>tfw kids in primary school want to offend each other they just use words like gypsy, jew or refugee
>tfw more than 90% of Polish teenagers do not want to accept any refugee

I have to admit, though, that it is kinda because of your actions in the past, Germans. Karma is a bitch, remember that

damnnn wrong pic, fuck it

The "muh crusades" argument is so tiring and all the people who use it know fuck all about history.

if someone were to do that over here he would probably be tried for hate speech. In our (((Grundgesetz))) we have an article which litarally makes it obligatory to push for "european integration".

>saves Poland from the kikes
>saves Poland from the Muslims by making Poles fascists

Start the discussion with compatibles.
Undesireables commies and people who vote other than FDP or AfD get thrown out of a Helicopter, k?

Die FDP koaliert doch mit jedem wies passt und lässt sich mit Vergnügen von Mutti unterbuttern, solang sie ein paar Steuererleichterungen für Apotheker, Hoteliers oder Ärzte dafür bekommt

> hate speech
70% of speeches in that day were similar to this, they were even defending our literally fascist party that leftists try to shut down and ban
Slovakians have literal Nazi party in their parliament, pic rel, check the number

"Aus Sicht der Freien Demokraten sollten sich Asyl und Einwanderung künftig nicht mehr gegenseitig ausschließen. Wer als Asylbewerber nach Deutschland einreist und gleichzeitig die Bedingungen für die reguläre Einwanderung erfüllt, soll deshalb bleiben können."
>refugees should stay here
"Eine Quote zur gerechten Verteilung der Flüchtlinge auf alle EU-Staaten"
>refugees should be brought to every European country. It cannot be that Poland and Hungary are still not enriched
"Bereits im Januar 2015 bekräftigte Christian Dürr die Forderungen nach einem sofortigen Zugang zum Ausbildungsmarkt für Asylbewerber und verwies auf zahlreiche Stimmen aus Handwerk und Industrie, die junge Flüchtlinge als Auszubildende einstellen wollten."
>refugees should get work, so they will never leave


>social circle
what is this?
i don't know any german in real life who even knows Sup Forums, not even reddit. germans are mostly real lifers, who watch tv or youtubers and listen to the radio and read mainstream newspapers.

It's a shit word because a phobia is an irrational fear. It's entirely rational to fear Islam.

I wouldn't mind teaching americans all dem nice verbs, nouns and adjectives but americans are stuck-up cunts who use every opportunity to go "LELELE jermins led der cuntry dai" and then they get upset when i give them their counterpart... Muslim movements, Antifa college libtards and 9/11

Yeah, but what opinions do your acquaintances hold?

Shut the fuck up, you have never read any of his works.

i left all my family, i'm alone with my gf now. she has the same opinions like me.
basically everybody who's dependend on his job, social security or depenend on anything else is political correct, because they are scared about their existence. also most workers watch tv (at least 4 hours daily) and listen to radio (at least 8 hours daily), what do you expect?
the workers are the biggest force in germany, germany will only change when the workers (age group 30-50) will change their mind.
might sound insane, but most of them think angela merkel does a really really good job. seems insane, i know, but it's just reality. that's why she's in power.

Duolingo has a German course.
Get going with it, then get into German YouTube content.

die in a hole, shill. Adorno is a culture destroyer, masturbate to him all you want

>LELELE jermins led der cuntry dai

On Sup Forums, Americans also say that terrorist attacks can't happen here because the terrorist would be shot; which isn't likely. Americans here are usually Larpers.

it is a shame though because German education is dying across the country, fewer and fewer colleges and high schools teach it anymore. I wish my children could go through a German language education for religious reasons