Do you have any respect for commies?

Do you have any respect for commies?
Why/ why not?

Of course I do, and because I love them so much, I want to give them FREE helicopter rides.

By commies I presume you mean anyone vaguely left-wing. You Americans aren't great at defining ideologies. I'm a libertarian socialist (not a contradiction), so I guess I do respect myself.

The only good commie is a dead commie

>not a contradiction
Give us a basic gestalt, potato man

Despite how the word is used in America, Libertarianism is opposition to state authority and support for maximum personal freedom. It does not imply capitalism.
I think the maximum level of freedom possible would be in a society where everyone has the means to pursue their goals without financial or state restriction. Hence the "Libertarian Socialist" label.

Why would I respect anyone who wants to take my hard earned money and give it to other people?

I can send them lots of my respect at 600 yards at 2700 fps

I'm waiting


State cucks are the lowest of the low

sometimes i wonder where the fuck do all these people work, that there are giant tracts of expensive houses being built all the time down here.

The only to communism is that it's an excellent repellant to immigration. So that when that system collapses, the nation can live again.

And we are all still waiting for you to rise up and seize the means or production.

>worst square detected

How do you plan to force people to share wealth without using the State as a club?

You dont own shit you cunt, as Communist governments dont allow citizens to own anything besides a ball and chain around their ankle

Maximum personal freedom absolutely does imply capitalism.
There is no greater freedom than to be able to exchange goods and services without having to pay a cut to a higher power.

Well put.
I'm a national socialist and even I will acknowledge this.

>support for maximum personal freedom.
just because that's enshrined in some of your founding texts doesn't change the fact that it's flagrantly untrue. all of the soviet constitutions guaranteed freedom of speech and assembly but cleversilly retards always found endless rationalizations for such absence of freedoms.

you're looking for special snowflake labels to feel unique and intellectual and it's fucking hilarious.

How do respect someone who tries the same shit over and over again failing each time and then blames everything except themselves?

No that's why I can't respect the USA , which is now a judeo cultural marxist state , rather than democracy (which it never was)

Because infringing on the financial liberties of others isn't precisely what the left spectrum is all about.