The Bret Weinstein thread

Dump your thoughts here.
What does everybody think about this guy?

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I watched him on Rogan and he came off as a decent human being that I'm sure I disagree with politically, then he went full communist retard. I could only watch for about an hour.

jews aren't white

He's a disgusting Jew who makes a living promoting communism. Oh sure he's slightly better than the nigger students but the day of the rope will claim them all.

Eric Weinstein's dopey brother got himself in trouble again. He's a committed progressive who, despite being confronted with the bankruptcy of his ideology will never have the balls to go full Horowitz and turn against the Left.

Bret is a mess.


100% accurate


idk but there was some Hungarian dude on here yesterday freaking out about his ideas on changing the currency to some "morality based" system.

>tfw the niggers were secretly redpilled trying to remove the jew from campus

(((he))) wants whitey to get his brown skinned pets under control, fuck'm

He railed against nuclear power like an uninformed idiot then complained about capitalism.

I dont agree with his politics but he seems like an alright guy and Im very interested in whats going to happen at that college

He's going through an identity crisis because hes a progressive and now seen as alt right by sjws

He scares me

You reap what you sow.

Literally admitted he's working up kike magic to alter society.

I saw that

It was kind of stupid

So many progressives have "big ideas" like that, doesnt mean they can implement anything

Can I get a quick rundown?
I don't really want to watch this if he's not gonna say anything interesting or get a little redpilled.

It's really weird how people here are so quick to turn on someone with a different political ideology. I hate communism/Marxism. But the man's main points right now are valid, and he's not advocating for some kind of government overthrow. His politics aren't the issue nor has he made them an issue. No reason to start calling him a piece of shit.

This board is as quick to judge as the retards on the left.

Jew rat can't control his negroid pets anymore.

Deal with it, nose beast

anti white marxist jew. Shocked to find out blacks consider him white.

Even though I have some sympathy for him, he and all the other leftist fucks deserve it. They are Dr. Frankenstein, they created a the monster, and now the monster has turned on them.

Welcome newfriend. As you'll soon discover, the actual alt-right isn't very tolerant.

>It's really weird how people here are so quick to turn on someone with a different political ideology.

Thank god /r thedonald exists then. People are tired of getting kiked. Stop being naive.

The interview is worth watching if you are interested in the sjw protestors he's up against. 80% of the show is about that. But there are times when he talks about his opinions and promotes globalism and Bernie Sanders.

>Jew rat can't control his negroid pets anymore.

It's funny to see these academics being eaten alive by the little monsters they created.

oy vey! hey goys, help me get my golems back under control!

Not new at all. I just find it sad that for a group of people that complains about outrage and hurt feelings, they really make no effort to not sound like bitter retards. Each side complains about how the other side is shit-slinging, but then they shit sling shit at each other.

>SJW Jew
>Blames white institutional racism for problems on his campus
>Just happens to be the victim of his own retarded mindset
He's no Jordan Peterson

Came here to say this, fpbp.

>His entire opinion on global warming
Fuck him, just another jew who's gonna cash on his short rise in popularity

Also wouldn't be surprised if he has colluded with the ((protesters)) to become popular by riding the anti SJW train

He's a lefty Jew who lost control of the she hounds he raised and trained.
They got all their knowledge from you. Reap what you sow

christ, jews are some ugly bastards.

That's because most ethnonationalists and racial purists are bitter retards. I don't necessarily disagree with ethnonationalism, but its followers are literally the reason why the movement will never gain any traction. They all come across as violent and hateful extremists who refuse to tolerate others' opinions and just ad hominem at them.

Let's simplify this to broad strokes: He's a Communist who's getting fucked over now that his Communist institution has turned totalitarian, as they inevitably do. We can have sympathy for the guy, but unless he's ready to become an outright defector he's no friend of ours. And he isn't. He continues to defend the ideology. So there's nothing to be done.

It makes no sense for him to talk about currency when his field of science is fucking biology

Chickens coming home to roost. He is realing what he has so sowed. This is all his fault and everybody like him. Let the savages ruin his university, let them tear down.

>Preaches communism
>his ideals turn into totalitarianism infront of his eyes
>Still preaches communism

He's literally a "Yeah, but that wasn't REAL communism" fag.

He had a point about nuclear power though.
In a span of 60 years with nuclear energy a handful of accidents have made entire areas uninhabitable.


I would like him if he grew a pair of balls and stopped using "people of color" and "white people" in the same sentence. I would like to be referred to as "person of no color".

This guy is not Jordan Peterson.

He will not be Jordan Peterson. Stop giving him any attention

typical lefty jew

>Also wouldn't be surprised if he has colluded with the ((protesters)) to become popular by riding the anti SJW train
I think he probably contributed to creating those sjws in his career and now doesn't like his frankenstein.

100% accurate.

Weinstein is a libtard who achieved his goals in his own lifetime. He spent a career teaching his dark-skinned students about the evils of the white man, and how they needed to remove all evil white men, and they finally learned what he taught them and followed his advice. (and attacked him and denounce him as an evil white man)

He should experience a euphoria right now, he should be in a bliss, that his teachings were so well-recieved by his eager pupils.

I'm just not sure how they aren't aware of this, when they attack the left for doing the exact same thing.

This "no friend of ours" shit is retarded. He's against the PC culture, and he's being eaten alive by his one kind. This is not a one-sided black v white issue. This who situation shows how awful and intolerant the left is. So to throw this guy under the bus simply because he's a communist is retarded. You're not going to always agree with the people in the world. This is like when a leftist says "whoa hey, you didn't like Hillary? You're a piece of shit misogynist! I'm not even going to talk to you". Like it or not you're going to have to build bridges somewhere with somebody if you want to fix things. Start with those in a similar situation/mindset.

Ok? And that doesn't make him a retard? He has his ideology, and he doesn't want to get violent about it. I'm not worried about it. If he's working with people to present and idea of communism that could work that's fine. As long as he;'s no violent about it. Stop calling everyone a retarded commie fag. If you do everything in your power to insult and burn bridges then you are going to lose.

Watched the guy on Rubin. Seems to be a total moron. He should sleep in the bed he help make.

Him and his ilk in academia are the primary causes of sjw culture in universities. Fuck him, he made this bed.

I'm not throwing him under any buses. He's obviously in the right in his dispute with Evergreen but at the end of the day this is an internal matter and Evergreen itself is a cancer and I wouldn't care if it burned to the ground.

So I'm happy to spread the news of this insanity because it harms the Left but I'm not going to start promoting Weinstein and his ideas.


Marxist doesn't understand what marxism leads to. He's an olympic level retard.

Yeah, I'm not going to promote him either, and Evergreen is a cancer. But let's just be a little less, uhhh dramatic about the guy. His ideas suck, but he doesn't seem like an asshole.

Here's hoping Evergreen goes the same way as Missou

Are you tone policing me? That's a level 4 microagression there buddy.


>He made the bed he is having to lie in.
>He's a kike.
That's about it.

He's just not groovy. He needs to be returned for re-grooving.

Leftist cuck who is complicit in creating the very problem he's dealing with. He may also be using it for his own claim to fame/for profit. A stupid leftist trying desperately to ride the coattails of Jordan Peterson, without any of the merit the former has. Deserved everything that came to him.

He has denounced White people for years, thinking that niggers know/care about the difference between Jews and Whites. Well, he's just a cracker-ass motherfucker as far as they are concerned. Jews are like rats gnawing on the wood of a boat. They need to gnaw, no matter what. The sinking ship is secondary to their need to gnaw.

saw this guy on JRE and could give a fuck less, berkerly was more of a big deal, someone killed 6 people in a rampage at my schoolin 2013 thats more interesting. only 4500 students? dont give a fuck, but is interesting what goingon i guess. lol the black student telling white people to fucking go hoe n shit. im seriously on this guys side and thinks his school is a bunch of fucking idiots

>wants a revolution
"I'm not a Utopian"

His beady eyes are like two piss-holes in the snow.

His ideology backfired on Jim and created this mess.

For what it's worth I don't think there's any cynicism/collusion/profiteering happening here. He seems to be genuinely surprised and hurt.

Quite likely he won't profit from this at all. The faculty are turning against him, other progressive institutions will see him as a bad risk, and he won't betray progressivism by going to some right/libertarian think tank. Peterson is an anomaly. Most of the time these witch hunts work.

>People in this thread think people should be forced off a campus because they are white

>This is Sup Forums???

>because they are of no colour

Fixed that for you. Stop being offensive.

shit senpai I'm sorry.

I always say I can appreciate the 20% or so of commies who aren't tankie/anarchist thugs, since they tend to be smarter than me and make good points against my ideologies. Some will call me a cuck for that, but as Weinberg said himself in one of the videos, that's dialectic.

I'm guessing he's not that bad and saw the writing on the wall for at least a few years. He seems pretty smart, and ethical.

Four minutes in he kept smacking his tongue and I couldn't listen. Voice sounds like all of my professors through Full Sail. Phlegmy and underwhelming. These things make it difficult for me to discern the substance of what is being said.

I loved that he dodged this.
He seems like an ok tribesman to me. The cuck george and the trans disabled black mafia are the real villians in this story.


he's way too fucking caught up in his liberal lunacy. Progressivism is a cancer. It's killing American universities and it's destroyed the Democratic party.

He is a fucking jude. Get him in the gas chamber.