
Use hooktube, it's like archive.is for youtube


gtfo cuckboy

>globalists aping Trump's slogan after spending over a year howling about how he's orange Hitler

Bad optics my dude

Drumpfyskiddlepiddelpotpie blown the fuck out

Trump is the ultimate brander

Trump is in all of their heads.

How pissed is France that they lost out on all that free money they though they were going to scam the US out of?

>Already in trouble a week before election for cracking immigrant jokes on TV
It's happening.

How do we kill mac-ron? Is it time to fire up the memes again?

I wonder if his mom / lover told him to do this provocative move.

Surely not his hand, he's a beta cuck and you only need visuals to confirm that

Remember all the libshits trying to convince themselves he was alpha when he shook hands with Trump? KEK

so close and yet so far KeK please kill macro

American Nazi slogan was: Make America great again.

>posted less than 20 seconds after OP's post

media black out, if we get in trouble it will be racism fault and "will be solved" by building new mosque and making school food hallal.
Reminder, Macron hasn't commented once on the UK's terror attacks. He's the first to make anti trump declaration but when it comes to close, actual threats he's nowhere to be seen

>not knowing about based norwegian cyborg
His mind is linked to the internet, he can shitpost 24/7 at the speed of thought

>awkward handshake
>steals slogan
>I'm the big man now right mommy?
t. macron

At least we're talking about France

Look at all the pro-macron comments in the comment field - is this shills or just John Oliver-like followers?

Seriously it's like they have taken the typical natural pro-trump comments and twisted them into pro-Macron, wtf is this guys?...

>Kind of a slap in the face that the president of France speak better English than the president of the United States.

>The world is going to turn against Amercia America with this isolation craziness. But supporting immoral behavior will kill us too. Lord help us see your truth again! Impeach45

>I greatly respect the French President!

>Trump has 35% of his country support and is a bloated old cunt Macron has 67% of his country young smart and universally respected.

>I like this man, he takes no bullshit and is not intimidated by others. I'm moving to France.

>What a refreshing leader. The UK and US could learn something from Macron.

So France is going to pony up the all the dosh that the US was supposed to? If he wants to help prop up my incompetant third world government, he's welcome to do so. Thanks Frenchfags.

Macron as a politic personality was completely built by the medias in France
They're now trying to do the same on a global scale. Of course liberals are falling for it

oh no, how will he ever recover..


Macron is toast

It's globalists mad we won't pay for other to countries

Double checked

Praise! Numbers for the end of the Islamic infestation

>weak country
>society crumbling along identitarian lines
>puny military
>unhealthy economy
>making enemies with the world's most powerful nation


I got you covered senpai

does anyone really believe that Macron has actually anything to say in this world?
He's appearing young, dynamic and strong but that's just because he's a naive rich faggot who has no idea about what's going on in France.
Soon enough he'll realize that France turned into a shithole decades ago and that he'll have to be the one sucking U.S. and German dick to get out of the french misere. This prick is just another overenthusiastic "European" that will burn down.

leme guess, macaroni importing more muslim "Moderates"

>t Macron has 67% of his country young smart and universally respected.
remind those people that only the first turn shows real support, aka 25%. second turn shows who didn't support lepen, which is extremely different.
If he disagrees then next time they won't use the whole "you must vote against her or else" strategy.

I helped as best I would

lol what a tryhard. This guy is just trying too hard to stay relevant, like a Trudeau but with tailored suits.

God damn you're fucking quick nord.

Always at the ready