How to stop the Islamic attacks

>How to stop the Islamic attacks

Carry out an attack on them so devastating and unthinkable that they'll be too scared to act ever again in the fear of the retaliation you're capable of.


>Bosnia 1990
>Muslims shoot up Serb wedding
>Muslims attack Serb village
>Serbs get pissed off, no hashtags, no filters or any bullshit like that
>Go to wat
>Serbs enter town of Srebrenica
>Gen. Mladic orders massacre of 7,500+ Muslims
>World and Muslims in a general state of shock
>No attacks on Serbs since

Other urls found in this thread:

>go to war***

Tbh Serbia is a small country after Austria genocided them 100x worse than they did to the meta-turks. They'll be under Ottoman control by the end of the century.

>not realising this van/car attacks are funded by automated driving developers

what a bigot







Said Japan to the atomic bomb

no borders, no barriers, we all just need to co-exist.

Anyone got the copy pasta about muslims exploding?

Like the one where it goes like this:

Man standing their
nothing to do with is...

seeeeeeems like pig farming Serbia of 3 million beat the A-H empire of 50 million?

To give you some perspective on how bad of an assfucking this was, the population of Serbia in 1914 was 4.5 million. 10% of the population died.

and yet they still somehow managed to....lose.

holy kek



Yep, they laid the foundation for the Trudeau doctrine.

The only thing these animals understand is brute force. Im sure this could work. Chemical weapon strike in one of their cities could do the trick without risking nuclear war.

Its true. Srebrenica was revenge for a village of Kravice, where muslim commander Naser Orić massacred women, children and old people mostly, together with al-mujahid squad made from Mujahideen from all around the muslim world.
My grandfather is from village next to the one that got massacred.
Used to think there was "smarter" and more discreet way to deal with that situation, now i regret only that we didn't kill more.

We could bomb this rock

Fucking canadians are the most retarded people on this planet, I swear.

>How to stop the Islamic attacks
Try to convince Muslims that their religion is garbage.

You will have more success yelling at rock.


that's where you're wrong, kiddo

Bosniaks are white and are not real muslims.

Like waste bombs worth 500 milion to kill 50 or so sandniggers wielding 60 years old ak47s and potatto knifes?

preview (crane accident in mecca)

ok first off the terrorist attacks only happen because they feel that they can do what ever they want. brazil doesnt have this problem because brazil is a fucking hell hole where cops can shot some one without even saying freeze and the civilians will shoot each other over $5

so the muslims play nice. we can release every one on death row in america and send them straight to europe (like a prison transfer but we just release them in europe) to roam the streets and rape everything that walks. half of them are white so this is a upgrade for europe

no longer will prime poon be wasted on brown dick. its a service really. the EU can pay america with some disaster relief money for helping in their time of need

If I was Hitler for a day;

>Muslim attack similar to Manchester occurs
>Every single person who has thumbs up a vaguely ISIS friendly statement is put into internment
>Any that aren't citizens are deported
>Any that are, are jailed for life
>Any of the people in the extended family or community of the attackers is executed for treason
>Every single Sunni mosque is closed and every single school
>Anyone who opens or conducts private Sunni teachings is, again, deported or interned for life
>A nuke is dropped on Raqqa. Or at least an aerial bombardment so devastating all that is left is melted glass
>targeted, limited, unclaimed assassinations of top level foreign (Saudi or Gulf State) ISIS financiers or supporters, including their families
>Any response from a non Western nation (like the Sauds) against our people and they eat a nuke too
>Complete ban on all Muslim migration permanently, and on Islamic visitation for half a decade

Clinton stopping Serbia's progress was one of the great U.S. fuck ups of the last century.

Arabs have an avg iq of 80, they are heavily inbreeding. You can't convince them to go against Islam they are too fucking stupid.

Next terror attack we nuke Mecca. After that we nuke one muslim city per attack, starting with the largest.

Assad's dad did something like that. Syrians were getting attacked by Muslim fanatics from a few particular neighborhoods, so he carpet bombed the shit out of them. Flattened the neighborhoods. The attacks stopped.

This is what is needed. Need to just unleash nuclear hell on the entire Middle East, make the entire area a graveyard.

There are 228 million people in the Middle East. Over 60 million people died in WW2 using mostly conventional weapons, so we know it can be done if there is a will.

Trump can end the Muslim threat once and for all by destroying every major Middle Eastern city in a single day.

Varg has the right idea. Learn from an ex prison inmate who had to share his living environment with muzzies.

Hey kike how about we just deport the Jews and Muslims. If anything i'm killing the Jews. I don't care if Muslims kill liberals.

Nuke mecca

Pretty sure the moment you start retaliating against these shitty attacks by arresting and deporting their whole families, this shit wouldn't happen as much. The moment one of those muslims does this next, deport their entire family tree back to fucking Africa

Could also throw them out of planes, but anything is better than how it's going now, fucking muslim pig scum

Yes,but in between the First and the Second battle they got to Belgrade and hanged some women on lampposts,so they call it a genocide now kek.

>bomb the muslims
This has never been tried before.

>how to stop?

>Start by kicking EVERYONE of those 23000 known jihadists out.
>Next, close every mosque even remotely teached some radical views.
>Finally stop importing muslim immigrants, now.

These were for free.

nahhh see that wouldnt work because the middle east is too far removed. What you need to do is take them on at home. On domestic soil so they stop pulling off attacks on Western Europe or North America. Attacking the middle east is too pointless and costly. Besides when you attack the middle east you get shit like the migrant crisis. subduing them at home is much more effective at strikes at them.


cause who gives a fuck about the middle east. Let israel handle it or better yet let the cranes do their job haha

>that one kid that saved their mother's life at the cost of their own by pushing them out of the way
Salute the only honorable Muslim to have ever lived.

Thing is a lot of Muslims actually know but are afraid to leave because their family would literally kill them.
Islam is not a religion. It's the largest sect in the world.

Kick their families and associates out too.
Black list, monitor and make sure they do not find prosperity.

They are nihilists above anything else.
Islam is a problem though.
They seek to gain from these events.


They know it's garbage and they don't care. They run from every Muslim majority country into secular ones and then immediately start trying to turn the secular countries into Muslim countries as if they've forgotten what they ran from in the first place. They're retarded.

>Chemical weapon strike in one of their cities could do the trick without risking nuclear war.

>cops can shot some one without even saying freeze
Uh...Brazilian cops were literally shooting actual children; "freeze" was never an issue, things never got that formal.

The only way to stop the EXTREME islamic terrorist attacks is with love. Love trumps hate.

Contrary to common belief this would be a bad thing. That rock would become sort of legendary after that happened. The best thing to do would be to conquer that area then conduct a scientific experiment live that concludes it's just a dumb rock.

You want to nuke London?

>implying most Muslims dont already live in Europe/

Why do you think they are migrating? They have already defeated your plan.

deport? No, execute the entire family. Show the Muslim men that their actions will have deep personal consequences. It will also encourage family's to turn in related terrorist to save their own skin.

This would work, if peace and prosperity were a priority for our leaders.

They use the chaos to control the plebs