

I mean he's not wrong.

Both are false flag groups invented by the deep state dems so makes sense

Liberals just need to be shot.

He's right though. The truth makes you angry because you have an irrational fear that makes you close-minded.

Why is the anglosphere full of shitposters?

KKK is tiny as fuck in numbers AND they don't go around killing random people AND KKK is supported by a tiny percentage of Christians. (compared to a majority of Muslims who support terror)

yet I have to see christians defending the KKK blindly like those "moderate muslims" does whenever their religion of pieces kills civilians.

Here's a Redpill.

I'm from the beating heart of Dixie.
The KKK doesn't exist anymore. It literally does not exist anymore. The Klan isn't active, and it's mostly FBI/ATF honeypot

The tweet is right though...?

Wrong. Islamic extremism is called 'Islamic extremism' because it is motivated by the religion. The KKK is a group motivated by hatred towards nogs, not the teachings of the Bible.

My country is full of lunatics.

Then people wonder why I never leave my house.

Even the few KKK organizations that remain are hardly what they once were. Some even accept pagans and atheists. You don't see ISIS doing that.


pretty sure bible says not to kill. pretty sure quran says it's ok as long as they're infidel.

The beliefs of the KKK are in direct oppose to the Gospel as Christ and his apostles taught it. Islam extremists on the other hand are merely taking their doctrine as literally as possible. In other words, it's ass-backwards.

That's not the real Norm right?
Please tell me Norm isn't bluepilled.

The KKK is fully infiltrated by the fbi it's almost like a larp group by now. It might as well not even exist.

Its larger than niggers. Catholics, Jews, Irish, Italians. Basically it was /pop/ before message boards. Non-whites (Italians, Jews, Irish, etc.) were hated.

But now, kkk is inactive almost entirely.

t. Live in New Orleans and Go to school at LSU (where the students helped campaign for Dr. Duke).

Gotta love how the media has lefties believing the KKK are as big and dangerous as ISIS.

Please tell me you can understand sarcasm better than that.. good God you have to be from the west coast

+$0.0125, neck yourselves my dudes

There needs to be an islamic version of swatting for these heinous cunts.

Not true. I was in the KKK a few years back. It's very real and active.

How many people did the KKK murder this week in the name of the Christian God?

Google tells us there are less than 6,000 KKK left.

Google tells us 1.5 billion Muslims exists.

Which do you rationally fear more?

>Sarcasm is easy to detect with text on the internet

I just so happen to live in Oregon. So what?

Congrats on being one of the 6000 remaining

Oh please. You do not ever see Christians defending the KKK. The only people who defend the KKK are people affiliated with the KKK. Why would Christians, a good number of whom are black and Asian, defend the KKK?

>I mean he's not wrong.
Doesn't matter. The timing is terrible. Notice how most Muslims never post stuff like this immediately after an attack? They usually post condolences and stuff like that. That's because Muslims know posts like this are retarded and only piss people off more.

Pretty fucking much this

muslims bomb europe, but it's only fair because there is this small group of white people in a country on the other side of the world with no connection whatsoever. liberal "logic"

hate is a powerful word, and perhaps the strongest of emotions

don't waste your time on truly hating morons. think whatever you want about whoever, but if you're really spending your energy hating them they may not have won, but you've lost something

spend it on something better, like improving your life, not just shitposting on Sup Forums, but actually affecting change

what's your argument then retard?
> muh majority of muslims support isis

Yeah no you weren't , It's %99 fbi these days.

It "literally does exist" in Georgia, but that's about it.

>Yeah no you weren't , It's %99 fbi these days.

>Oh my bad bro I thought you were one of them, let's get that shoulder checked out

Yeah... Except... apart from KKK no christians support their agenda... Most Muslims however support extremism....

just a reminder that islamophobia is not acceptable on Sup Forums and islam is the only cure for degeneracy in the western world.

>just a reminder that islamophobia is not acceptable on Sup Forums and islam is the only cure for degeneracy in the western world.

lined and locked main to siding MR BILL OH NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

Thanks ben almost forgot


Spoken from the shoes of a kike, doesn't benefit white

How's the KKK trying to destroy the culture in negroes' countries of origin? How many terror attacks does the KKK commit each month in African nations? How is the KKK even doing anything nowadays (i.e. it's not an imminent threat anymore and hasn't been for decades).
This is retarded.

The KKK isn't frequently ramming trucks in civilians and blowing shit up.

Muslims actually got something done.

The problem is not the terrorism, it is instead the fact that a large number of Muslims agree with its use and the majority would not report their fellow Muslims. The problem is most Muslims want to install sharia law, and many due so in sharia courts which by definition are vigilantly courts. We are losing our culture our way of the classical liberal egalitarian society every time these attacks occur we are told we must surrender more of our rights wile never addressing the real problem.
We our losing our culture every time we are told this is just the way it is now, or your being islamophobia, or #notall. The biggest looser if we just lay down and surrender our culture or way of life to this ideology will be the LGBTQ community and women. We must remember that only 5% of Nazis were the enforcers the SS, #notall is cognitive disconnect of the fact that you do not need all of a population to enforce and instill the most extreme parts of an ideology.

>one group attacks people
>the other attacks niggers
>we are supposed to tolerate the former but denounce the latter
really activated my almonds

Get the fuck off this board

dude if these degenerates want to be killed by muslims then good for them

We did it, we memed leafs to obnoxious shitposters. There is only way now, he have to ban all IPs from leafland otherwise I am going to kill some canadians, sry mean some chinks.



>the KKK
>as bad as Muslims

KKK=democrats you wingnut

I love all the seal clapping that accompanies these trite "zingers".

>wow! A real game changer!

He's wrong. The reason you don't see KKK everywhere is because their own people took care of them.

We muslims don't do anything.

since when did they start letting niggers in?

>their own people
no, the jews and kikes did now there's a nigger on every block selling drugs and doing nigger things.
Thanks jews.

Top kek

what the fuck anzu

you need to eat food

this isn't healthy

Here we can observe the intelligence of an average Sup Forums poster.

"I was only pretending." in 3 ... 2 ... 1....

>We muslims
oh Germany

Neck yourself

This. The KKK are mostly FBI trying to entrap Aryan brotherhood members to put them back in jail.

>if muslims killed 50 million people muslims would be the real victims.
This has to be a troll account right?

Why the actual fuck do all the shitposters post all these kpop looking freaks in all their messages?

These days the KKK get beat down by all different kind of people if they get outta' hand. Christians, non, white people, black people, brown people. Everybody hates the KKK. We all recognize that they are retarded. Can the same be said about Muslims and jihadis?

Part and parcel of living in a city my dude.

because this is Sup Forums, a chinese cartoon boardd.


doot doot

>if you can differentiate between the KKK and Christians

Most of these faggots can't differentiate between the KKK and the mailman. What the fuck are they on about?

shill yourself then kill yourself

>le retarded kkk rednex meme

Why do people act like they need a fucking price for not killing people

>tfw you don`t see any difference between KKK and protestant christians, just like difference between wahhabi muslims and isis

i want to destroy her face with a crowbar




this is pure autism,Christianity doesn't teach you to fucking kill everyone not white and not christian,islam does teach you to kill everyone non muslim but to tax the ones still alive,and by still being a muslim,your basically saying you support that


See, easy.

Pretty sure it's called sarcasm user

>Islamist Extremists
Islamist Extemists

Are people finally waking up?

Here's how this should play out.

If you can differentiate between the KKK and Christians than you can do the same for Islamist Extremists and Muslims.

>The KKK weren't killing people in the name of Christ

Yeah, but if I killed someone in the name of Leo DiCaprio does that make all his fans terrorists?? haha checkmate glumpflets

>Leonardo DiCaprio doesn't call for anyones murder

Yeah, but Islam doesnt too, it's a religion of peace. XD checkmate again nazis

>Proceed to show him verses of Qu'ran that condone and call for violence
>get /comfy/ as all his coherent arguments fail and he starts calling you names

Was that right after you got out of quantico?

>a bunch of larpers that hung a total of 3 niggers and one quadroon back before anime had colors
>a global terrorist organization waging war against the west and all other unbelievers, setting people on fire and beheading them on a daily basis
best argument since DELET UR ACCOUNT

Liberals don't differentiate between white people and KKK, apparently we are racist even if we don't know it!

If isis or a similar faction detonated a nuke against any western country it would literally be the end of islam. Overnight islam would be outlawed and trump would glass the entire middle east, dethrone the cuck pope and insert himself as god emperor of the earth to lead us into a glorious crusade, he's just waiting for his chance at this point

Why do leftists keep comparing the KKK to ISIS? When was the last time you heard on the news of a KKK member driving a van through a crowd of black people while screaming "For Christ the King!!"? I honestly don't know whos more dangerous, head in the sand leftists or Muslims.

>No attacks since the 1 in the 1980s, then the 1 in the 1970s, tons of hoax attacks
>Kills thousands of people per month

The last recorded lynching by the kkk was before my mom was born, these people are literally complaining about things that happened generations ago and comparing them to today like they're equivalent somehow. More people hqvw died from Islamic terror attacks in the alst month, than the ENTIRE kkk`s fucking history. The two are no where even close to the same

Get the poor creature some lip balm jesus christ

Well, if it wasn't for leftist there wouldn't be a Muslim problem in the Western world to begin with. Who do you think keeps voting to import more of them and defends them with gay as fuck hashtags every time they rape a child or do a reenactment of GTA in a London street?

Lets be fair here, nobody would care if the Mudslimes were in their own countries killing their own, it's because leftists are importing them here that's the issue.

>Typical liberal babble

I think he meant to say "I have yet to see".



jesus christ

My beautiful skeleton.

I agree. This board is filled with knee jerk reactionaries but mostly just jerks