Fascist Discussion General Talk about anything related to fascism

Fascist Discussion General Talk about anything related to fascism.

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fuck you leaf

Finally, a fucking good thread on Sup Forums, what are the economics of Fascism?

>what are the economics of Fascism?
war and poverty

Fuck off Polish faggot.



i would rather have a virtuous fascist man than a degenerate liberal. They say liberals respect women, but we all know that's not true. Fascists respect women as women, they don't erase our femininity for an impossible equality. I don't want a man my equal, I want him stronger, smarter, bigger, more powerful than I am, with access to resources, so I can just be a woman and stay home where I belong.

So Fascism allows the ownership of private corporations? But how does it stop Capitalist power broking and wealth hording? Since Fascism allows for some success.

t. ww2 pole

"Economic ideology is gay, use economics to get what you want."
Which for fascism usually means corporatism or a mixed economy.

No woman ever masturbated thinking of an egalitarian liberal.

Which form of Fascism?

Fascists find perverse pseudo-sexual pleasure in contemplating human destruction as an aesthetic ideal of the highest order.

>"For twenty-seven years we Futurists have rebelled against the branding of war as anti-aesthetic ... Accordingly we state:... War is beautiful because it establishes man’s dominion over the subjugated machinery by means of gas masks, terrifying megaphones, flame throwers, and small tanks. War is beautiful because it initiates the dreamt-of metalization of the human body. War is beautiful because it enriches a flowering meadow with the fiery orchids of machine guns. War is beautiful because it combines the gunfire, the cannonades, the cease-fire, the scents, and the stench of putrefaction into a symphony. War is beautiful because it creates new architecture, like that of the big tanks, the geometrical formation flights, the smoke spirals from burning villages, and many others ..."

it won't. its shit. if nazis got what they wanted they would have collapsed quickly because their whole government was built around being warmongering assholes. so they would not have anyone else to go to war with except themselves

Which form of fascism are you and other anons into?

Industry must benefit the nation.
For example a company that manufacturers cures for diseases can get rich. A pornographer cannot. Fascism in a nutshell


Kinda like Israel

>I have to ban opposing views and portray my opponents as literal monsters because my ideology can't stand up to scrutiny


I mean why is Fascism not a legitimate political ideology?

I'm liking Fascism already.

Leaf education

Because if you state it in plain terms it's extremely appealing, so it has to be slandered and demonized.
Try selling fascism to a normie. If you don't say the magic word they'll probably be on board.

National socialism is either a kind of or close relative of fascism, my oven-dodging friend.



>Because if you state it in plain terms it's extremely appealing, so it has to be slandered and demonized.
Try selling fascism to a normie. If you don't say the magic word they'll probably be on board.

Yeah I agree are you saying it is not a legitimate political ideology?

No, I'm saying it is and the only defense that leftists and cucks have against it is to portray it as inherently illegitimate and evil (while dancing around the actual tenets).

no u

Fuck off you kike.

This is a NatSoc board Jew you ain't welcome here.


Cultural Zion will win.

Yes it's about desire and pleasure, but more than that it's about the spiritual essence and material reality of being a female on this Earth among men. It's the essential female condition that after years of indoctrination and conditioning still hasn't been dissolved in me, that's only gotten stronger as I've reached 30, though they've worked so hard to destroy it and nearly succeeded.



enjoy your summary execution and torture in the afterlife demagogic retards ;)

Here are some ideas Mussolini stated about Fascism:
>In the Fascist conception of history, man is man only by virtue of the spiritual process to which he contributes as a member of the family, the social group, the nation, and in function of history to which all nations bring their contribution.
>The Fascist State is, however, a unique and original creation. It is not reactionary but revolutionary, for it anticipates the solution of certain universal problems which have been raised elsewhere
>The Fascist State organizes the nation, but it leaves the individual adequate elbow room. It has curtailed useless or harmful liberties while preserving those which are essential. In such matters the individual cannot be the judge, but the State only.
>We are not and do not wish to be motionless mummies, with faces perpetually turned towards the same horizon, nor do we wish to shut ourselves up within the narrow hedges of subversive bigotry, where formulas, like prayers of a professed religion, are muttered mechanically. We are men, living men, who wish to give our contribution, however 'modest, to the creation of history
>In spite of the theories of conservation and renovation, of tradition and progress expounded by the right and the left, we do not cling desperately to the past as to a last board of salvation: yet we do not dash headlong into the seductive mists of the future.
>We control political forces, we control moral forces we control economic forces, therefore we are a full-blown Corporative state. We stand for a new principle in the world, we stand for sheer, categorical, definitive antithesis to the world of democracy, plutocracy, free-masonry, to the world which still abides by the fundamental principles laid down in 1789.
>We have constituted a Corporative and Fascist state, the state of national society, a State which concentrates, controls, harmonizes and tempers the interests of all social classes, which are thereby protected in equal measure.

The state can step in to control any industry also, so if 5 factories make different wrenches and saturate the market, the state can step in to say 1 type of wrench, meet market demands, and make the others produce X and Y goods instead.

Natsoc is to fascism as Conservatism is to democracy.

>summary execution
At the hands of who?
Cuckservatives? Shitlibs? Commies that make a fool of themselves trying to hold a rifle?

How does pornography not benefit the nation?

Any fashy books (ideally free epub or mobi) you recommend?

Great video user. Sieg Heil!

It doesn't.

I know somebody like this IRL, and I've noticed it applies to many other hyphenated identities. They're Americans when it suits them, then they switch to their primary when it's in their interest. How convenient.

How much longer until we go full Hitler on the sandniggers?

I'm ready to go now.

This is a natSoc thread, you mean.
But so am i, can't we be friends?

This will be useful.

If NatSoc is for standing up for your fellow people, then why did the german national socialists lock up the people who most dependent on their fellow men like those handicapped in concentration camps?

How in the fuck can you be a NatSoc? Do you hate your own people? Do you wish to get rid of the vermin that is yourself?

I see. I really like Fascism then. So supply and demand alone doesn't control the market in Fascism?

You're right, I just like to throw that slogan around. The female nature is different from the male one and fascism is the only extant ideology that understands that. There's no respect for the role a woman fills anywhere else, they just try to make her a man.

We can be friends if you stay in Israel. The interplay between nationalist and globalist Jews is interesting, but you're still Jews.

GOLLY GEE I wonder why porn is bad

If Jews weren't the driving force behind mass immigration and multiculturalism in the US your post would have some credibility.

Supporting colonial minorities is fucking dumb anyway and does nothing to protect our status as majorities in countries that are actually our own

Generally just anything with Mussolini, like his "The Doctrine of Fascism" book. If you can read Italian, or find an English version of "I discorsi della Rivoluzione", then that's a fantastic one from what my Italian mates told me. IIRC it's just Mussolini's speeches all added into one, which gives more info than his own book about Fascism at times.

natsoc is intellectually underdeveloped. Mussolini and Gentile where the true fascist and rightfull heirs to the roman empire

They would be a drain on society. You would help more of your fellow countrymen than trying to keep someone who cannot even walk straight alive. But for veterans, it is completely different.

Me too

only pdf's sadly for you

He's lying, pay no mind to him. He'll probably give some bullshit nigger explaination of National Socialism like one that isn't racial.

my b

Watch out for ANTIFA my friend.

I watch this and others like it and my heart swells, I cry. This is what we could've had, but instead look at what we've got. I would give up my right to vote, I would gladly trade in birth control and working outside the home, if it meant a strong, virtuous nation where my people are united, upright, and healthy.

Basically. If you wanna know more about the economic theory of fascism, or natsoc, read the works of Gottfried Feder:
The manifesto for the abolition of interest slavery (easy to look up I think, on mobile)
And this article written by a considerably fair and honest liberal:
Nazi Technical Thought Revisited. Feder is the TRUE genius of national socialism.

Germanics are the rightful heirs to the Roman Empire, they are pure.

Inb4 bumfucked swarthy wops

Cry more

So by that rhetoric, any person who the people in power deem not beneficial to society should be terminated or locked up? Does this not give people tremendous leverage to force people into work in a certain profession against their will with the threat of locking them up if they decline? Seems like a seriously messed up way to run a society.

Hitler hated the international jews, and even tried to create a jewish state in israel.
Yes, i do hate the diaspora, they are the ones pushing for multiculturalism and all that shit.

I believe taxes should never be more than 20%, maybe even 10% anymore I would consider theft rather than contribution to the state and society.

Yes indeed user. We both feel this sense of what we have lost. But I am not blackpilled, I see so many of our fellow countrymen waking up to these jewish lies. Its been a long time since we have had the greatest empire in the world. Now its time to get it back.

If we ever get out of this mess we're lumping them all on you

I would be more prepared to pay taxes if I lived in an ethnostate, but even then I'm fairly low tax supporting

I fucking hope you're right

Imagine someone who's involved in an industrial accident and loses his legs.
He's not going to be able to do the same job, but he may still have the ability to do SOMETHING. Why shouldn't the state find him a new position?

I see that you call yourself a NatSoc, but at the end of the day you are a Jew. A Jew is a Jew and a Jew needs the gas.

That's right. For all their talk about "feminism" they've done everything they possibly can to erase femininity and literally replace women with men (and men with women). It's not right, it's not healthy, it's disgusting, degrading, and insane.

I've been called a bigot and "repressed" because I dislike pornography and recognize it for what it is. Thanks for sharing this video, they're putting into words the things I've intuited for a long time but haven't been so able to express.

they were LARPing as romans because 2000 years ago they lived in straw huts like niggers

Yeah, I would gladly contribute to an ethnostate.

Keep fighting user. The whole world hates us. But in their hearts they know we are right.

but what does it mean if the free market chooses to be fascist

Who here excited about the future? We will get what we crave. Politicians are no longer in control of the thoughts and fears of the masses.

Indeed my friend. I am sorry London got a hole blown in it. I am no sorry for the commies that voted for it.

Most fascists generate revenue by nationalizing natural resources, rather than paying high taxes

Well more like broken glass and damage to a bridge.

How do we make Israeli Fascism?

Remember the Kingdom of Asturias

I just wish the two party false dichotomy in America would finally draw its last miserable breath and end. And that the National Socialist party in America improves and people start voting for them.


Taxation isn't theft if you consent to paying it, but there's no reason to consent to it if all it does is redistribute your earnings to ensure the survival of another race. Especially when that race cannot reciprocate, hates you, attacks you and your values, and intends to replace you and yours with their higher birthrate. When the nation is homogeneous and monocultural, when everyone has the same average IQ and shares the same values, then you aren't subsidizing your own extinction you're securing the existence of your people and a future for your children.

Gas Jews. Or you could kill off the Sephardic and Mizrahi Jews leaving only Ashkenazics.


Why can't his community do that?

Do you think that before high taaxing/spending governments, friends and families of individuals who underwent hardship didn't help them out?

We tried


Gas yourselves





Judaism is a cult.

also many were involved with italian fascism