Adriana kids defending muslims

adriana kids defending muslims in a manchester tribute channel...

get in her pol fuk deez kids up

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also, post your best quranic quotes that we can spam them with

and don't forget to thumb down the stream

crazy how they all think muslims are good ppl

yeah... human, even

They shut it down

lol win? chat disabled!

They shut down the chat because of us

"Chat is disabled for this live stream."
lol, that didn't take very long

lol high 5's all around, guess all see ya'll in the flip side

And all we did was post quotes from the quran.
those fucking islamophobes

chat is back up. Get 'm boys

chat still working for me


they reopened chat

and already shut it down again

adriana kinda hot tho

i truely am amazed how brainwashed these kids are to think muslims are good ppl and that saying anything against them is "racist" ..... not even a race, btfu kids

"islam has nothing to do with TERORISM" wow so out of touch

and now they litterally ASKED to "shut down the chat" because some were quoting the quran.

You can't make this shit up ...

new channel to shitpost quran verses:

savage, kek

The fucking song is killing me! Why don't pepople think anymore? Kill me