I'm a Muslim ask me anything

I'm a Muslim ask me anything.

What did you have for breakfast?

Would you cuck me?

Why can't you guys ever go all jihad on people like Soros and make the world a better place instead of innocent people going about their day?

>Posts picture of Cajun food

I'm Cajun myself and I've never met a Muslim before in my entire life. There's a lot of them here, though, just not where I live.

Anyways, fuck off and go back to your ancestral land.

Nothing, woke up too late today.

No. Take care of your girl yourself.

stop with bait


yeah, I don't trust you, you're just a fucking shitposter


What country are you parents from? Are you fasting?

Aren't you fasting you cuck? Or you pick what you like from your religion and leave the rest behind?

The type of people who go all "jihad" are the lowest of society. I doubt they have enough neurons to properly take care of their own selves, let alone target their "jihad" righteously.

Cajun food is one of my favorite. I'm heavily craving it right now, but I'm fasting. Maybe tonight I'll go get some. Hoping to visit the south soon to get some authentic cajun food though.

wtf is a Cajun ?

What sect of Islam do you belong to?

Ill bite..... How do you think you should go about ridding the extremist side of your culture without infringing on other cultures?

Why do you not cleanse yourself of radicals?
Do you feel like giving in to western forces if you do? like germans back then still symapthizing with the RAF in secret?

Isnt it ramnandan? You shouldnt be eating anyway, or are you LARPing as a muslim?

Recite the shortest Sura in the Quran without googling it.

Is it really that hard to believe that their are Muslims in Canada.

Refer to: Morocco. Yes.

I am fasting. What kind of logic is that. You see someone post a photo, A PHOTO, and you assume they aren't fasting. You should consider reading up on some basic logic.

We came here to Louisiana (a little state in the south, former French territory) because the British cucked us out of Canada and we traveled down to this malaria-infested swamp land and we've been here ever since.

On reste fier d'etre francais encore, mon frere. Vive la France, mere patrie de nousautres les cajuns.

why don't you fuck off and die ?

THIS is an important question, what made you support the Islamic belief system which purports to "kill all infidels if they do not believe or convert" and how do you expect people to believe you won't follow that teaching when it's in the Koran and why follow it if it means your own destruction and you do not believe ALL OF IT???

Do you genuinely believe your religion is a religion of peace?

Do you plan on chimping out this Ramadan?

s-sorry it was just a joke.

oh I just done some research, how I never heard about this group before.

vous apprenez la langue française la-bas ?

French people who were abandoned by France in the south (Mississippi, etc..) during the colonization of the North America. Also, Acadians who were shipped to the south of the USA during the invasion of Quebec to avoid a flank by the French.

I do not have a particular denomination. I have my own interpretation based on my plentiful studies. However I do associate strongly with Maliki interpretations, but also some aspects of Nizari Islam (Shi'a) and even Sufism. My great-grandfather was Sufi. My grandparents and parents were non-religious.

I think it's time for the West to understand that instating "democracy" in countries that are on the verge of disaster needs to stop. There is a reason why people like Qaddafi and Saddam were necessary. They controlled the region and disallowed terrorist cells to organize.

However, in the current state of things. It is time for the west to start doing heavy prevention. Where at risk teens are closely monitored. This infringes on privacy laws, however, it would help a lot to control which individuals start getting radicalized.

Just because your news cycle refuses to acknowledge and display the actions of Muslims against radicalization, it does not mean it does not happen. All the major armies fighting terrorism are Muslim. Each time there is an attack in the world, the Muslim communities around the world rally to show solidarity against terrorism.

Every Muslim nation calls terrorism treason, as it should, and arrests these people. The only countries where terrorist cells flourish are those where the government has been dissolved.

Refer to: .
You see someone post a photo, A PHOTO, and you assume they aren't fasting. You should consider reading up on some basic logic. Stupid.

Don't know any of the Surat by heart. Al-Kawthar is the shortest.

>we wuz frogs and stuff

fucking kill yourself

J'suis surpris que vous parlez encore le francais. Alors, si je visite le sud, j'peux tu parler en francais, ou ce n'est pas assez rependu.

No thanks.

How long until you culturally enrich Canada with a suicide bombing?

Religion is a lie. Wake up children

>how I never heard about this group before.

There's not that many of us and we mostly live in the southern part of Louisiana

>vous apprenez la langue française la-bas ?

It's our mother language, but it's very different from the French in France. Ca c'est ancien francais que nous parlons. (Also, we aren't taught it in school, we learn it from our families, so we never learn how to spell it, so sorry for the mistakes)

Can you suck your own cock?

In general Abrahamic religions have a very interesting perspective on the struggle with the inner self. It states that humans have inert desires, these being detrimental (evil), in opposition it is our duty to do the hard thing and no succumb to these desires. To fight against these desires and urges to do the right things.
In day to day life. Immediate pleasures are easy to come by, however they are temporary and often leave you with more emptiness than well-being. Long term achievements and struggles are those you will be proud of, things that will bring you fulfillment. This is amplified in the Q'ran compared to the Torah and Bible, this is the concept of jihad.
Muslims then believe that the most important thing one can do in his life is the liberation of the mind from the body. To free your spirit from these worldly acts, to understand the potential of the human as a thinking being and not just a vessel moving through time.
Many other religions in the East address these issues as well. Jainism is very interesting and I have studied it. It is actually very similar to fundamental Sufi Islam.
They are not reasonable to follow in modern society, or in any society. They are idealized structured philosophies. Beautiful and I wish we could all be this pure, but the world is not so.
For example, Jains with whom I lived cooked with cow poop. Yes, I ate the food... However, how would I do that in Canada? Jains don't eat anything that is grown under the earth or that has a 'soul'. This does not leave much in terms of nutrition. This mean no potatoes, carrots, garlic. Jains do not eat after sunset, only drink water. This is a lot to follow.

A religion is neither of peace nor of violence. It is an ideology for life that can be interpreted by different individuals in a broad way. Violent people will find violence in any passage, peaceful people will find peace in any passage.

Naw, I'm chilling.

Cest sympa le sud.

A Canadian Muslim... oh.
Trudeau would be proud.

Our ancestors came from France and migrated to Canada then we got cucked by the British and came to Louisiana. "we wuz frogs" is technically, historically, and factually correct.

We don't consider ourselves to be French because our language and culture is different, but we still love our motherland.

Cajuns are kind of shy about speaking their language with outsiders because our kind of French sounds so weird to other French speakers, but if you come to Cajun country, we'll be happy to speak it with you. You'll just have a hard time understanding us at first.

Soit respectuez aux gens que vous aviez abandonner.

I have a sick job, I'm chilling. People who go all out are pathetic losers who rather watch the world burn.

That atheist meme.


I hate you, you vile cunt. You worship a pedophile warlord. I wish death upon you and your loved ones

Why did you behead the children of your prophet in Karbalah?

A buddy of mine is going to smoke a whole hog for the 4th of july. Want me to send you some?


Anything for our glorious leader.

I'll for sure try speak French with them. I've heard their accents in documentaries, sounds pretty funky. But it's got flavour. French is my first language so I'd love to hear it.

In a lot of ways, the Western world is the sideshow for the shit going down in the Middle East. It really seems like their is a clash of civilizations going on, and that the Sunni and Shia are going to have this fight, no matter what.

The West reminds me of the police in a movie about 2 gangs; yeah they get killed, but the real fight is elsewhere.

Do you think that the fight between Sunni and Shia will continue for all time? Will they're ever be a reformation of Islam?

Syria is the battlefield right now solely because it has fallen apart, but it could happen in any other country.


I did none of what you speak.

No, I don't eat pork.

What does that mean?

>Soit respectuez aux gens que vous aviez abandonner.
On a perdu la nouvelle-France, on pouvait rien faire de plus.

Vous vous êtes mélangés à la population. Il n'y a plus rien de français en vous. Vous êtes des américains, et c'est tout.

Pork is good though, I don't understand. Have you ever tried it?

How does it feel having a mutilated dick?

Do you / your parents cut the throat of the goat in your own bathroom?

Have you already drank camel raw milk and urine when sick as taught by the Holy Quran?

How many of your relatives live off welfare?

wow you wern't there thousands of year ago? Huh.

Ouais, je suis Americain, c'est tout mais avec racines dedans la France

We only refer to ourselves as "French" because that's what the English-speakers call us.

In return, we call the English "tete-carre"

تقیه ?

Tu va tu au beach club tsi chum?

Do you believe that there violence inherent in your religious teachings? And that some directly go against western values?

If so, assuming you're an honest and civilized Muslim, how do deal with it? Do you seek to reform your religion the way Christianity did? Have ever thought about pishing for reform, or does it barely cross your mind?

Hey OP. You're alright. How do you feel about Morrocan Berbers? They're causing a lot of trouble in my country. I don't understand what their problem is desu.

>In return, we call the English "tete-carre"
Pourquoi ?

Aussi, il est bizarre ton français

I'm not sure why. The story I was told was that back in the old days, the English-speakers would squint their eyes when they were trying to understand a French-speaker which made their heads look square.

Not sure if that's true, though.

>Aussi, il est bizarre ton français

Cest bizarre mais autour icitte il est beaucoup monde qui peux causer francais mais ca cest la francais de nousautres, cest tres, tres different contre la francais de vousautres la gens Francais

Also, most of us can only speak it, we can't read it or write it or spell it, it's never "formally" taught to us, we just pick it up from our families.

We have a lot of French tourists here who love to go and look around the old Acadian settlements here and one time a French man told me my French was very hard to understand and I laughed and said "C'est quoi jetais eleve avec" and his eyes were about to pop out of his head and he told me in English "I know you call your language French, but it's not French."

When are you fuck-offing back to whatever mudhole you come from?

But they all aim for globalism.
Fuck off.

Any predictions for europe?