ITT: we ask for and/or provide hard evidence of conspiracy theories popular on Sup Forums

To start, I'll demand proofs for:
>all or most of the Jews are participating in the conspiracy to destroy European culture

Other urls found in this thread:


You just successfully debunked the hypothesis you've been trying to prove.
Ashkenazi Jews are simply by far the smartest people in the world, which is why they're resented.

Don't have us fight with the smartest individuals on this side of the fence when there are Muslims who want to end us all.




East Asians > Europeans.

They are more intelligent, harder working and better behaved: they commit less crime and are overall less self-destructive/"degenerate" (less drug use, fewer sex partners, etc.).

The explanation of why Europeans dominated the world instead of them is very easy: Jews and Asian isolationism.

- Jews, more specifically Ashkenazi Jews. They're just a subset of Europeans that acquired a higher average IQ over generations due to their exclusively intellectual occupations (the most intelligent achieved the greatest success and had more children). Later, they decisively contributed to Western superiority through scientific and technological advances. For example, almost everyone involved in nuclear research, including the nuclear bomb that the US used to defeat Japan, was Jewish: Otto Hahn, Lise Meitner, Otto Frisch, Leo Szilard, Eugene Wigner, Max Born, Albert Einstein, Robert Oppenheimer...

- Asian isolationism: for cultural reasons, East Asians decided not to explore and conquer beyond their borders. China burned their own navy, the world's largest by far at the time, while Spain sent its navies to discover the New World. Japan as well forbid foreigners.

If you think I'm wrong, please share your thoughts.

Aggressiveness is a useful thing in conflicts. We won because we had taken over more land and resources. We also had more conflicts before to learn.

In primitive conflicts, maybe. In future high-tech warfare? No. And in society and civilization, certainly not.

>My views are confronted.

>believing asian iq score / cranial statistics

This is why you are wrong and retarded. Asians especially Chinese lie almost on everything to non Asians and even to each other. It's part of their culture and considered a sign of intelligence and craftiness. Being able to outwit someone and gain the upper hand through deceit and lies is considered a good thing and approved off.

All the IQ scores and physical statistics from Asian countries are artifically inflated because they selectively test the upper 25 - 10% of the populace, ie people with high school and college education. if USA did that along with only testing white people the average IQ would be 110+.

So you are fucking retarded and a moronic imbecile. Shut the fuck up unless you want to join the poo in loo/ chinese copypaste ant farms.

>In primitive conflicts, maybe. In future high-tech warfare?
What future tech warfare you moronic, denisovan mongoloid?

The West ie Europe, USA and Eastern Europe is the source of all militarized and non militarized innovations, if not 99% of them. As soon as the information leaks are shut off and the Chinese aren't able to copy Western technology they will fall back in technology development.

Pic fails to mention a lack of morals. If whites didn't give a shit about others instinctually you'd see a 100% white planet.

I demanded hard evidence. That is circumstantial at best, not hard at all.
Prove the Frankfurt school theory.

I am one of you, you autistic fuck, but I had my views challenged and was unable to provide proof.

that's one backwards ass thinking.

East Asians achieve higher scores than Whites inside the US, and are admitted on top universities on higher ratios than Europeans.

>The West ie Europe, USA and Eastern Europe is the source of all militarized and non militarized innovations
Like gunpowder?


Also, about the map you posted: yes, I've read about the theory of Neanderthals having analytical/high intelligence genes, and Neanderthal genes being present only in Europeans and East Asians.

>There's a gene cluster linked to advanced mathematics skills, information processing, logic, analytical intelligence, concentration skills, obsession–compulsion and Asperger's syndrome. That cluster correlates very strongly. I can trace some genes back to the interglacial around 450,000 years ago, and others back to another burst of evolutionary innovation during the Eemian interglacial about 130,000 years ago." She rambled on with endless details.
>"I found that Neanderthals lacked genes linked to successful socialization and management skills. They could count perfectly well, but they couldn't deal with groups. Socialization genes came from Sapiens"

And the highest level of Neanderthal admixture is found on... East Asians: arizona.pure.elsevier.com/en/publications/higher-levels-of-neanderthal-ancestry-in-east-asians-than-in-euro

2 words: Sabbatha Zevi



Kill yourself OP.

I'm certainly not trying to ""destroy European culture"" I think about 90% of antisemitism is just scapegoating and the other 10% is actually justifiable and based in lived experience.

>implying a lack of morals and a love/wisdom for life and goodness is "intelligent"
>implying evil has a limit

ofcourse your going to be 'cunning' and 'smart' when you dont give a flying fuck about how many people are lied to, murdered, raped, just to get your end goal. its not a great feet, its cowardly, and these jews will get their just desserts

Then how do you explain the hoardes of white sociopaths on this board?

Why would you believe something you don't have proof for?

The IQ tests are a debunked hoax, whites are the smartest people, not the ashkenazi jews or asians. What really shows intelligence is civilization and scientific advance.
>jews score high on a test created by jews and endorsed by jews
In the case you didn't know the author of the most commonly used IQ test is (((David Wechsler))) and the whole "IQ industry" is as jewish as an industry can be.
Give me the control over the IQ tests and I'll make Australian Aboriginals the highest IQ group by tomorrow
The IQ-income correlations work because jews inflate their earnings the same way they inflated their IQ scores, the IQ-crime correlations work because jewish crimes are concealed, not published.
The scientists are a hoax too, inventions and patents are bought to make it as if jews invented them, as simple as that. It's common knowledge that even the most famous jewish scientist, Einstein was a fraud and appropriated the works of Poincare and other actual geniuses.
>Ok, understandable, then why did the jews make Asians score higher than whites
Simple, they want to promote racemixing, they realize that smart whites aren't stupid enough to breed with niggers and brown people, so they invented a hoax that marrying gooks will make your children smarter, they infiltrated WN communities, shown them the IQ tests that immediatly got attention from racists who want simple answers since they showed niggers and beaners being dumb, this was crucial to start the yellow fever, it's ridiculous how they made actual race aware people marry east asians, but they indeed did it.

The jew shills will probably respond to this claiming that I'm butthurt because I'm not fully white and my IQ isn't as high. This not only has nothing to do with the issue and is just an ad hominem. But I'm also fully aware that Europeans are superior to Armenians as a group intellectually. Lets see how JIDF will respond now

>Lets see how JIDF will respond now

Do I count? I've always thought that whites were the smartest but Jews are definitely disproportionately represented in smarts, like Asians.

Idk anything about Armenians but most non-whites who aren't Asian or Jewish or Indian seem to be less intelligent on average.

>or Indian
Is this a joke? You probably think this way because they are the only group that actually send their best, there are more than a billion of them, obviously many will stand out, but on average they're really low on the intelligence scale.

>Ashkenazi Jews are simply by far the smartest people in the world, which is why they're resented.
fuck off kike

>or Indian
>Is this a joke? You probably think this way because they are the only group that actually send their best
that's the problem, jew, when you get your information from kikes making kike comments on Sup Forums
indians don't "send their best abroad"
that's a jewish fantasy made in america because america is a shithole

This may be the case. Indians in Canada are disproportionately successful as are Jews and Asians but to a lesser extent, actually.

Are you implying that Indians are actually smart while calling me a jew?



Jeбoтe, кoји вaм јe кypaц?

Why is being white recessive?

A white person and black person have a baby, the baby is black.

A white person and a hispanic have a baby, the baby is hispanic.

>Are you implying that Indians are actually smart while calling me a jew?
yes, you fucking armenian scumbag kike

There's a basement under Comet Ping Pong

>searching for your tripcode posts
>every single post has the word KIKE, SHILL or JEW without context in it to make you sound more "believable"
Based Hinduism, amirite? Not a jew religion! These Indians are really smart!
t. not an Indian.

yeah the statistics are bumped up by using the higher IQ outliers on the said groups average as along with the mid to average IQ population members to cause an inflated baseline
That being said the outliers on the opposite do nothing top build societies, invent new tech or explore new lands, they tend to help maintain the societies their intellectual superiors had a heavy hand in creating or they will play supportive role to the higher IQ population
what doesn't account for your selective IQ testing causes inflation of the average is that even when you take a random selection of the population from all economic classes these numbers tend not to change much
That would point to IQ being a genetic trait and why it goes so hand in hand with race and ethnicity

>Based Hinduism, amirite? Not a jew religion!
explain how "hinduism" is a "jew religion"

user doesn't like it therefore it's a "Jew" thing. Are you new to Sup Forums?

they're factually wrong
kikes come here and make shit up with no evidence and attempt to trick people into believing their lies

Yep can back you up on that, I guess the leaf hasn't ever hear of JDIF
>inb4 he works for them

ITT: a kike op shills on 7 proxies to bump his propaganda bullshit image and implies that because you cant condense a university course worth of information into about 5 minutes, that youre wrong.


Go ask full Sup Forums, this is Reddit.

Anglo Kike here. Rape me if you want. My IQ is 131 (k).
I was raised with an education centered upbringing. As a result I don't want to bring down Europe because that is where I can apply my intelligence to make money.
In fact, the only situation where Jews would be underhand, is a collapsed Europe.

Fuck off Ivan.

As I said, that was the image that I was supposed to debunk, but couldn't.
Also, I couldn't post evidence for my remarks. Every single piece of evidence was circumstantial.
Do we at least have some infographic, or verifiable online Talmud source?

JIDF is out in full force today

>The explanation of why Europeans dominated the world instead of them is very easy: Jews and Asian isolationism.

Thats ridiculous. Because of us assimilating the dumber jews in Europe, only the smartest jews stayed jewish.

That doesnt mean they got smarter compared to our own intellectual class and was the reason for europes rise to power during the age of discovery.

Why are there so many Zionists in control of US currency and politics? imagine if there were Canadian nationalists in the US government and federal reserve. Why is this allowed?

I don't think it's jews, it's specifically ZIONISTS who are trying to control everything. Jews are definitely smart, and that is why they are over-represented in many fields, but Zionists are the ones who really control things. Not simply Jews. One can be Jewish without being Zionist.


David Duke explains it really well. If you're actually interested, you should listen to and consider what he says.
If you really wanna know what's going on you're gonna have to be more open-minded than that.

Most Jews are however. Good Jews are zionists.