Fuck that other thread. The ways of Poland are the correct ones and you know it

Fuck that other thread. The ways of Poland are the correct ones and you know it.



teach me your ways Boris. what country/region should I be leeching off to pretend to have an economy?

You should take the money from anyone stupid enough to give it away for free.

>eu gibs are 100% of polish economy

so like socialism?
see how long it lasts when the gibs are taken away and you're forced to accept cultural enrichment or revert to 3rd world status

Christcucks are what caused Europe to fall, not Muslims, not atheists. Poland is a fucking retarded country filled with religious morons.

>so like socialism?
You wouldn't take free money from a socialist? I would. Go EU!

>eu wants to cut gibs because poles refuse to take in shitskins
hungary vetoes it

what now?

how tha fuck May thinks cryptography have anything to do with muslims?


>Christcucks are what caused Europe to fall
Source? Last time I checked there aren't many Christians in western governments and EU is openly anti Christian. Also current pope is not my pope.

>Christcucks are what caused Europe to fall, not Muslims, not atheists. Poland is a fucking retarded country filled with religious morons.
go fuck goat ahmed

VPN sellers pushed that shit.

>VPN == 'GPG/Tor/I2C/RetroShare/GNUnet'

I often envy poland, but it's the good kind of envy. The one with pride that looks up to virtues worthy of adopting, not the one that wants you destroyed out of spite.

dude on this pic you can see ane of many provocations,
no we have new gov and 'fascism' disapeard.

Why do people who don't know anything about other countries insist on sharing their dumb opinions about said countries?

fucking hell Damian, learn some english, you're embarassing us.

Damn it, this fag again.
Did any Pole fucked your girlfriend or smth? Wtf is your actual problem?

sorry brajanek i learn English on Sup Forums

DO NOT WORRY user. Your heart speaks what the tongue cannot.

Friendly reminder that the bards of Polish Romanticism predicted the fate of Europe a long time ago, and their messianistic memes were right all along.
"Polska przejdzie przez straszne próby, i to moralne, przekona się, że krzyk to hałas marny, że demagogia to zdrada kraju, a gdy się tych niezmiernie trudnych, choć niesłychanie prostych rzeczy nauczy, wtedy spoi się w siłę duchową wielką, narodową prawdziwie i z sercem Boga pełnym, jedna śród Europy nie zatraciwszy Boga (bo ujrzysz, co wkrótce za ateizm wstanie) zaważy na szalach losu ciężarem rzeczy boskich! Powoli ona będzie zmartwychwstawać, nie od razu, powoli, w miarę duchowej zacności i rozumu. Tak widzę, inaczej mi nie sposób. Dopóki swawola i niesforność i wrzaskliwość, dopóty nic nie będzie!

Bóg chce Polski, żąda Polski, wymaga po nas Polski, tak jak się jej domagamy od Niego, wymaga zaś jej przez czyny zacne, porządne, wielkie, nasze, bo to prawem wiekuistym Boga, że inaczej stanąć ona nie może! więc do czasu doświadczenia różne spuszcza na nas. Dozwala krajowi skosztować po trosze owoców Centralizacji i przypatrzyć się rozkładowi społecznemu Europy. Stawia nas w położeniu spartańskich dzieci, którym efory pokazywały pijanych ilotów. Cząstkowe plagi też spuszcza na nas i prób nam dopuszcza pewnych próbowanie, i tak się musi stać, że kiedy Europa dojdzie do największego nierozumu, my do rozumu przyjdziem i będziem jedynym porządnym narodem na ruinach świata!"

-Zygmunt Krasiński (1812-1859)

ad hoc translation:

"Poland shall go through terrifying trials, and among them through moral trials as well, and it shall learn that shouts and screams are naught but mere noise, that demagogy is treason, and when Poland shall understand these unmeasurably difficult, yet incredibly simple things, then it shall unite into a grand, spiritual force, truly national and with the heart full of God, the only one among Europe that shall not forfeit God (because you shall see what will replace atheism soon enough), it shall tip the scales of fate with the weight of divine matters! Slowly it will be resurrecting, not instantly, but gradually, in accord with its dignity and intellect. That is how I see it, and I cannot fathom it in any other way. As long as reluctance, frolics, and shouts last, nothing can persevere!

God wants Poland, He calls Poland, He demands Poland from us just as we demand Poland from Him, and he requires it to be by deeds that are righteous, honest, grand, ours, because such is the ages-old law of God that Poland cannot exist through any other means! That is why from time to time he sends various obstacles in our way. He allows the country to get a taste of Centralisation and to take a look at the social decay of Europe. He puts us in the place of the Spartan children, to whom the ephors showed drunk helots. He lets us suffer some of the plagues and various trials, and this is how it must be, for when Europe shall completely lose its senses, then we shall come to our senses, and we shall be the only worthy nation among the ruins of the world!"

-Zygmunt Krasiński (1812-1859), one of the Three Bards, the national prophet-poets of Poland

Note these bits:
>(because you shall see what will replace atheism soon enough)
>it will be resurrecting, not instantly, but gradually
>to get a taste of Centralisation and to take a look at the social decay of Europe
>when Europe shall completely lose its senses, then we shall come to our senses, and we shall be the only worthy nation among the ruins of the world!
It was written almost two hundred years ago, and yet this seemingly naive narrative fits into today's sociopolitical situation of Europe perfectly.
The fate of the world was sealed a long time ago, and we're all just pawns in the greater scheme of memespacetime fluctuations.