Don't call it a grave kaffar. It's the future you chose

Don't call it a grave kaffar. It's the future you chose.

> mainstream Muslims

London is dead.

Sorry britbongs, but your capital had been taken over and occupied. What's your back up capital? Or are you all going to stop being pussies and fight back?

>mayor of london
at least they aren't racist though

>w-we will make muslims angry stop!

Fuck it, let them alienate so we can proclaim war openly

Alienating mainstream muslims, and then they might kill us right ? so they turn to murder if they feel a little offended ? so they are obviously unstable & dangerous from the outset, so that adds to the argument for not allowing anymore of them in.


>Islam has nothing to do with terrorism
>stop criticizing Islam it will spawn more terrorism

>Proved them wrong
>Disarmed the populace and allowed shitskins to flood in
>Islamic terror attacks occur frequently
>Bend over backwards apologizing for them

>Y-yeah, w-we really showed them
Get a spine, Britcucks

Friendly reminder than she actually said this

Listen dickhead, when 9/11 happened, when the 2002 London bombings happened, literally all the attackers were foreign born. Hell they weren't even immigrants, they were in America/UK on work and tourist visas.
The response was 15 years of racism, of anti Islamic hysteria and wars in the Middle East. Fast forward to today and terrorist attacks are more frequent and almost entirely being perpetrated by people born in the countries they're attacking, raised in the culture of hatred and fear towards them. So what's your solution? More overt racism?

Yeah good fucking luck with that.

>implying they have to be here in the first place

>mainstream muslims

>mi5/met police can't lock up known jihadis/terrorists
>can absolutely lock up white people for saying mean things on twitter.

With what you said, this is still valid Clearly the only solution is to not let Muslims into the west

What are they expecting? A bright future?

>raised in a culture of hate and fear towards them
Wait, what country are you living in? The us/U.K. have bent over backwards for these fucks for over a decade.

Malala land.

So according to the good Mayor: alienated Muslims make for a less safe country? Do go on Mr. Khan, we're listening.

>let's keep 25 percent from turning into 100 percent

Why is this bad


successful nazi timeline will soon open the portal. their first proof of concept test was an inside joke, changing berenstein to stain. they are not merging timelines theyre actively altering outcomes on an individual basis.

>Khan's ignorant view of radical Islamic terror could make both our countries less safe. It risks integrating terror into London.

Just convert now kaffar

>Trump's ignorant view of Islam could make both our countries less safe.
Since when does England care about being safe?


Don't worry, everything is going according to Sadiq's plan. Nothing is wrong here.


>and the terrorism epidemic has proved trump and other wrong because i say so!

London has proved him right.

>Alienating mainstream muslims will make our countries less safe
Basically he's saying mainstream muslims are so fragile that the slightest insult will radicalize them. What a shitty group of people.


anyone have the antifa tweet where they said it's ONLY 208,000,000 muslims who support jihad?

does anyone need to remind them that would make the Jihadist nation the 6th largest country by population on earth? that's the low estimate too. the high estimate is 25%, or 300,000,000, making them the 4th largest nation by population.

how is that NOT a problem?


It's just a minority. nothing to worry about.

Have you ever wondered why muslims are the only ones that respond to racism with mass murder? There are dozens of marginalized groups amd muslims are the only ones that do this shit. This is obvious evidence that it's an inherint problem with islam.

Muslims murder people when their feelings are hurt.


>Have you ever wondered why muslims are the only ones that respond to racism with mass murder?

Not racism; criticism. They react violently to criticism. Islam is not a race.

how fucking retarded are you. 911 was an occult ritual and the 2002 london bombings were a gematria ritual. HURR DURR IT WAS REAL FOREIGNERS MUHHH DIKKK. kys.

Why did you cut the part where he sticks the tv remote up his butt?

either trolling or you don't have first grade levels of number sense

>mainstream muslims

mainstream muslims are radical. most of them hate fags and want sharia law

Why are you arguing with Sup Forums falseflag/parody accounts again?



After this ariand grand utter shit, and her vacuous followers, who among us can be sure they disagree with them.

We're all aware that islam is a religion, not a race.

It is also possible to be racist against someone who happens to be muslim. Because you can't tell someone's religion from their appearance, people judge them on race, hence racism.

>and fight back?
On behalf of whom though? Left wingers? concert goers? Maybe converting to Islam is best for them.

>London has proved him wrong
>muslim terrorist attacks every month
>muslim rapes every day
>muslim attacks every day
>muslim discrimination of kaffir every day

>you critique about muslim terrorism risks turning us into muslim terrorists so just pretend muslim terrorist attacks have nothing to do with muslims

They did have the sarin gas attack in the subway. Also a religious group - Aum.

Let just give them whatever it is they want, that way they will stop. What is it the terrorist want? Is it Land? No, Money? No, Weapons? No,. They want everybody to come back to the dark ages with them and follow sharia law, or DIE!

>Laughing IRA Members.jpg

>So what's your solution? More overt racism?
Deport all of them

>Person A sends a tweet that spurs Person B to kill Persons C, D, E, F, and G.
>Person A is to blame.

People are not so impressionable that they hinge their decisions on the opinions of strangers. Who thinks otherwise? You have that little faith in the rationality of people?


just physically remove them