Several Arrested During Protest in Downtown Portland 6/4/17

Just gonna leave this here to let pol do what they do best...

Other urls found in this thread:

2nd to last is probably a dude.

top left is probably a chick.

Which one got the tampon stuffed in her mouth?


love it when antifa faggots meet the long dick of the law

no shit

>Defend our city from Nazis!!
>Face 20 years for assaulting/resisting DHS agents.

No people of color? Why is antifa so racist?



>Some of these white people could've been saved
They're no better than niggers now. Worse than death.

There are only two women in that picture

why do the men look feminine and the females look masculine. /confused

The sad thing is that these people are all white, you don't see many niggers sacrificing their lives to promote "equality"

Have some of these people been arrested before thought I seen two of them in mugshots from january

Looks like a faces of meth poster.
Glass pipe smokers

The dude with the blue hoodie is one of the good guys, he was arrested after being surrounded by loonies and released within 5 hrs. He was at the after party victory lap on the red elephants stream.

Just sayin.

antifa btfo eternally

why do they all look like drugged out faggets i will kill them all, its no wonder why this shit doesnt happen in texas, we would have killed them all by now

>top right
What woman managed to break Chad so thoroughly as to lure him to this shit?


A surprisingly fuckable group

checks out

Fucked around and got a triple double


i'm retarted

lol, retard freaks

Holy kek... The 2nd from top left guy is a porn star known as Max CoXxX. Picrelated is the kind of porn he enjoys filming.

Items seized from antifa

>those construction paper kid scissors

Most people living in Portland look like this.

would not expect anything other out of Portland.
why do you know this, Russia? are you one of them 3yr old hackers?

I don't know OP, the third guy in the first row kind of has a fashy haircut.


lower middle has a big dick


Top right is kinda handsome tbqh. Best looking Antifa I've ever seen.

Whoever brought those was clearly ready to fuck up some paper

Man. That is a nice 50's era Stanley hand prybar. Fuckers.


do they really expect to use all this crap

>Hammers are brand new
>Having never used a hammer to work on anything ever, antifa actually had to go to a store to buy a new one before the protest
Just imagine antifa walking around home depot acting all superior to everyone around them

Bitch with coloured hair was obviously trying to manipulate the cops by crying (WHITE TEARS!!!!), you can see her smeared makeup

the faggot on the ground looks so afraid. You see it in his eyes.

>DEREK WAYNE CHRISTENSEN is the Registered Agent of ORGASMITTER ENTERTAINMENT LLC, registered in Oregon.

Derek Wayne Christensen aka Max CoXxX, proud liberal, antifa and snuff porn maker.

damn, too many liberals are white

I was about to say the same thing, also I lived in Oregon for a couple months and getting a gun is easy as shit and cheap, why don't antifags get any guns? Could it be that the background check system actually works against them?

Wait, is it actual snuff or that fake shit?
Is there a site for this stuff?

Why do leftists always look so shit?

This kind of stuff is really disgusting, as in it feeds the rape fantasies of psychos who actually do shit like this.


dude the look of horror on his face looks like hes getting ass raped

I get the argument, and your government enforces the law along those lines, but how true is it?

i believe he has been arrested for the same shit before. i think its anger rather than fear. eh.. probably both.

Guns would be too expensive because they'd get confiscated a lot. Plus using guns would hurt their image and get them in serious legal trouble (also they're all felons anyway)


Of course he's a leftist. The antifa guys are always such scummy pieces of shit humans

I had this idea for a really long time. I'm honestly going to guess the more hardcore people do have guns

Came to post this. Trannies are hideous.



I doubt big Bubba will let them slide just because they're antifa

I want to beleive these belong to a fat pink haired ninja sitting in a cell right now

that sagging earloob. "I'm here for the Job".jpg


So this antifa guy who is an "ally" of radical feminists, gets a pass on this?

Isn't this what they accuse all male Trump supporters of basically doing?

Guys its okay he's a feminist.

sounds about right.

Wow rural and suburban retards up against educated urbanites



Thank you user. Also number eat has a nice earloob. Ready for future employment.

There seems to be some connection between antifa and porn. What is that about?

That would be considered work.

These are the kind of "weapons" you would scrounge from your parents' garage when you were 10 and pretending with your friends that the zombie apocalypse was imminent

They can't get/don't like real jobs, and have psychologial issues.

Eat your heart out of that competitive lobe

Top right guy is pretty handsome, tbqh. He should ditch the losers, he doesn't need them.
The rest of them need gassing. Bunch of freaks and FAS survivors.

Where is this guy in the mugshots????

Wow some great chins in Portland

They are tiny finishing hammers too.

Number seven is that kid that was knocked down/punched or something in a video from a month ago right?

I think it's a way to recruit people. I wouldn't be surprised at all to find out these older antifa scum were pimping out young members.

no idea, man.


You really can't tell?

19-year-old Brooks Christopher Klehr was arrested on Southwest Main Street, 3rd to 4th Avenues, on charges of Disorderly Conduct in the Second Degree and Carrying a Concealed Weapon.

45-year-old Derek Wayne Christensen was arrested at Southwest 2nd Avenue and Jefferson Street on a charge of Carrying a Concealed Weapon.

34-year-old Kellan C. McDonald was arrested at Southwest 2nd Avenue and Main Street on a charge of Interfering with a Peace Officer.

22-year-old Henry James Best was arrested at Terry Schrunk Plaza on a charge of Disorderly Conduct in the Second Degree. Best was also given a federal criminal citation.

46-year-old Kim Michael Sorgente was arrested at Southwest 3rd Avenue and Madison Street on a charge of Disorderly Conduct in the Second Degree.

31-year-old Mark Anthony Richardson was arrested at Terry Schrunk Plaza on a charge of Disorderly Conduct in the Second Degree. Richardson was also given a federal criminal citation.

20-year-old Andrew Ellott McLoughlin was arrested at Southwest 4th Avenue and Madison Street on charges of Disorderly Conduct in the Second Degree and Harassment.

30-year-old Jordyn Suzanna Hidgon-Luckey was arrested at Southwest 4th Avenue and Salmon Street on a charge of Disorderly Conduct in the First Degree.

30-year-old Kelly Marshall Baur was arrested at Southwest 4th Avenue and Alder Street on charges of Interfering with a Peace Officer, Harassment, and Disorderly Conduct in the Second Degree.

21-year-old Forrest Gabriel Ramona Smith was arrested at Southwest 3rd Avenue and Morrison Street on a charge of Disorderly Conduct in the Second Degree.

35-year-old Jeremy Daniel Ibarra was arrested at Southwest 3rd Avenue and Morrison Street on a charge of Disorderly Conduct in the Second Degree.

these people are the pitbulls of society, soros breeeds them to be skittish.

I kinda want to stick my dick through an SJW's earloop now.

earlier someone said that the dude in the blue hoodie is a trump supporter who was picked up by mistake after being surrounded by future helicopter passengers.

they'll still fuck you up

Giant skeleton hands in top left?

A lot of them are on drugs. I think they raid the pharmacies during the riots to get the pain pills.

Number 5

they need to be declared a terrorist organization yesterday

Figures, I saw him and instantly noticed he seemed brawny for an antifa.

that's called a full house mang

Night shift at Burger King has gone AWOL

all of them are white, must be antifa

He looks pretty Jewish too.

>a bunch of weapons
>look in upper right
>a single medtainer