My wife wants a homosexual child

How do you respond?

Why would you go on reddit in the first place?


hitler should have won

kill her
make it look like an accident

What do the responses look like? If they aren't telling this man to divorce this insane harpy then there's no hope for humanity.

If it's reddit they're probably telling him he needs to be more tolerant. I'd probably be willing to bet money on it actually.

I had a girlfriend who had similar views on this, actually ended up getting her pregnant as well, thankfully kek deemed her unworthy and she couldn't even hold on to it, 8 weeks later it self aborted thank fuck.
That relationship ended soon after that.

Sometimes you have to hit your wife and kids. This is one of those times.

>Honey, we need to talk

Say, "I want a child that can carry on our genetic chemistry and be a part of generations of love"

Tell her to go fuck a homosexual then

divorce your wife, find a real woman, not a brainwashed little girl.

Slap the bitch back to her senses, or get a new younger one

It's Quora, so probably the same shit

Or kill her and confess proudly, saying you would do it again in a heartbeat.

press f to pay respects


Tell her gay baby's are made by anal sex.....

this doesnt look like reddit. looks like stack overflow or some shit

My faith in Sup Forums is restored, it took until your post before someone pointed out it wasn't reddit. Didn't know it was Quora, though. Thanks.

Do NOT give this creature your seed. She wants to indoctrinate your child are you fucking serious?

Only way to do that is to molest your son

>My wife wants a homosexual child
>How do you respond

We should wait until they are old enough to decide for themselves without pushing a jewish agenda down their throat while they are toddlers.

You fucking Cunt.