>Brought to you by Slovakbro

This thread is dedicated to the discussion of all things small government, free market, and self-determination.
Welcome: paleoconservatives, minarchists, laissez-faire capitalists, agorists, ancaps, paleolibertarians, constitutionalists.
Anybody else is welcome to debate us.
Posting Soviet propaganda with no added information is spam and shall be treated as such.
/lrg/-approved people - Bastiat, Hayek, (((Mises))), (((Rothbard))), Pinochet, Timothy McVeigh, Hoppe, Llewellyn Rockwell, Ron Paul, Alex Jones, Augustus Sol Invictus, Christopher Cantwell, and the 1st Irregulars. Some of the Liberty Hangout goys are approved too.
Not approved - Anarchyball, Jeffrey Cucker, or reddit anarchists.
All others - ask before trying to use them as a strawman against us.

>PASTEBIN: pastebin.com/vriBmd6A

Other urls found in this thread:


Wassap Slovakia, FF here.




I was wondering if I should do a "family" thing where I make a logo etc for my family (Like a family emblem)
Also have a uniform that my children will wear whenever I'd like them too. (like a social even that the family will be participating in)

It'd be a way to have the children grow closer and something to represent the family...


fuck roads

I myself have a family crest, it's up to me to pursue the family goals. Me and brothers are making sure the family stays together and has the right values. I don't know about uniforms tho. Not really my thing.

Create a family legacy and represent it well.

Guys when Kansas cut taxes, why did it fuck their economy?

I don't think my family has a crest so that's why I'd like to adopt one when I have a family.

I think it'd also make a statement in a way, when everyone in the family is dressed the same(Shows unity, order, discipline).

Yes. That is what I want to achieve.

Are there any books that are a guide to raising a family properly?
I haven't found one yet and would like to know more so I can do it correctly the first time.
(I do understand the basics though, I just would like to have more info on hand.)

Be more specific about what went down, could you point me to some information?

These tax cuts, getting rid of income tax on small businesses.

and cutting the top rate of income.

Can't point you to any books, my families legacy comes from within us. We fight an eternal war, it's our destiny to crusade against the world. This family comes first. We might as well be commies or national socialists in this sense.

>Royal libertarians

Just barely skimmed through it, seems like they lowered taxes by a bit at the same time shit got fucked up. Doesn't really talk about the cause of the economic failure, I can't really comment sorry.

nay bother.

What do you make of Labors land tax scheme aka the "garden tax"?
When was the last time you saw a dentist?

Saw a dentist last month and I fucking hate pretty much all of labours tax policies.
Btw i'm not a libertarian I just wanted to know your thoughts on the kansas tax system as someone I knew at uni was banging on about it.

Seriously, fuck off. This is a thread dedicated to RIGHT wing libertarianism, not leftist garbage, which includes geofaggotry

I like the Royal libertarian meme. Sounds pretty cool.

Btw, left-Libertarians and shit libs like you are cancer, not even "useful" idiots. Just irrelevant.


haha no thanks

>taxation is the-

>current year
>not being communist
enjoy your dystopia

>its insulting
>therefore its wrong
spoken like a true libshit

>Antifa area bad peo-

>durr sneak memes and muh NAP

sick arguments! Admit it your just ITT because you like the color scheme; do you even know what property rights are or what they imply?

If a guy breaks down in your house but use the money to heal her daughter,would You consider this theft a good thing ?
If You say yes you're retarded
If You say no you're a hypocrite

We go through this with you almost everyday. It's not useful to argue with you anymore.

how long has this daily been going on?

this my shit

greetings from the UK, all

>selling ice cream
>to fight capitalism

>to fight capitalism

I said it once and I'll say it again. This is a thread dedicated to RIGHT WING libertarianism. Geofaggotry is a leftist ideology you prick, so go fuck yourself. Every single time I come to /lrg/ I see your bullshit and it's tiring. Get lost

feel free to refute;
>Georgeism reconciles common land rights with private tenure, free markets and modern capitalism.
>Those who got the upper hand by securing land tenures would support public services, so wages and commerce and capital formation could go untaxed.
> To pay the taxes, landowners would have to use the land by hiring workers (or selling to owner-operators and owner-residents). This would raise demand for labor; labor, through consumption, would raise demand for final products.
>To pay the workers, landowners would have to produce and sell goods, hereby raising supply and precluding inflation. Needed capital would come to their aid by virtue of its being untaxed. Thus, George would cut the Gordian knot of modern dilemma-bound economics by raising demand, raising supply, raising incentives, improving equity, freeing up the market, supporting government, fostering capital formation, and paying public debts, all in one simple stroke.
>George's proposal enables us to lower taxes on labor with out raising taxes on capital. Indeed, it lets us lower taxes on both labor and capital at once, and without reducing public revenues.
> Georgist tax policy reconciles equity and efficiency. Taxing land is progressive because the ownership of land is so highly concentrated among the most wealthy,'8 and because the tax may not be shifted. It is efficient because it is neutral among rival land-use options: the tax is fixed, regardless of land use. This is one favourable point on which many modern economists actually agree, although they keep struggling against it
>George showed that a tax can be progressive and pro-incentive at the same time. Think of it! An army o fneo-classicalists preach dourly that we must sacrifice equity and social justice on the altar of "efficiency". They need that thought to stifle the demand for social justice that runs like a thread through The Bible, The Koran and other great religious works.

i ain't paying for jamal's health care and niglets you nigger enabler

>what property rights are or what they imply?

they imply freedom and real private property instead of


also the geofag color scheme is literally shit-tier

the Libertarian party in the UK is fielding four candidates for the General Election

Will Taylor, the Hull candidate, has been speaking of the masses of support he's been seeing on doorsteps

I really do think there is a chance in the UK in 5-20 years time of a strong Libertarian representation in parliament, possibly even a county under a Libertarian council

we can hope. interesting developments.

>left wing


Thomas Jefferson:

[Feel free to skip the first four paragraphs, which are undoubtedly due to Marx’s influence on Jefferson. I particularly would like to hear your analysis of the last and longest quote.]
“I set out on this ground, which I suppose to be self-evident, that the earth belongs in usufruct to the living; that the dead have neither powers nor rights over it. The portion occupied by any individual ceases to be his when he ceases to be, and reverts to the society…”

“Whenever there are in any country uncultivated lands and unemployed poor, it is clear that the laws of property have been so far extended as to violate natural right.

“In Europe the lands [that are not] cultivated are locked up against the cultivator. …This begets dependence, subservience and venality, suffocates the germ of virtue and prepares fit tools for the design of ambition.

“I think our governments will remain virtuous..as long as there are vacant lands [available] in any part of America. When [Americans] get piled up on each other in large cities, as in Europe, they will become corrupt, as in Europe.”

“That the lands within the limits assumed by a nation belong to the nation as a body has probably been the law of every people on earth at some period of their history. A right of property in movable things is admitted before the establishment of government. A separate property in lands not till after that establishment. The right to moveables is acknowledged by all the hordes of Indians surrounding us. Yet by no one of them has a separate property in lands been yeilded for individuals. He who plants a field keeps possession till he has gathered the produce, after which one has as good a right as another to occupy it. Government must be established and laws provided, before lands can be separately appropriated and their owner protected in his possession. Till then the property is in the body of the nation.”

What's up Slovakiabro and Ameribro.

How are my fellow NRx-tier, gun-loving, commie-destroyer, fag-crusher, Hoppe-quoting right-wing libertarians doing?

>public services
>An army o fneo-classicalists
>social justice

literally modern liberalism holy shit kill yourself my man

A bit bored

things are going well in uk

uk libertarians have highest party membership statistics ever

>implying we give a shit about what Jefferson has to say about it
go fuck yourself you stupid retard nigger. We don't want your leftist garbage here


fuck off

>Government must be established
>the property is in the body of the nation.

how about no

Based French de Lesquen bro is here too!

Good luck to y'all in the elections. Very disappointed with May trying to (((regulate))) the internet to fight "extremists." We all know they're just going to shut down right wing websites.

We call ourselves the "party of principle," and we base property rights on the principle that everyone is entitled to the fruits of his labor. Land, however, is not the fruit of anyone's labor, and our system of land tenure is based not on labor, but on decrees of privilege issued from the state, called titles. In fact, the term "real estate" is Middle English (originally French) for "royal state." The "title" to land is the essence of the title of nobility, and the root of noble privilege.

>We are libertarians who make the classical liberal distinction between land, labor and capital. We believe in the private possession of land without interference from the state, but in the community collection of land rent to prevent monopolization of land.

>We believe that all government activities should at least be limited to those which increase the value of land by more than what the government collects, and that government should be funded entirely from the land value increases it creates.

>We oppose direct state monopolization of land as well as state-sanctioned private monopolization of land, and advocate that state and federally held land pay land rent to the communities the same as private land.

>We advocate that government be allowed to spend only what is authorized by voter referendum or similar device and that it take for itself the minimum it is authorized to spend. Those who advocate collection of the full rent stipulate that the proceeds be divided among community members on a per-capita or similar basis, for the land, and the rent, belong to the people, not the state.

>We condemn the taxation of property improvements, and of all activities, productive, consumptive, or recreational, as invasions by the state into the private affairs of free individuals.

Do you even know what liberalism is?


Capitalism wins again Lefty faggots!

>Do you even know what liberalism is?

Do you?

nigger you keep copypasting inconsistent bullshit that can't keep your story straight. You are for tax, government, and public services as quoted. We all know what those eventually evolve into as they naturally degenerate as shitty system.

this one will always be favorite

Things are going well. Representing the crew just right.

book club

discord /VRmt3h

preddy gud

think we're gonna see the rise of a new Pinochet in our lifetime lads?

>hates commies
>declaring martial law because he's pissed
>now with helicopters

it's only a matter of time

give us the link

for what its worth, Marxists acknowledged that the only way for their ideology to truly succeed was through worldwide revolution. if you still have a lot of people following capitalist protocol, it means you have to play their game on some level in order to cooperate with them.

the people who have that momument still have to pay taxes and rent like other people in a capitalist society. so to say that they should magically not have to do that, and then laugh at them when they do and claim that it highlights the failure of their beliefs is kind of silly.

Propaganda warfare is never based in truth. Even if for a true cause. Commies are scum for their beliefs, not because they sell ice cream. It's just a good laugh at them.

Why would the marxist dialectic end at communism ?
It isn't the bible where there is an end If the world right ?

His great grandfather didn't just "put up a fence" around 60 acres, you fucking imbecile. You are paying a monetary value to compensate for the fact that a blood price was paid for that land. A price of conquest. Indian savages had to be killed and forcibly removed, and then the land had to be defended. It did not come free. When you grow the balls to go take some land for yourself, then you can charge rent for it, too.


>propaganda warfare is never based in truth
>commies are scum for their beliefs

let me guess, its not propaganda is you do it eh mcarthy?

Is this the most definite list of the most libertarian US presidents?

I really, really like this image.

No I am a propagandist, in open about it.

in what way is scale relevant?

if you idea actually works, it works regardless of outside forces. You're not seeing the picture for what it was: there was NO way to maintain that statue without capital. Could they have appointed someone locally to at least keep it clean every once in a while for greater good of party out of goodness of their heart and love for proletariat class? No. They needed to PAY someone to get something done. Either that, or force someone against their will with force to maintain that statue, which is fucking slavery.

If the entire world was communist, it still would not be enough because when do you draw the arbitrary line of when communism works? at X population? at X amount of countries? You had Soviet Russia (Eastern Europe) and Africa. In fact, you still have Cuba, South America, and fucking China. But all those countries and their massive population just weren't real communism enough, weren't they? Pathetic.

it's ridiculous to think that scale has anything to do with it. Capitalism works the same way between you and your neighbors locally, and internationally between countries. Your system either works or it doesn't. I'm justified in laughing because your system is just the pinnacle of failure time and time again

>no "the man who killed the bank"

definitely needs more Andrew Jackson, arguably Thomas Jefferson

fine selection of top lads though

I didn't say it does, I pointed out that the Marxists knew that their ideology was not sustainable as long as they had to play by another ideology's rules. Hence, the need for worldwide revolution. Check out some Trotsky to get a better understanding. The need for worldwide revolution is a goal, its a self criticism.

>Andrew Jackson

Massive federalist

>Thomas Jefferson


I referenced your idea as a whole and the picture You posted
You won't end the master/slave dialectic just hy abolishing private property

>massive federalist
>abolished the national bank...twice
He would be Pinochet-tier by our standarts

b-but Andrew's muh banks

and yeah Jefferson had Georgist influence economically but they were still important towards keeping a limited government. Presidents at their best can be minarchists, you naturally you just can't expect ancaps out of them

Jackson is debatable for me just like Jefferson. Both had healthy views about economy but turned out to be quite hypocritical when they became presidents. Jefferson with the embargo and Jackson with the spoils and indian removal (and I'm talking about 5 civilized tribes here). But I'm not someone who hates on historical figures just because they did something wrong because it's impossible to find a president who didn't send troops somewhere or didn't do something unconstitutional. But if we add them then James Monroe belongs to the list as well.

>there was no way to maintain the statue without capitalism
>they needed to PAY someone to get it done

you answered your own question. why could they not "appoint" someone? because nobody was willing to cooperate. the people who were able to maintain the statue demanded capitalistic compensation for their work, because they are capitalists.

Then you move into the "real communism" agreement. Never mind that all of these countries have had to deal with constant conflict with the capitalist world. Soviet Russia and Eastern Europe were under constant economic threat from the USA, and Africa has had their mineral rights speculated on since before they had a standing government of any kind. Cuba had a worldwide embargo until recently, South America is undermined by the USA fueling their illegal drug trade, and China has a weird form of communism that is pretty odd by any standard.

To say that "your system either works or it doesn't" is pretty childish. What about all the people failed by capitalism? There are a lot of third world countries I can point to that have a capitalist society but are still shitholes. Can I claim that they are shitholes because of capitalism?

Jackson, the man who said:

>"John Calhoun, if you secede from my nation, I will secede your head from the rest of your body.

Hmmm yes, very pro individual rights, very libertarian!

And I need to finally read this book. Recarving Rushmore and Politically Incorrect Guide to US Presidents (I know I know but this one is actually good) are the only non-standard non-leftist etc books about presidents I know.
I always check on FDR and the Great Depression to see if a book is good or not. It's my litmus test.

As I said retarded bong with No reading comprehension who tries to be ironic because when he gets serious his rotten teeth make him bleed
He is pinochet-tier,freed the economy but acted as a tyrant

>that pic
>a state, an intangible power structure, declaring half of an entire continent as their belonging is the same as a farmer homesteading and passing his property to his children
>people owning land can just own more and more and will still be renting after 3 generations
pic related, what happens when autistic people like you run a country.

James Monroe is pretty cool, yeah

the Era of Good Feels must have been a great time to be an American

>why could they not "appoint" someone? because nobody was willing to cooperate.
>if I can't swindle people into doing free shit, it must be THEIR fault not mine!

and you're calling me childish? this is the kind of entitlement mentality that composes a lot of liberals and communists. It's always them, not me. Absolutely childish to the core.

>Never mind that all of these countries have had to deal with constant conflict with the capitalist world.

if they were so good, then the system would account for that and they would of continued to succeed indefinitely. Stop blaming other people and start blaming yourself to actually fucking improve

>What about all the people failed by capitalism? There are a lot of third world countries I can point to that have a capitalist society but are still shitholes. Can I claim that they are shitholes because of capitalism?

You absolutely can, because unlike Marxists, at least Capitalists take full responsibility than others. Some people are better capitalists than others, and so you can't expect niggers and shitskins to perform as well as superior people. Capitalism accounts for that, and takes advantage of that. The few capitalistic individuals with actual ambition can succeed without having hordes of his fellow niggers bring him down in a limited government.

The countries where capitalism has failed? filled to the brim with niggers, shitskins, and commies as well. But that does not stop capitalism. The only thing that stops capitalism, is a restrictive government that keeps it from reaching its full potential. It still stands on its own

>I always check on FDR and the Great Depression to see if a book is good or not. It's my litmus test.

this is a good technique. I should try this myself, it sounds effective. FDR shilling is one hell of a drug

so a family owns property, doesn't use the property, and the community then reclaims the property? I know it might have sucked for the family, but did it suck for the community that cannibalized the unused property?

the concept being proposed is to break the back of land monopoly. both private and state.

people are entitled to the fruits of their labor, nothing more. speculation is the root of all evil.

You ar a marxist shithead with no concept of right and wrong. To you, a completely broken real state market and systematic looting might actually be a good thing, because some hedonistic fucks got to loot a house.

There's no arguing with a demented parasite like you, you'll just convince yourself any form of destruction and harm might actually be good; just get into the helicopter and convince yourself how getting thrown out of it at 500 meters above ground might actually be a good thing for society, accept your fate.

How's this for a libertarian future, purple quadrant bros?
>USA economy is on its last legs
>Everywhere else, the collapse has already set in
>Europe has turned into a dystopian, West Bank-like hellhole riddled with concrete walls and pillboxes
>The Asian tiger economies have stalled and are threatening a sharp decline
>Africa and South America don't even bear speaking about
>A savior arises in America!
>Goes full John Galt with autistic radio speeches
>Leads Texas, Arizona, and a few other red states in Civil War II: No Step Edition
>Most of the military immediately defects to the rebels
>Federal government is defeated in under 6 months, Washington DC in its entirety is turned into glowing trinitite
>Seventeen new constitutional amendments to guarantee property, abolish conscription, BTFO regulation, etc.
>Massive heap of repealed legislation is piled up at the feet of the Statue of Liberty and burned to 3 solid days of fireworks and the sounds of recreational gunshots
>(((democracy))) abolished, the USA has grown out of its republican stage and is now an Empire
>The new Caesar declares a new policy
>'In accordance with the new fundamental principles incorporated into our Constitution...'
>'All property of US citizens, wherever they may be, is now under the protection of the US Government.'
>'If we're going to be a monopolistic providers of rights-protection, we're gonna fucking do it properly'
>All US corporations in foreign countries stop paying taxes and flat out ignore local legislation
>Foreign governments are too shell-shocked to do anything about it
>One week later, Sweden tries to nationalize a local Exxon branch in order to pay for their latest 'free sex transitions for every Congolese migrant' initiative
>Marines have the Prime Minister at gunpoint within four hours
>Nobody ever tries it again
>mfw every other country is forced to liberalize their economies to compete, or face total US economic annexation
>mfw anarcho-imperialism

Do some stickers, it's good this

I'm the user who said he'd give making an Ancap-themed youtube channel a try. I made a video about why universal voting is bad:


I know it's shit, but any feedback is welcome.

>if I cant swindle people into doing free shit, it must be THEIR fault not mine!

I never implied this. not once. my point was, because they live in a society that functions around people being PAID for their work, YOU cannot expect them to just not pay those people. which is what you did in your second post. you claimed that they should just appoint someone, and because they didn't it means that their system is a failure.

>never mind that all these countries.....
>if they were so good

I never argued that they were so good, I pointed out that their failure was part of a much larger picture. the capitalist world did not sit idly by while these nations tried to function, so to say their ultimate failure had nothing to do with globalist intervention is ignorant.

>shitskins, etc

thank you for moving out from behind your smokescreen. until this point, I thought your opinions were based around your own understanding of economics. but in truth, your opinions are grounded in scapegoating. anytime you succeed? its because I'm the best. anytime you fail? its because of group X.

I like it, I'll get you some traffic if I can.

and you are a mudskin banana cooker who likes to rant on Sup Forums while your whole country circles the drain.


are you sure its not your inability to contribute to your GDP in a meaningful way? HUEHUEHUE GIB MONY PLS BRLBRL

Notice how me, caring about the land laws of my country, in the mind of a demented marxist becomes:
>likes to rant on Sup Forums while your whole country circles the drain.
While you defend the real state destruction of my country.

No cure for marxist dementia but helicopter rides.


How to contradict yourself in one autistic screeching

Who /problemchild/ here?

>YOU cannot expect them to just not pay those people. which is what you did in your second post.
>hurr what is voluntary charity work

get fucking real, commie kike

>you claimed that they should just appoint someone, and because they didn't it means that their system is a failure.

That's exactly it was a failure! It's completely and entirely possible for people to do things voluntarily out of their goodwill. Charity, do you know of the concept? It doesn't matter what society they lived in, people can work for nothing if they give a shit about it. Evidently nobody gave enough shits. The system is a failure because some people are failures, and write shitty failure systems where they want all the fruits of labor without actually working. You cannot deny.

>their failure was part of a much larger picture. the capitalist world did not sit idly by while these nations tried to function, so to say their ultimate failure had nothing to do with globalist intervention is ignorant.
>my shitty system is failing, it's THEIR fault, not mine! WAAAAAAAHHHHH

do you have any sense of self-awareness? I'm not denying that other nations got involved as well, but that's no EXCUSE, which is what commies and liberals are so fond of.

>my system only works if I'm left alone!
>ok then do it in your private and personal life, try to organize a group to look after Marx's goddamn statue
>no fuck you I still need money, I blame the capitalist instead of myself :((((((

is exactly why commies cannot be taken seriously. No self-awareness, no responsibility, none whatsoever.

>I thought your opinions were based around your own understanding of economics.

They are. Some people are better than others, get over it. Get good or get the fuck out of their way.

I asked you a question, which you were quick to dodge. the people who scrapped the unused home created value for the community. that family was not living there, the home sat around doing nothing.


doubt it. since this is BRL we are talking about, it was probably a cow shed anyways. And I'm pretty sure they still owned the land, so that can still be sold.

ur country is fucked not because of Marxism, but because your culture is shit m8. even if there were laws protecting that cow shed from getting looted, all that would have changed is the people who did it would be branded thieves. And in brazil, a thief is just an average citizen.

>your opinions are grounded in scapegoating. anytime you succeed? its because I'm the best. anytime you fail? its because of group X.

Nice strawman. Now you're denying race realism as well? That group X isn't statistically more likely to commit violence, crime, domestic abuse, family abandonment? That some people aren't more prone to cheating, lying, swindling?

You're a joke. I freely admit that capitalism has no excuses, and that it only rewards the best of the best while pruning out the worst in society. Yet you can only interpret that as a scapegoat for yet another excuse, instead of seeing it as a chance for some people to self-improve and move up in the world compared to others who choose to leave themselves behind from their own inactivity.

Communism failed, and it's because people like you exist that make it fail from just being leeches quick to blame others and arbitrary external circumstances, never themselves.

man, you are some kind of troll ill give you that. I think you are lost, desu senpai. if you want to just keep responding to someone without actually reading your own posts, go here:

not an argument

even in discussion you collapse easily

Dave seems like an interesting guy. Not exactly /lrg/ redpilled but pretty reasonable. 8/10

Be white.

>even in discussion you collapse easily
You son of a bitch I thought I would die

I know its not an argument, its directions. you aren't keeping up with your own posts, so responding to you in turn isn't worth it. I cant expect you to derive meaning from what I write if you cant remember what you said in a previous post.

You are just responding for the sake of it.

This "land"should be in one's sphere of ethnic origin, Africans do not belong in Alaska.

He's been getting redpilled. He was on Radical Agenda recently and talks about voting and immigration changing demographics