What percentage Muslim does a country have to be before shit starts hitting the fan?

What percentage Muslim does a country have to be before shit starts hitting the fan?

Ireland is 1.3% Muslim and I've got a feeling that something's gonna happen here soon.

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anything over 1% seems to cause issues


I think it has more to do with the rate they are coming in. If its slow enough that they assimilate to the native culture and cant form sub communities ur good. Also the economic status and intelligance matters, which is why refugees are so much worse than actual immigrants who pack up their belongings and want to start a new life in a better place



>If its slow enough that they assimilate to the native culture
Provide some kind of basis for this assertion... "homegrown" Islamic terrorism isn't exactly uncommon from the children or grandchildren of immigrants

man i honest to god hate seeing them here

they honestly just don't fit in to irish culture, seriously. they're so out of place. they contribute nothing either, but everyone bends over backwards for them. i don't get it

>What percentage Muslim does a country have to be before shit starts hitting the fan?
That all depends on what you mean by, "shit starts hitting the fan"?


Posting OC




Prove there's a link between Islam and radical Islamic terror.

hmmm, maybe a bit too much of that wacky tobbacy

>they assimilate
No they don't. Its in their blood. Stop denying the truth of the matter. Assimilation has always been a myth. Assimilation can only occur between two people of the same general race. A Chinese could assimilate to Japan, a African can not assimilate to Germany.

Assimilation is just a polite word to make white genocide just a bit easier on the ears.

My cunt has an over 10% muslim population and we haven't had a terrorist attack since the second world war ended and the commies got what they wanted.

It's not about the percentage of muslims. It's about the percentage of muslims who are unwilling to Integrate Into civilized society and stick to their savage ways. The percentage of such muslims Increases greatly when you let every desert monkey wander In

>Inb4 not all muslims cuck
I love the muslims In my country. They are completely Integrated and love my nation as much as I do. The muslims In the west however are another breed and should be Instantly sent back to whatever desert rat hole they came from.

Ireland is getting the cream of the jihadi filth. All the guys who know the jig is up in the UK move to Ireland. They had to put extra police on at Cork airport because so many were flying in from the UK. They were stopping 20 a month last year. Per capita we are the third biggest export of ISIS members who go to fight in Libya and Syria.


>Ireland exporting terrorists

Norn iron fag here. There are a couple of mus families the town where I live. I give them the benefit of the doubt considering they decided to move to a pretty much 99% white area and not wear headdresses in the case of the women rather than find some shitty enclave in metropolitan areas and refuse to integrate.

Why we take out saddam? And gaddafi? And every other strong man in the muslim world? And then import all these people into the western world?

My foil hat is tingling

This. You want it 1% or lower and spread out all over the country in many communities not centralized in one area. Almost half of all muslims in the UK live in London. Its gonna be Malmo in less than a decade.

The blame can be left solely at Bush Jr's feet, he unilaterally decided to stay in the Middle East after Saddam was killed (and thus the goals of the war reached) to nation build. And you burgers get pissed at Russia for "hacking" the elections lmao

>Muslim family moved into my small Monaghan town
>They convert to Catholicism almost immediately after coming here
>They attend mass every Sunday
>Mfw ex-muslims are more Catholic than most of this country

>Ireland is 1.3% Muslim

If you believe that you're away with the fairies. It's twice the official figure, easily and it's growing daily.

And they are ALL in Dublin

>And they are ALL in Dublin

Nope. Limerick city has the highest proportion of muslims per capita of any city in Ireland, according to the 2016 census results.

I invite anyone to walk around the city centre, particularly the riverside and you'll see the beards and burka ninjas on every street. It fucking shocking how quickly this has happened. It wasn't like this even a year ago.

>It's about the percentage of muslims who are unwilling to Integrate Into civilized society and stick to their savage ways.


It all makes sense now.

It's ok we just have to start cracking down on hate speech to stop Terrorism.

They're using Ireland as a training ground and we need to do something soon or we're fucked.


>Ireland is 1.3% Muslim and I've got a feeling that something's gonna happen here soon.

It is RACIST for a country to keep statistics like this, I hope you contact your local government and complain about this absurd, islamophobic and medieval statistic

I don't think so. It's Dublin
pic related.

I mean the muslims in Bulgaria are leftovers from when the ottomans ruled if I remember correctly. They are like the albanians and bosnians: european muslims, not sand niggers.

Terrorism is the most effective form of warfare against the west. Traditional warfare is not possible.

What we are seeing is more aptly termed "jihad", which has been progressing since 632 AD quite consistently.

Now jihad must continue, but how do you fight something that can literally atomize you? Terrorism is the most effective method. Through psychological tactics, and attrition based strategies, you can defeat the unbeatable

Terrorism is simply the most recent method of jihad.

Right Wing Death Squads.

Well. That's one solution. Maybe not to everyone's liking, but it's still an option.

It seems to depend on the concentration more than the percentage.
Once they all start congregating in the same areas, they begin to form gangs. The gangs are then slowly co-opted by religious extremists because they all want to go to heaven after the drugs and shenanigans.
Eventually the more religious use the gangs to bully every other sandnigger into becoming more extreme, and then things start to spiral out of control.

I've seen the whole thing unfold over the last 2-3 decades, if you ever actually wanted successful integration, you would have to use their own methods to keep the nutjobs down.
No one is willing to do that, and honestly at this point you'd be an idiot for even wanting them to integrate.

When the gangs are big enough to keep the other hajis in line, then you know things are going to go to shit fast. It's not about percentage, but one demographic getting control over the others.

10% is the point of no return

they tend to double every decade or two, so once you hit 10% you can be sure the next generation will have some retarded muslim party in power or close to it unless there are laws against it